(Precious Women Organization Founder)
For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, “‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’” Acts 13:47
We thank God for carrying us through 2019- a year with many mountains and valleys. Because of God’s faithfulness in many stressful situations, our faith continues to grow as we begin 2020.
Thank you for your prayers for Benjamin especially during his hospitalization for influenza. We are also thankful that no one else caught it from him, especially because the team from Japan came just as he was recovering. Despite this, the team had a blessed time in Cambodia. They were a great encouragement both as prayer and ministry partners. They also were able to bless some poor Cambodian children through a special program in partnership with a local ministry to people who are so poor that they must live in graveyards.
Please pray for our senders in Japan. The pastor who heads our sending committee in Japan, who connects us with Japanese churches, and who is key to our fund-raising in Japan is going through some health problems and has had to take an extended time off from all ministries. So, please pray for this beloved pastor’s recovery and also please pray that God will open doors for us to visit churches in Japan this summer.
Please pray for our increasing work with Precious Women Organization, a ministry which evangelizes and retrains women who could easily become trapped in the sex industry. Kayo is praying about whether or not to join the board of Precious Women and Darryl has started working one day a week with them to produce videos to inspire the Cambodian women and other topics.
We are blessed with other ministry opportunities as well. Darryl continues to make evangelistic videos in the Cambodian language. One of his videos has recently been viewed by more than 40,000 Cambodians. He also continues to work with Light Times Magazine and on the development of an evangelistic/evangelistic website in partnership with a brother from Pakistan. Kayo also continues to be very busy with coordinating the international church’s worship team and reaching out to Japanese living in Cambodia.
Please continue to pray for our finances, especially for Benjamin’s educational expenses. With the various ministry projects that seem to need additional time and energy, we really don’t see a clear path for us to earn additional income through tent-making, at least not in this season. It seems that God wants us to trust Him to send the needed funds through His people.
In Christ’s Hands,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin