“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9
Darryl’s Apologetics/Evangelistic video ministry has just produced its first video in the Chinese (Mandarin) language! Darryl and Pastor Samuel have been talking about this for years now but due to COVID, we both finally have time in our schedules to work together to make this happen. Pastor Samuel translated and recorded the soundtrack of the video “DNA: God’s Living Software” in Chinese and then we used that to make the video using video from the English version of the video. This video is now available in Cambodian, English, Japanese, Spanish and Chinese. It is available for viewing and free download at www.internationalfishers.com/chinese.

Please pray for Pastor Samuel as he recruits other Chinese translators for future video projects. Pastor Samuel and Darryl are also working on a new video series in Chinese and English entitled “Learn English Through the Bible.” We are starting by teaching the book of Mark verse by verse in simple English and Chinese in short videos. Please pray for this project as well.

Darryl’s vision for International Fishers has long been to, “take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people we will never meet, in places we will never go, in languages we will never speak.” Because we live and serve in Cambodia, our main focus continues to be teaching and producing videos etc. in the Cambodian language. But, Cambodia is a very international country and so there are Christians from many other countries and languages and we are always open to opportunities to equip and partner with them to reach people of their own language and nation.
Last month, Darryl produced a video in the Cambodian language entitled, “the Bible and Angels” and released it on www.internationalfishers.com/khmer , on YouTube, and through several Facebook pages and groups. Darryl is about to release another video in Cambodian entitled, “God and Ethnic Groups,” but this time he will attempt to put in English subtitles so more people can understand it.
In November, Cambodia had its first community transmission of COVID 19. Up until now, all the cases have been imported from overseas and caught at the airport or during a mandatory 14 day quarantine. Now that COVID has broken through into the community, schools and churches are back online for the time being. Darryl’s apologetics class has also been moved to online video along with our other ministries. Please pray for the schools to reopen ASAP so that if possible Darryl can record the student’s apologetics videos instead of having to give them an online exam.
The family is doing well. We had a great Thanksgiving and birthdays (Darryl’s and Benjamin’s) (THANKS Kayo!).
Please pray for our visa renewals this month. The Cambodian government keeps making the requirements more difficult each year. We believe that we are fine for this year but please pray for favor and a smooth renewal process.
Please pray for COVID to get controlled so we can either visit the US or Japan next summer.
In Christ’s Hands,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin
Phnom Penh, Cambodia