Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage–with great patience and careful instruction. 2 Timothy 4:2
Dear Friends and family,
Greetings from Pakistan, we all at CC Pakistan are fine by the grace of God, the ministry also is going well. There have been some health issues in the last two months, but by the grace of God all is almost fine. I had some dental treatment and my wife had some stomach issues. She is still on medication. We know that you all pray for us and that is always great encouragement for us. We also pray for you and your family.
Ministry of the Word in other cities
From the very start of our ministry God laid on our hearts to focus on the ministry of the Word, as the power of the Word of God changed our lives forever. We also experienced that teaching the word of God has been changing lives around us through our humble ministry. So most of our energy always goes to some kind of teaching of the Word of God. Some times it was disappointing as many people have so many other attractions. But we have always believed that His Word will never return void. So we praise God that we have started seeing the fruit of it. Many people who are connected with us in different cities, they are serving and particularly teaching the word of God and they send us the praise report through photos. Here we want to share few glimpses with you and request you to please continue to pray.
Bahawalpur City (Near Desert)
Our friend brother Aftab has great passion to reach out to the unreached people in his area. CC Pakistan provides Bibles, Christian song books and other booklets to Aftab and his team. He travels every week to reach many different areas with the word of God, he provides people with Bibles and other study material. And he is the one who also organizes our weekly Bible class in his city where more than 40 people are studying the Book of Genesis with us currently.
Sahiwal City
Our dear brother Suleman is a seminary graduate, he has been in contact with us during all his student life at the seminary in our town. He is really wonderful person and loves teaching the word of God. He really likes Calvary Chapel’s way of serving and our focus to teach the Word of God to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ and God the father. We pray for him to be part of our team officially, right now he is learning from us in our weekly classes and also teaching in his town to a group of young people. He is also involved in outreach evangelism in his area by reaching the unreached Christians and by helping them in any possible way like providing printed/audio Bibles and other study material. Please keep him in your prayers.
Faisalabad City
A brother in Christ named Dilawar came into contact with us some years before. Now he is regular Bible student at our weekly class. He has developed really great interest to study the Word of God during all these years after by studying in our classes. He and his wife are leading some children’s Bible study groups at their house. Calvary Chapel Pakistan has also been providing Children Bibles, scriptural booklets and audio Bibles to this couple. They are doing amazing job and are equipping many children with the understanding of their Christian faith.
Sheikhupura City
In this city we have two online Bible classes going on. This is the place where I’ve been invited most of the time to teach. people love the Word of God, and our online students are really happy for the verse by verse Bible study. We have two groups of students in two different areas of this city and during this current visit for fellowship and teaching at a place, an other group is willing to join us in the study. This is so amazing that while so much prosperity teaching, and different manifestation are going around them, they are listening from other people about our Bible studies and are desirous to join in.
Women’s Ministry
The women ministry is going really well, Farah’s all-seminary study has been so helpful and she has been developing new classes for these women for better Bible study and also for Biblical counseling. This is really amazing ministry as most of the time, teaching Bible to the women is neglected in our society. We praise God for all that He is doing through this ministry. thanks for keeping this in prayers and always supporting CC Pakistan to continue this ministry.
Upcoming Training and Mission
Current we have prayerfully planned to go to our second mission trip of year 2021 in the desert area. Last time we invited, hosted and provided training for Children ministry to about 200 people from the surrounding areas, along with reaching out to people in the desert and having some special teaching sessions with our students there.
During this visit we have once again planned teaching for two whole days and we are expecting 100 church leaders there. One day we will be teaching about the “Person of Jesus Christ” (Christology) and the other day we will be teaching on Authenticity of the Bible. Besides this we have plan to reach some areas, have fellowship, provide Bibles to people, pray and teach here. We will be reaching some tribal people also in the desert. Please continue to keep this all in your prayers.
There is much more that God is doing through CC Pakistan like reaching out to brick makers, our church services, much of the translation of the Biblical study material and audio/video recording. Please continue to pray for this all and also for us all. Thank you very much for your all care, prayers and support.