Dear Family and Friends in the Gospel,

“I am Yahweh, that is My name; and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to carved images…Sing toYahweh a new song, and His praise from the ends of the earth… Yahweh shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war. He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud; He shall prevail against His enemies.”
Isaiah 42:8, 10a, 13
We came back from the Middle East a couple of weeks ago with hearts full but minds and spirits steady, set on His glory. It is because of your labor in prayers that we were able to seek the Lord and find solace in a land where the cloud of spiritual warfare is infamous and culture bangs an uncomfortable drum.
There are many stories to tell, but one God has put on my heart to share:
There are movements happening in the Middle East that are God-glorifying and saving lives from the clutches of the Enemy! There is hope. The people who follow the country’s religion are being saved and being made disciples, but the Word of God is needed! One of our sisters shared her favorite verse, and I am sure she is truly touched by it, but she could not show us in the Word where it was located. This I think describes the need for the training and knowledge of God’s Word. This is part of why we believe, as a Team, we are called to go.
Our Same Calling: Moving Together in spirit
But the beauty and hope! I was praying through God’s heart and His leading for what good works He may have prepared for us (all of you and me) in the Middle East.
When one is called to go to the unknown I am convinced that God calls His Body to go with them, in heart, mind, and spirit, as well. We are partners and members of Christ’s Body and we are running this race together! So, when considering the next step I do not take lightly the cost, recognizing it is not just mine to count but yours as well.
With this, I am convinced God leading me to live in the Middle East for a time, with a Team, for training and equipping to reach the people of Central Asia and simply to take a step to carry out His calling to reach the unreached wherever I may be. I’ll be moving overseas, God willing (!), in February or March.
Now, this does rely on God’s timing and His provision, but we are taking this step of faith together by setting a date and season to leave. So, as the loved ones and friends God has moved into this calling with me, I ask for your prayers and God-given faith towards reaching many and many people so they may give Him glory in thanksgiving for His grace (2 Corinthians 4:15).
Until Then…
I’ll be traveling from home state to home state and continuing my time in the Internship, assisting Pastor Tim in Missionary Equipping at SGWM.
Before I leave, as God provides, I will also be taking part in a four-day crisis control training, run by former government and military personnel. We will learn how to take mental and physical prevention and in-situation measures for any type of extreme crisis emergency that may take place in the countries we will be moving to. Check it out here: https://cricon.org/.
I’ll be taking trips to Texas and California, and I just met with the church family in Oregon. Shout out to my friends who were kind to host and tote me around in their car! May the Lord bless your labor of love (Philippians 4:11-20).
I am incredibly thankful for all of your love and partnerships and if you would like to meet me before I leave, please connect with me via text, call, or email! My heart is to see as many as God would allow before the move. I am planning on coming on furlough when the Lord sends me, but the timing isn’t always known. I will always be here to hear your heart, encourage, and serve you as Christ has served us.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
– For provision to go on the vision tour!
– For each one of you as dear Family and Friends
– For His clear leading and direction for the next steps for the future
– For His protection
– For His kind heart to provide opportunities to catch up with family and the family of Christ
– Growth in obedience and understanding of His word to be weak in Christ so He may be lifted higher in exaltation!
– For Central Asia: A team and wisdom are needed to proceed with making moves toward Reaching the Unreached of Central Asia.
– The God-given ability to see and meet brothers and sisters in America
If you wish to partner in the Gospel as we run towards His name being made known among the Unreached you can do so by:
- Praying! This is first and foremost. God moves through the prayers of His Saints in thanksgiving
- Giving financially towards one of my upcoming trips or a monthly donation. I do need a consistent income of 80%/month for living costs before I am sent.
- Reaching out to me personally! I am available for communication if you would like to partner as a Church leader, Prayer Group, Friend, etc.
To Financially partner: The button is available or you can make a check out to Saving Grace World Missions with my name in the memo at 17451 Bastanchury Rd Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886.
Many blessings and love from Him who is worthy of All Praise