Greeting friends and family,
We are at the halfway mark of our time here in Rosarito, and the enemy is using his sneaky tactics to try to trip us up. Which should not be surprising as he always tries to undermine what God is doing. He has been doing all he can to contradict what God has said since the beginning of time. It is so fitting that in our weekly reading we are going through the book “The Strategy of Satan” How to detect and defeat him. Bold title, right? Just like Satan studies our weaknesses and uses any moment to attack us, we must be able to use the Word of God to stand strong. In this spiritual battle, I often forget that we fight from victory and the enemy is defeated because of the finished work of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. We can walk confidently knowing that we are on the winning team but let us be keenly aware of the strategies of Satan. “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not WAR according to the flesh. For weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty in God to pull down strongholds.” 1 Corinthians 10:3-4a
It has been so awesome to be able to see how God is using pastors and teachers to pour their years of experience into our lives. We had the privilege of hearing from Pastor Mike Thiemann who shared about the heart of the Great Commission and what a disciple is and how to make disciples. Plus, Pastor Joel Garcia was very thorough on how worship is more a heart posture towards God and music is just an extension. I took countless notes, and I know the wisdom they shared with us is something I will constantly look back on as a foundation for ministry. We had the pleasure of having Phil and Joy Metzger share with us their 20 years of ministry and missions experience in Hungary. They were both called individually by God to be missionaries and then the Lord brought them together in marriage to be a dynamic duo for the Kingdom of God. I really enjoyed their meekness, and how they were very straightforward about the ups and downs of the field.
The main idea that I took away from the class is from 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 were Paul says “I have become all things to all men that I may, by all means, save some.” I loved how Phil carefully explained that we are to be tethered to the message of the Gospel but can reach out without compromise in our life. Something that struck me was three questions he had us think about. First, what can I give up for the sake of the Gospel? Second, what do I take up for the sake of the Gospel? Thirdly, what is non-negotiable of the Gospel? The complexity of these questions made me stop and truly consider the seriousness of following Jesus. I pray that this has stirred your heart to reflect on what the Lord is impressing on your heart at this time. Phil also emphasized the need of learning the language of the people group God has called you to share the Gospel with. Throughout all our classes, language learning has been a key point highlighted. Everything we learn and the knowledge that we gain is simply for the sake of the Gospel, building relationships with true connection, and being an ambassador for Christ to share His truth and love.
Over the past three weeks, we have had a balance of private devotional time, communal living, class teachings, and outreaches. This week we were able to come alongside Pastor Martin and his church to help encourage the people, share testimonies of God’s work in our lives, and celebrate all that God is doing in the community of Rancho Santa Cruz. We had a group do a skit and act out a scene from a construction site illustrating Philippians 1:6 were Paul states, “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” The exciting part is the church is literally in the middle of being constructed. The place was a construction zone! Sometimes, we overlook the importance of how we can disciple children and how their minds are fertile soil that can bear much fruit. Just like we learned in our class this week, we are to be disciples first, and then we can make disciples. Being in partnership with God to be faithful to do His work, and then having the privilege of being a part of pouring into those He has entrusted to us.
Thank you so much for partnering with me in prayer, God is definitely listening and answering them. Stay tuned for how the Lord is working in and through us here in Mexico. If you feel led to partner with me financially click on the Financial partner button below.
Praise reports:
- God fortifying the call on my life
- Powerful work of the Gospel in Mexico
Prayer requests:
- Clarity of where God is calling me
- Memorization of God’s word
- Guidance after I return to California

Getting equipped for the battle by reading the “Strategy of Satan” book