Dear Friends and Family,
This past month Luke and Laylee celebrated their birthdays. While celebrating their birthdays it got me thinking about the youth in Uganda. Uganda’s population is 78% under the age of 17. No matter where you go you find children of all ages. Our church is no exception. Most Sundays the Sunday school is more then double the adults in service. If it is a school holiday or special event that number can even double again.
One of the first things we noticed about the children was their hunger and poverty related illnesses
Our church is situated just a couple streets above a large market place and an area that would be considered slums. Most of the congregation and children come from that environment. To try and reach the families that live there and provide a safe venue for the children to play, we arrange many different activities throughout the year, some more often then others, for the children to take part in. One of the first things we noticed about the children was their hunger and poverty related illnesses. We were thankful to the Lord that in 2017 we were able to begin giving the children snacks during Sunday School and extra curricular activities as well as breakfast after church.
Some of the activities we have been offering the children are Game nights, Christian movie nights, as well as outdoor games like net ball and soccer. In all that we do the focus is teaching about Jesus and helping the children to develop a personal relationship with Him. On Sundays the children are divided by age groups to be taught but during other activities, teachings and discussions are done with all the children together. Twice a year we host a family day out where we invite the church members as well as the families of the children to come for food, swimming and fellowship. We pray that as we minister to the children it would overflow to the parents and families to know Christ as well.
In all that we do the focus is teaching about Jesus
Since most of the children who attend our church attend without their families we like to do community outreaches and home visits. We visit the homes of the children one by one to get to know their families and for their families to know us and understand what it is that we do with their children. These visits also help us to better understand the home life and needs of the children we are ministering to. The most recent community outreach we
had was this past month. We had a soccer tournament in a field with in the community. The youth from our church played soccer with local teams comprised of children from the community. It was really a lot of fun and the children made new friends while the adults also interacted with each other and many people heard the gospel as well as the testimonies of some of the older children. Since the outreach we have had many visitors at church, mostly children but some adults as well.
Another way the Lord has opened the door for community outreach is by providing us the opportunity to share devotions once a week at a near by school. This responsibility is shared between Brian and our Sunday School director Frank. We pray that the non Christian students and teachers would be touched by what they hear and the believers encouraged and strengthened in their walks.
With the rapid growth of the Sunday School and the many visitors coming to church, who will prayerfully continue coming, we needed more room. We are very thankful that the Lord provided for us to expand the sanctuary by knocking down some walls and to take the floor below us which is divided into 4 rooms and a kitchen for the Sunday School. Thank you to all who provided and continue to provide to make this possible.
Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.
In Him,
Brian, Jill,
Luke, Laylee
and Liana
Prayer Requests
- Praise the Lord for all that is being done to reach the people of Uganda.
- Pray for those who professed Christ in the market place community. Pray for them to attend church and to grow spiritually.
- Pray for Jill. She will need to go to the States for treatment in August. Pray that the children can get visas and go with her.
- Pray for all the teachings that took place this month. Pray that they will go beyond peoples ears to their hearts and lives.
- Pray for Jill as she teaches at a retreat this month in Fort Portal.
- Pray for all the ministries of Arise Christian Fellowship as well as the other ministries we partner with..
- Pray for Jill and the children as they continue in homeschooling.
- Pray for Brian as pastors and leads our ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
- Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.