“… in everything give thanks; for this is
the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. ”
—1 Thessalonians 5:18
Dear Friends and Family,
Happy Thanksgiving!!
The last couple of years have been difficult for many of us. Whether it has been personal suffering or the trials that have come from the Covid epidemic, we have all been affected in some way. One of the wonderful blessings of being a Christian is that no matter what we are going through is that we have hope. That hope enables us to give thanks always no matter what we are going through.
Last month I shared our thankfulness that churches in Uganda are once again allowed to be open. This month our thankful hearts are overflowing as the church has been brimming over with people seeking fellowship. To better serve all those coming on Sunday mornings we were blessed with the provision to make some improvements to the church. We added a small stage with extra lighting so the worship team and pastor could be better seen in the sanctuary, the overflow room and the live video broadcast. We had added an overflow room after the first lock down but after we opened up this second time we quickly realized that even that was no longer enough space. This past month we were able to turn the entry way into the Sunday school rooms into a second overflow room. We are really praying that all those who have been coming will continue to do so and that they will grow in their relationship with the Lord and truly become part of the Arise ministry team.
Another thankful moment was when Rob Wargi, a missionary from South Sudan was down in Kampala and was able to share with the church. We can not even remember, since the time of covid began when we were able to have a guest speaker. That step towards normalcy, as well as his message, was a real encouragement to the church and to myself. It was a full house and a storm came so Rob redeemed the time with a lengthy message and the worship team with much worship. The congregation responded happily and laughed and commented throughout to show their appreciation and their thankfulness.
It has not only been the people from our church that are excited for church to be back. Many of the churches we help out are experiencing the same overflowing services that we have been. On Wednesdays Brian has been meeting with a couple of local pastors who while being pastors have a desire for further discipleship. In many cases in Uganda you will find pastors who have never gone to Bible College or had any type of biblical training besides what they have learned on their own. One of the pastors that Brian has been discipling, Nelson, had been meeting in a small store front. During the lockdown they began meeting in a larger unfinished structure. They were using a tarp for the roof. Now that the rainy season has come we were blessed to be able to help them to acquire sheet metal to cover the roof and keep the growing congregation dry.
As I have been saying, we have so much to be thankful for. We are very thankful for the many of you who pray for us and support the ministry. I now as a very serious prayer request. Recently we have had 2 terror attacks, 1 thwarted terror attack and as I write this one that is under investigation. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks saying that Uganda is a crusader state, persecuting Muslims. The fact is Uganda has many Muslims but they support countries and host refugees from Muslim countries (including Afghanistan) that persecute their own people. The attacks have all been around the outskirts of the city, targeting predominantly Ugandan restaurants and buses. Please pray for the safety of the Ugandan people and for us as we minister to them.
Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.
We would like to thank all of you for blessing us through your prayer and support of our family and for the ministry in Uganda. This year we have had many blessings like weddings, births and outreach despite the ongoing covid pandemic. As a church we have mad e the most of the times we can meet together to pray, worship and fill ourselves with the teaching of God’s Word. The church has grown both in number and maturity. We look forward to this coming year to see what God has in store. You are in our thoughts and prayers as we enter this new year. God Bless You this holiday season as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus!
In Him,
Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana
- We rejoice and thank the Lord for answered prayers and for those he continues to answer.
- Pray for Arise Christian Fellowship as we meet and fellowship together. Pray for all the changes and updates taking place to accommodate the growing church. Pray for the newcomers to feel at home and to begin to grow and for the regulars to go deeper and really make the most of being able to worship together.
- Pray for Nelson and the other pastors who are ministering to people who have been longing for fellowship and seeking the Lord during lockdown.
- Pray for safety and an end to the terror attacks taking place in Uganda. Pray for those who have lost someone and for those who have been injured.
- Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
- Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.