Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Luke 18:16
Dear Friends and Family!
Merry Christmas!
As we prepare to celebrate Christmas–Jesus’ birth–it strikes me that God sent His Son as a little baby. God loves children. I believe that children are never too young to begin learning about Jesus and can come to know Him at a very young age.
Currently, at Arise Christian Fellowship there is a lot happening among the youth. Before I share with you all that is happening I want to share how it all began. After having finished a new believers class and a discipleship class we felt that these young Christians needed to begin to also serve in the church. Before putting them in any position to serve we offered them a short course on servanthood, how to serve like Jesus.
Throughout our studies some weren’t sure what God is calling them to and were willing to try anything. Others were very sure of what God is calling them to and had strong desires to step out in those areas of ministry. The #1 calling we found the students expressing (both men and women) was to children. This was the beginning of the amazing children’s ministry / outreach that is developing within the church and our community.
The following Sunday we had over 75 children in children’s ministry!
As a church most of the outreaches we have had have centered around sports. Our first children’s outreach was no different. In Uganda, soccer or football as they call it, is the center of all extra curricular activities for adults and children alike. Anywhere you go you will most likely see a soccer ball being kicked around. There is a field not far from our church where children and young adults can be seen playing soccer daily. We met there and arranged the kids into teams. Our volunteers from church gave them some pointers on how to kick and play fairly then we let them play. Afterwards we had a evangelistic Bible story and served them snacks and water. We invited them all to church. The following Sunday we had over 75 children in children’s ministry! We really believe that the harvest is ripe amongst the children and Jesus is still saying, “Let the little children come to me”.
As we started having so many children come to Sunday school, we quickly realized that many come from poverty stricken families. They are hungry, in need clothes and some are sick. This has led to us praying about how we can best help the children physically while ministering to them spiritually. As of right now we are trying to meet the hunger issue. We can’t be at their homes everyday to make sure they eat but on Sundays when they come to us we can be try to serve them something
so their tummys are full and they can concentrate on what they are learning about Jesus. Continue to pray with us for guidance on other ways we can show Christ’s love for them through meeting needs and provision to do so.
Continue to pray with us for guidance…and provision…
Another one of the volunteers at church felt called to minister to the children thru music. He meets with the children before Sunday school for a time of children’s worship. This allows the Sunday school teachers to sit in on worship in the sanctuary before they teach. He is also meeting with the children on Tuesday evenings after school. Currently they are practicing to share something special with the church for Christmas.
Another one of our volunteers felt led to oversee our movie night outreach. Since he has been using it as a platform to evangelize and invite people to church we have had a full house the last Friday every month. We show a Christian movie that is followed by a short message. Besides the evangelistic opportunity this is, it also provides a safe place for the youth to gather together.
As we reflect on the love God showed to us by sending Jesus to be born, to live and to die for us, let us also extend that love to others.
Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Kampala.
In Him,
Brian, Jill,
Luke, Laylee,
and Liana
- Praise the Lord for all He is doing in lives of the men and women at Arise Christian Fellowship.
- Pray for all the new volunteers. Pray that they would do all unto the Lord and for His glory.
- Pray for the children’s ministry at Arise Christian Fellowship. Pray for all the teachers and children.
- Pray for the upcoming Christmas service and children’s program. Pray that everyone would know that Jesus is the reason for the season.
- Pray for health and safety for our family.
- Continue to Pray that we would truly “Arise and Shine” the light of Christ in this dark place.
- Pray for Brian as pastors and leads our ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
- Pray for all the ministries and leaders.
- Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.