I can’t believe I have already been in Mexico for two weeks! Time is flying by and all of it has been so fruitful! This week, I’ve learned about the filling of the Holy Spirit and living to be used by God through teachings and books that the team and I have read. The more I sit in His presence and meditate on Him, the more I want to be fully saturated and live my life in every aspect for Him.
It has been such a privilege to be able to be part of the Calvary School of Missions team and something that I will never take for granted. The teachings and books have been incredibly thought-provoking and heart wrenching. All of the people that we have been able to share the gospel with, serve, and make friendships with have been such a sweet blessing. My life has been filled with so much joy because I have been filled with so much Jesus. It is such a privilege to be the hands and feet of Jesus and see the weight lifted off of an individual who’s chosen to take the step of faith and receive Christ. Oh, to see their tears and hear their cries that represent new hope found in Christ.
God has done a work in my heart that has given me a desire to accomplish things that affect eternity, rather than material things that will only come and go like the wind. There are about 3 billion people in our world today that have never even heard of the name of Jesus, and possibly might not ever hear. I want to be a part of doing something to change this in our world. These people need to hear the good news of the gospel. They are waiting. These people are wanting. Many of them are starving and living horrible lives. They have no hope. They need Jesus. If no one goes, they have no hope. We need to reach them. I want to reach them. My heart’s cry is to reach these people that have never heard of God.
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written:
Romans 10:14-15
“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace,
Who bring glad tidings of good things!”
Thank you so much for all of your prayers and partnership with me. This School of Missions has been such a joy and has promoted so much growth and a greater love for Jesus in my life. I am so grateful and I am praying for you; that God will continue to deepen your faith and love for Him, that His desires would become your desires even more, and that you would be completely satisfied and content in Him. I love you all so much!
Praise Reports:
-All of our team is in good health!
-God is evidently working in the hearts of our team as well as the hearts of nationals in Mexico.
-It is such a blessing to be here!! It is such a privilege to be able to listen to all of the classes that we have been given and complete all of the books that we have been able to read!
Prayer Requests:
-Please pray that God, in His perfect timing, would reveal to me His calling on my life and where He wants me to go.
-Please pray for my heart, that every day I would grow deeper in my faith and my surrender to Him.
-Please pray for the unreached people that have never heard the name of Jesus; that God would send someone and that they would hear and receive the good news of the gospel.