Dear friends and family,
As my time here in Mexico draws to a close the Lord shows me the fruits of this year. I remember when I had first joined staff at Calvary Rosarito I struggled to keep up with people and took an excruciating amount of time to learn how to do the tasks I was given. However, the Lord kept me faithful and now almost a year later much has changed. I’m able to use my creativity in the media ministry and even be in charge of creating a podcast for the church. I’ve improved in the livestream ministry- going from constantly making rocky mistakes to finding a more streamlined process of doing things. For much of the year I struggled with thoughts of being a burden on that ministry due to how slow I was learning. But over time the Lord showed me that the greatest value is found in faithful endurance rather than talent.

During a prayer meeting at the beginning of the year, I had a personal prayer request to be like the tree planted by the river in Psalm 1. The idea being that I wanted prayer for being rooted in the Word and not shaken when life gets overwhelming. However, the Holy Spirit spoke to me that day through a pastor who highlighted a different part of that verse to me. I’d never really thought about it before but the pastor brought to my attention the part that says the tree “brings forth fruit in its season.” The fruit of the tree is not brought forth immediately when rooted, but rather it comes over time. Fruit requires faithfulness and steadfastness.
“But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.He shall be like a tree
~ Psalm 1:2-3 ~
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.”
The culture we live in today seems to be all about immediate gratification to our efforts and desires. Like a microwave we want the quickest path to results. It seems like today’s technology wires our brains to expect immediate results and get frustrated or impatient when the signal buffers or we see the dreaded word: “loading…” The wait is irritating. Yet how interesting it is that in life it seems the longer we wait, the greater the reward. The more we keep working at something, the greater the gratification. The longer we remain faithful, the more growth we see when we glance back.
Looking Ahead
I’m so excited for the new year! Many of you know in January I will be moving to Orange County to join the missions internship at Calvary Chapel Saving Grace. This internship prepares people who want to be sent out to do long term cross-cultural missions. My heart is to be sent out with a church planting team to Japan one day and so I’m very excited about this internship. I also love Calvary Chapel Saving Grace and its people, I can’t wait to be back with them again! 🙂
To close I just want to say thank you so much for reading these newsletters. I love receiving all your messages and replies to them, they mean a lot to me. I’m also very grateful for your prayers, let me know how I can pray for you as well! I look forward to writing you again soon💛
Lydia Boubion

Helping record the church planting class and filming the service for the livestream!
Praise Reports!
- Answered prayer of finding a godly woman to confide in and receive biblical counsel from
- Special moments with my siblings in my remaining time at home
- More progress on the church planting book
Prayer Requests:
- Wisdom and diligence in editing the church planting book
- That my love for God and people would keep growing
- For my move in January (housing, job, etc.)