Dear friends and family,
I have made it to Yorba Linda, California! These past 2 months have gone by so fast with all of the business of a new life. Moving felt like I was tossed into a whirlwind as I ran around for a bit, trying to get used to new schedules and responsibilities. But 8 weeks later, I’ve found my steps align to a steadier tempo. God is so good to me, He has provided all of my needs seamlessly and answered many prayers. Let me share a little bit about what I’ve been up to in my life here in Yorba Linda.

SGWM Internship
I have now joined the Saving Grace World Missions internship at Calvary Chapel Saving Grace. I am taking 3 classes right now in the internship- one on cross-cultural missions, one on Ephesians, and one focusing on the historical study of Acts. The internship class also requires me to create a 15-minute bible study every week and present it to be critiqued. I definitely have a lot of areas to improve in but I really enjoy it!
My New Job!
At the end of last month, the Lord provided a job for me! I’m super excited to share that I’ve been brought on as the new administrative assistant for the Saving Grace World Missions office. My primary job is to onboard new missionaries to our organization and help them through that process. I am also helping out current missionaries with any questions or technical issues they run into. The job involves a lot of communication and problem solving and I love it! It is so exciting to be a part of the amazing work of ultimately spreading the gospel to the world. I’m learning so much about the practical side of what it means to be sent out onto the mission field.
Red Light on Japan Trip
There were a lot of ups and downs for me these past weeks and one of the disappointments was realizing I wouldn’t be able to go on the Japan vision trip after all. Unfortunately different aspects of the plan just fell through very suddenly and within a very short amount of time, preventing me from going. I know things always happen for a reason though, and I trust in God’s timing. I know I’ll be able to go one day when the time is right. For now though, I can keep focusing on the mission’s internship, as well as wedding planning:)
Grateful to be Here
Despite the business and craziness of life, I am so happy to be here and working with the people around me. The Lord is definitely growing me as I stretch myself out a bit more than before. Thank you so much for your prayers, God has taken very good care of me and provided for all my needs. I look forward to updating you next, this year definitely has a lot to hold.

Dinner at Life Group bible study!
Praise Reports:
- I got a job at Saving Grace World Missions!
- I got a bike!
- I’ve joined a women’s discipleship group for the intern girls
Prayer Requests:
- For Geoff’s and my relationship and life/wedding plans and provisions
- That my love and trust in the Lord would deepen
- That I would be able to maintain my relationships well in the midst of a busy schedule