“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
ISAIAH 55:10-11

Hello friend! I hope and pray that this email finds you well! I am so grateful for the love and support you’ve shown me! It has been an eventful nine months, and the Lord is moving in exciting ways as I move into the next season.
As you may know, I attended Calvary School of Missions with Saving Grace World Missions (SGWM) in the summer of 2020. We spent six weeks in Rosarito, MX learning about God’s heart for the world, and how Jesus has invited us to participate in fulfilling His purpose among the nations. The trip was full of studying the Word, outreach, and fellowship! We heard testimonies and teachings from pastors and church planters from all over the world, and invited the Lord to speak to each of us about how He would lead us to fulfill that calling on our lives.

CSOM 2020
After the summer session, I decided to return to Bible college and continue studying God’s Word. That’s when the Lord placed Matthew 9:35-38 on my heart, and moved me to start a weekly missions prayer meeting! We met every Saturday night to petition the Lord that His glory would fill the earth, and His gospel would spread, His church would be comforted in the midst of persecution, and that His name would be honored and exalted among all nations. The Lord brought a solid, consistent group of people who committed to pray, and it was such a sweet time as we invited Jesus to teach us how to pray.
These last two semesters of Bible college have been so special and full of an awareness of Jesus’ presence. I am so grateful for the time God gifted me to seek Him without distraction and to begin learning how to study His Word carefully and prayerfully. As He promises in the above verses from the prophet Isaiah, His Word certainly accomplished so much in my own life. It brought forth bread for me to feast upon, and seeds to sow among those around me. These words in Isaiah bring me so much comfort because God has a purpose and a plan for the distribution and cultivation of His Word, and He is more zealous for His plan than I ever could be! It’s HIM who is sowing the seed of His Word and feeding His people with the bread of life, and His purpose WILL be accomplished. It is such a blessing to be invited into that plan to spread His Word, but it is always Him working through me to bring the light of the gospel to those who are in darkness.
I graduated from Calvary Chapel Bible College just a few weeks ago, I have just moved to Yorba Linda to continue in the missions program with SGWM! I will be participating in a missions internship where I will gain hands-on experience in ministry, take more classes on Bible study and teaching, and learn more about cross-cultural church planting! I am so happy to be here with my CCSG church family. The Lord has so generously provided for all my needs. I have a gracious family to live with, and a part-time job at an in-home preschool/kindergarten!
I thank Yahweh, the true and living God, for you, and ask that He would fill your heart and life with deep and real knowledge of His all-surpassing love for you in Jesus Christ. Please email me back with any prayer requests you have. I would love to connect with you and partner with you in prayer.
Grace and peace,
Rachel Martinez

Class of 2021!
Praise Reports
- The Lord has graciously provided a safe place to stay for the next year!
- Before I even set foot in Yorba Linda two weeks ago, I already had a job lined up.
- He has given me such an incredible church family to seek the His face alongside. I am so grateful for the opportunity to partner with SGWM in seeing the good news go to those who have not heard.
- The transition from Las Vegas to Yorba Linda was smooth!
Prayer Requests
- Please pray for the 7,000+ people groups in the world that do not have access to the good news that Jesus is alive (see below photo)!
- Please pray for the upcoming Calvary School of Missions (CSOM)! May the Lord continue to equip people for the spread of His good news among all nations!
- Please pray that the Lord would give me diligence and discipline to balance my schedule. I am taking a Bible Teaching class, so please pray that the Lord empowers me with the humility and care necessary to rightly interpret and understand His Word.
The Unreached

(Photo from Advancing Native Missions)