Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I thank God for you as you continue to pray and support the ministry.
Since last month, we have been having Sunday church services in another village (above). In that village there were a few believers. About two years ago they went through persecution and many of them turned away from the Lord, but there were a few who did not. They have been having a house fellowship. For the last two years they have been doing Sunday services by themselves. They were excommunicated from the village. But, these two families remained faithful to the Lord and they (ten members in one family and five in another) would gather together in one family and sing worship songs and study the Word. They were left by the others, and had no one to guide and teach the Word.
It has now been over a month since we have been going to their village every Sunday to teach them from the Bible. Each Sunday two people from our church go there to have the church service. We take turns since we also preach at our main church in the city. In our church I have been teaching through the book of Galatians, so I am planning to teach the same in this village church when it is my turn. The last couple of times I visited them, I shared from Psalms.
If you remember, I have been teaching Bible study to teenage children every week. It’s really encouraging to see them grow in the Word. Now they have many good questions from the Bible that sometimes I cannot give the answers to right away. It’s good! They make me think and study more. In May they had summer break. During this time they had a Vacation Bible School (VBS) at a Mennonite Church. That’s the first church we had in our city which is more than 100 years old. They started the mission work here and my grandparent’s parents came to the faith through them.
During the summer time, children from all of the churches attend that VBS and learn a lot from the Bible. I went through their books and they have a really good syllabus for the VBS. I am happy to share that two of my students (pictured) got the tag “bright star” in their respective class group, which is like the best student award. I then shared with their teachers that they are my students. I am really glad to see them grow in the Word and in their Christian faith. I am thankful to God for using me to be a part in their spiritual growth.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for me to continue to grow and be used by God here in my city.
- Please pray for my church people to also continue to grow strong spiritually and that new believers may be added to the church as we minister to the non-Christians.
- Please pray for the new village church that I shared about. May they also grow in the Word and faith.
- Please pray for us to find committed students as we are planning to start the Bible School next month.
Pastor 9
* Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.