It has been a little while since our last update on the purchase of the Connections House property here in Rosarito. We are excited about the funds raised so far and we are completely in awe of what the Lord has done! Just over two thirds of the total purchase amount has been given. At this point, however, we are in waiting mode. There are a couple of small issues with the paperwork for the property that need to be cleared up before the sale can go through. It looks like it could be up to an 8-10 month process. So we are waiting on the Lord’s timing. We know it is perfect. We have faith that everything will be taken care of so that we can make the purchase final.
As we look ahead, we have two big projects here at Connections House coming up. The first one is to replace the leaking roof over the dorms, and the second is to add two new bathrooms. If your church/youth group/etc. is looking to send a team to Mexico and would like a construction project, please pray and consider one of these much-needed improvements to our dorms!
Teams, Teams, Teams!!
Right now we are springing into the busy season! Connections House was hopping with four back to back teams in the two weeks surrounding Easter. At the same time we had two teams housed at a different location that we were serving with as well. There was children’s ministry, soccer & testimonies, a dump outreach, street evangelism, a senior home visit, work projects, children’s homes visits, and so much more! One highlight was an outreach at the park, complete with carnival games, prizes, face painting, popcorn, cotton candy, soccer, and clowns, which ended with the VeggieTales movie, “Jonah”, on the big screen.
New Bilingual Church Plant and New Staff at Connections House!
Next month we are going to have to say “see you later” to some very good friends of ours. Michael & Melissa Hanson, along with their three children, Caleb, Sarah, and Nathan, have been serving here as missionaries for six years. In May, they will be moving back to Santa Cruz, California to plant a bilingual church – Santa Cruz Bilingual Church! We are so excited for them and looking forward to seeing what the Lord is going to do through this amazing family. Next month we have the privilege of helping them move to Santa Cruz, approximately 8 hours north of here. We will visit a couple of churches along the way that we have been working with for several years. Our return trip will be to move our good friends, Shawn & Pam Cullen to Rosarito. The Cullens have ser
ved as part-time missionaries for the past six years. Pam has served many weeks at a time, as well as several summers, here with us during our busiest seasons of teams, as Cook, Nurse, Team Host, and wherever else needed. Shawn has also served for many weeks here and there over the past six years and has recently retired from the fire department in Northern California. Shawn and Pam will be working with us in team ministry here at Connections House. The photo on the right is Shawn and Pam with their daughter, Jessica. Our trip up to California will also include some much needed family vacation time as well.
Family Life
There is never a dull moment. William is working diligently to finish up school over the next month. He is doing really well, considering all the days and half-days he takes off for ministry purposes. He is excited and striving to finish up in time for our
upcoming trip so that he will not have to do school on the road. Ron has been busy getting some items ready to sell at a fundraiser at CCR and to pick up a huge load of donations near LA for the church and our church plants. Kristy is working to catch up on all the photo editing from all the teams and recent ministry. A recent project was the Easter photos at CCR. You can see the background we created in these three photos. William is pictured with one of his good friends, Daniel.
Brittany has a new job working for Bibigo, a Korean restaurant. She commutes an hour, one way, to work on the other side of the border. Brian will be finishing up his third semester soon at a university in Tijuana, where he is studying to be a teacher of foreign languages. He and Brittany continue to serve together in worship ministry at Calvary Chapel Playas in Playas de Tijuana, where Brian is also working full-time as Pastor’s Assistant.
Thank You!
We truly do feel your prayers! We are so blessed to serve here in Rosarito and we are excited for what lies ahead. Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and support!
Financial Giving
No, it’s not too late to give toward the purchase of Connections House! The sooner the property is paid off, the sooner we will be able to make the improvements needed! There are still two easy ways for you to give:
#1 – GoFundMe – Just click & give!
#2 – Tax-deductible gift – May be sent in the mail by doing the following:
Checks may be made payable to “Calvary Chapel Rosarito”. Please write “Connections House” on the memo line and mail to: Calvary Chapel Rosarito, 511 E San Ysidro Blvd #6355, San Ysidro, CA 92173