Come Aside to a Deserted Place and Rest a While

I have been delinquent in keeping up with our newsletters. The last two months have been full with back to back groups, visitors, and trips. The Lord keeps lavishing His grace on us in so many ways I would either bore you, make you doubt me, or make you envious of us if I went on and on about all He’s done in this season. It has been the greatest season the Mission has ever experienced. I’ll tell all next time when the school/Season of Discipleship is over.

However, one thing I will share with you is how he blessed the staff. Normally during a school we take the students camping at Bahia de los Angeles (Bay of Angels). We didn’t consider that to be an option considering that we didn’t charge for those who did come down and everyone couldn’t leave all at once. But the Lord just laughs at our limited reasoning and gives us a demonstration of how all of our impossibilities are such minuscule effortless act for Him. Someone provided for two trips so that all of the staff could go. He even provided extra experienced coverage for the Mission while each group was away.

Although I love going there if, it wasn’t for my family I would have opted not to go. I was too wrapped up in all of the “coming and going.” It had been over a year and a half since I’d taken time off, and after getting there the Lord reminded me of the importance of taking a break from the service to readjust and fix my perspective and focus on Him.

He said to them, “Come with me privately to an isolated place and rest a while” (for many were coming and going, and there was no time to eat). Mark 6:31

Another reason I was hesitant to go is because of what we are about to do as a family. Two event coincide this year within just a few months of each other. This Wednesday, April 26th, Corinne and I celebrate our 20 year anniversary. Also, on July 2nd our daughters, Sarai and Noemi, turn 18. After considering that after this summer we may not have another opportunity to have all of us together again for a sufficient length of time, we decided to take a three week road trip vacation and drive around the U.S.. So on May 12th we will hit the road and try to see as much of the country as possible together.

We’ve told our girls that they can stay with us as long as they want, and they will be with us until they finish their homeschooling, but after they turn 18 anything could happen and we don’t want to regret missing this opportunity. Thank you for praying for us and all the other ways the Lord uses you to bless us.


Jeff, Corinne, Sarai, Noemi