Hi all! Well, a lot has happened in the last couple of months. We went to the states for some time with family and friends. Jon flew back before the boys and I, and while he was getting back into the routine of ministry he ended up getting Covid. He actually started feeling sick the day before we flew back so when he picked us up from the airport, he made sure we didn’t touch him and he immediately quarantined away from us. Praise the Lord he got a very mild case and his symptoms were very light, the boys and I never got it. I took a blood test to see if I had it or had ever had it and it came back negative. Another praise from that is that our great friend, James, had come back with Jon and they built a room in the church that will eventually be for the younger children. James was also exposed to covid and he didn’t get it!!!
Calvary Oaxaca turned 2 at the end of February so we had a super fun celebration at a local pool. We were able to rent out the place so that it was a private event. We all had a blast hanging out, eating, swimming, and playing games. The best part of the day was the baptisms! Nine people made the decision to take that step of faith and get baptized. What a blessing it was to see each of them do this and to hear them tell us all why they had made this decision. God is so amazing!
We are excited to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus as a church family on April 4! And Jon will be ordaining someone in April also. It will be his first time ordaining someone and we are excited for this step of faith as a church and for this man.
- Please pray for the church body for continued growth in their walks with the Lord. We are continuing to do the Navigator’s classes and we see so much growth and transformation.
- Please pray for us to continue to learn Spanish, and for Jonny and Noah to really have a desire to speak Spanish. They seem to understand a lot of Spanish but they need to come out of their shells and put it to use.
- Please pray with us as we are looking for land to buy to build a men’s discipleship home on. This would be land outside of the city which is less expensive. We have some options but we’re trying to work out the kinks and see if it’s a possibility. We want to make sure it’s all legal without the chance of someone coming and taking the land from us. We are also praying to buy land to build a church on so we don’t have to continue renting. This land would be a lot more expensive because it would be in the city.
- We need prayer for wisdom on what to do with our car. We have a permit for it that expires early next year and we will either need to drive it up to the states to get a new permit or sell it and buy something down here. Ideally we would be able to buy a van so we can transport people and teams, but we are praying for direction on what to do. It’s far away but we all how time flies!
- The church has been growing in their walks with the Lord, and we’re continuing to see friendships grow.
- Praise the Lord that Calvary Oaxaca celebrated 2 years!
- God has raised up men and women in the church who are helping in different ministries, especially the Navigators classes.
Thank you all for your support for the ministry here in Oaxaca! We are so grateful to all of you who keep us in prayer, support us financially, and encourage us. We couldn’t do what we’re doing without all of you!
Jon, Allison, Jonny, Noah Brechtel