– Week Two of CSOM –

The second week in Rosarito, Mexico was definitely a bit different from the first one. This week we did two COVID relief outreaches and went street witnessing again on Sunday. We also continued to have class most days after Bible devotions and breakfast. I think what felt different about this week was the way everyone has grown a lot closer with each other. The first week everyone was of course just getting to know one another but now that we’re two weeks in, I already feel pretty much as comfortable with everyone as I do with my own family. I guess that’s what living under the same roof does to you, isn’t it?

Anyway, the first outreach we did was COVID relief in Colonia San Fernando. We invited families in the neighborhood to join us for some of the Bible activities we were doing. We had a bag of groceries for each family, put on different games and activities for the kids, and some of the CSOM students shared their testimony on the mic. I was mainly helping with crafts at the kids’ table but later was called to pray for those who wanted it. Sarah, another student, and I prayed and spoke a while with one mother who had brought her kids to the outreach. Although I didn’t understand everything she was saying in Spanish, I did my best to translate and communicate the questions we wanted to ask her, and we were able to get to know her a little better. We also invited her to church at Calvary Chapel Rosarito and she said she was interested in going. Something I really love about the culture here in Mexico is how open and willing many people are to talk with you even if you don’t know them or speak their language fluently. Even though I’m not a very extroverted person, I think being in this kind of culture definitely makes it a bit easier to talk with strangers and reach them with the gospel.

Despite this, however, walking up to strangers to share the gospel has definitely been the most daunting task for me so far. A million thoughts race through my mind every time I’m about to approach someone. What do I say after the initial greeting? How would I naturally share the gospel with them? Do I even know the gospel? I know I did this morning but now my mind is blank! Something about a cross… When this occurs, I have to stop and remember that it is happening because I am relying on my own strength and have not called upon the Lord to fill me with His strength. It is in these moments that I realize truly how much I am nothing without God. How much I need Him. I cannot do this work properly without the help of the Holy Spirit. Once I remind myself of all this, I take a deep breath and pray that God would help me and fill me with the Holy Spirit. When I did that this past week, all the anxiety was immediately washed away, and I was able to think clearly and calmly. God is real and His peace is real. I am so blessed and thankful for moments like these when those truths are displayed so personally in my life.
“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth.”
John 14:16-17a
Thank you so much again to everyone who has supported me both financially and in your prayers! It means so much to me that you would think of me and care to support the work the Lord is doing here in Rosarito, Mexico. Every day that I’m here, I feel so grateful that the Lord has allowed me to be a part of the School of Missions! If you would like to partner with me financially you can click the link below. Partnering with me means you are investing in the work God is doing through me and ultimately the further spread of the gospel as I train to be a missionary. Thank you all for taking the time to read this newsletter and considering partnering with me in the work God is doing here in Mexico!
Lydia Boubion