Dearest Friends,
I hope this update finds you all well. For us, the break is over and things are back in full swing here at the Bible college. The month of June was a blessing for us, we put the older two kids (Eva and Romeo) into school and we are all still trying to get adjusted to fitting the time for public transportation (1 hr minimum each way) into our schedule. They are still struggling to get adjusted to waking up at 5:30 in the morning. It has been challenging but they are both progressing rapidly in their ability to speak Spanish. We really enjoyed getting to spend time with the scholarship students as they stayed and worked over the break. Most of them will be graduating this semester so we are trying to take advantage of every last moment we get with them.
July was also a blessing but in a much busier way. We spent the month going on a mission trip with our church Rocky Mountain Calvary to Cusco, to work with Darwin and Annie Torres and their young church there. It was amazing to see how God is working in a city that is totally saturated with pantheism and idol worship. Pastor Darwin shared with me that converts are hard to win in Cusco, but when people commit their lives to the Lord they are truly all in, and they remain faithful. The church had a baptism while we were there and our son Romeo decided that it was time for him to make a public confession of his faith. I was so thankful to be able to baptize my son, and I look forward to seeing what God has in store for his life. Along with the mission trip, we also spent a couple weeks in Lima, Chiclayo, and Ecuador finishing up Jane’s paperwork and going through the process for Jessica and I’s residency. Once we are approved we will need to make two more trips to Chiclayo before we receive our residency cards. Please pray that the process goes smoothly. We also were able to spend a few days at the beach on the Ecuador – Peru border and take some much-needed family time which was very refreshing for all of us.
August saw the start of the new semester along with a few new students. Please pray for all of them that they would be able to adjust quickly to life here. Many of them are straight out of high school and it’s a big change from living with their parents. Having new students is a very obvious demonstration of the work that God is doing here. It is amazing to see the growth in maturity, and understanding of the Word that God brings to these young lives in just a couple short years. One student in particular who will be graduating this semester brings me so much joy when I see who she is now compared with who she was when she first got here. At first, she was extremely loud, and would often interject very blatant heresies into the class discussions claiming that they came from the Bible but she just couldn’t remember where. She was also in a long distance relationship with an unbeliever. Over the course of her time here she broke off that unhealthy relationship and has matured into a surprisingly wise and perceptive young woman. Now when she has something to add to the class or a question to ask I am pleased to call on her instead of cringing at what she might say. After this semester, with the support of her home church, she plans on going on to complete her Bachelor’s degree at Calvary Chapel Bible College Hungary before heading back to serve in her home church. I am very proud of all the students who will be graduating this semester and I am super excited to see what God does with their lives as they continue to seek Him.
Needed Prayer:
- Please pray for the classes that I am teaching this semester, Marriage Talks, Inductive Bible Study, and the book of Hebrews.
- Pray that God would speak truth through the classes and that the students would learn and grow.
- Pray for wisdom and discernment for me as the dean of men that I would truly be able to help these young men grow in their relationships with Christ.
- Pray for Jessica as she raises our kids, and is involved with mentoring various young women on campus.
- Pray for her health as it seems to be taking a turn for the worse again.
- Pray that God would heal her, and/or that we would be able to get an accurate diagnosis so we can find a treatment to help her.
- Pray for our kids that they would be lights in their school and that they would learn Spanish quickly.
We love you all, thank you so much for all the support.