We are all finally here!
“I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.” Psalm 9:1-2
April has been a month full of thanksgiving for us as we have established our family here in Uganda.
On April 12 our dear friends and family sent us off to Denver International Airport where we started our long journey across the world. We arrived the night of the 13th and have spent the remainder of the month getting established here so that we can have a firm foundation for our family. The director of our ministry has graciously given us as much time as we need to put our family life in order here so that when we start ministering we don’t burn out and suffer as a family. So we have taken this opportunity to put our house in order. Doing things like greeting our neighbors well, to fixing the solar on our house, buying our beds and water filtering systems and getting the ball rolling on our work visas.

A few new neighbors!
But the real excitement came this weekend, on Friday morning Noelle had a pregnancy check up and everything was going well, Noelle and the baby were healthy and Noah was in perfect delivering position. Before dawn on Sunday morning Noelle started going into the beginning stages of labour although she wasn’t due for another 2 weeks. Then our tire went flat on the way into town! The labour wasn’t progressing very quickly so we had time to switch to the spare and then get the tire fixed before heading to our directors house to spend the night in town where the clinic was. Then Monday morning about 7 am when the contractions were close together we headed for the clinic. (We were going to be the first white people to have a baby there). Once we got there they discovered that Noelle was 9 cm dilated and ready to go, unfortunately however, they also learned that Noah had twisted sideways and that his right shoulder was coming out. At which point Noelle was rushed to the ambulance and transferred to a hospital equipped for a C Section. Noelle was in the operating theater for about 2 hours. If everything goes according to schedule Noelle should be discharged this Thursday. Sometimes it’s hard to stay calm here because of how “majority world” the hospital is eg; blood stained bed sheets, running out of necessary pain meds, continuously wrapping my son in insane amounts of blankets despite the African heat, hallways and corridors stuffed with patients waiting for treatment (many of whom are in active labour), and so on…. But through it all God is good and Noelle and I are confident that we are where He wants us and that His plan is well thought through and Good. Anyway, OUR SON IS OUT AND HEALTHY!

Noah Ezekiel Harris
We praise God that after 2 years of anticipation we are now here. We saw God do amazing things in peoples lives during that period and we are looking forward to how God will move in the time to come. We are so blessed to have the privilege of announcing God’s word to His people.
May Christ’s bride fall deeper in love with him and be more and more acquainted with what He said!
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands, yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17