The Love Phnom Penh Festival
The Love Phnom Penh Festival (featuring Franklin Graham) took place over the first weekend in December. More than 23,000 attended and more than 1,300 made professions of faith in Christ. Kayo was part of the planning committee for the choir, helped with training, sang, and even sang a short solo part in Japanese. This is a praise report because all three of us were quite sick for the entire week leading up to the festival and we were not sure whether or not Kayo would be healthy enough to be part of the choir or not. But, because of the prayers of our senders, she was healthy enough to attend and sing for two of the three nights.
Evangelism and Discipleship Website Development
Darryl has started partnering with a Pakistani brother, Abid, to develop a multi-language, interactive, video-based, evangelism and discipleship website. Right now Darryl is working to develop video scripts based on correspondence courses that have been successful in Pakistan since the 1960s. Abid is working on establishing the necessary organizational structure and registering with the Cambodian government. Please pray for this huge project that God will open all the doors necessary for it to move forward and evangelize and equip many new believers.
Prayer Requests
>Please pray for more Cambodian partners for Darryl’s International Fishers video ministry so that apologetics/evangelism videos can be made more frequently.
> Please continue to pray for our finances, especially Benjamin’s tuition needs. We praise God for raising up enough new senders to at least temporarily stabilize our financial situation. Please continue to pray for God to stabilize and increase our resources over the long term so that we can continue to expand our ministries in Cambodia and beyond.
> Please pray for Darryl’s new video project with Precious Women Organization starting in January 2020.
Merry Christmas!
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin
Phnom Penh, Cambodia