Hello family and friends!
Thank you for your continued partnership!
With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments! Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.
Psalms 119:10-11
God has put a deep, burning desire in my soul for His Word. I could relate to the psalmist, wanting to hide God’s Word, delighting in it, and meditating on it. Which brings me to God using that desire to evangelize. When I went to evangelize at a college outreach, me and a couple of others went up to Jehovah’s Witnesses. We were able to go back and forth backing up our statements with Scripture. The Lord gave me a clear picture of Matthew 4 when He was in the wilderness and the devil twisted Scripture as Jesus answered with Scripture. That is the way I saw the conversation with the Jehovah Witnesses, they referenced Scripture but it was twisted. The more I want to reveal the truth with Scripture to people the more I want to sit and study the Bible. This has made me consider going to Calvary Bible Institute in Israel in the fall as part of my internship. The program is three months and the cost is $1500 plus the plane ticket. This would be such an awesome opportunity to further my Bible knowledge. This is something I have to be in continual prayer about and see if God opens the door.
Last month I was offered a position at the church to be the assistant of one of the pastors and I said yes. This was not the job I was looking for, as it’s all volunteer work and I have yet to find a paying job but God knows why He wanted me to take it. So far, it has been amazing. I’ve been learning administration work and as Calvary School of Missions approaches and we’re receiving applications, I will be in charge of emailing the students and making sure everything is up to date with the information that has to be turned in.

Praise Reports
- God’s continued faithfulness & provision
- Being able to search the Scriptures to defend my faith
- The pastors and the pastors’ wives have been pouring into my life
- This place is starting to feel like home
Prayer Requests
- For God to confirm if I should go to CBI Israel
- To continue to be bold in evangelizing that I may reach others with the gospel
- That I may serve God faithfully in the new role I have at the church office
- For the CBI students who are considering School of Missions
I would greatly appreciate your continued partnership with me in prayer as the Lord continues to prepare me for cross-cultural ministry and leads me to a certain part of the world and people group. If you feel led to make a one-time or monthly donation to my missions account for future mission trips and eventually for being sent out, that would mean so much to me. Saving Grace World Missions requires 80% monthly funding before moving onto the field, so any amount would be a huge blessing as I start this process by faith for whatever the future might look like.
God bless you,