The Record Family (Darryl, Kayo, and their son Benjamin) serve in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Darryl is the founder of International Fishers: Christian Evidence Ministry, a Christian apologetics/evangelistic ministry, which they started in 2004. Darryl teaches Apologetics/Evangelism, and Christology at local Cambodian Bible schools and churches, develops apologetics materials for Cambodian and other languages, and is the English editor/columnist for Light Times Magazine, the only Christian magazine in Cambodia. Kayo is a board member and administrator of Precious Women Organization, an organization that re-trains, evangelizes, and disciples Cambodian women who are at risk for abuse and trafficking. Kayo also mentors Cambodian and expat women living in Cambodia.
Please pray for wisdom, health, and strength for the family as they serve God in Cambodia and beyond. Please pray for the Lord to provide the financial support to sustain and expand their ministries there.