Calvary School of Missions 2020 – Week 6 and What’s Next!

(Look at our awesome shirts!!!)
It’s Rachel! This has been an incredible six weeks. The Lord has done so much in my heart and mind, and I can definitely say that I will never be the same. I am so grateful for your continued support in prayer!
The final week of the school was spent in reflection and looking to the Lord for vision and guidance for next steps. We did a Bible study through John 13-17, and the Lord began to stir my heart towards prayer. I still have one semester left at Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta, California, and the Lord has given me vision for how He wants me to leverage this semester for His glory among the nations. He gave me this passage from Matthew:
“But when [Jesus] saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’”
Matthew 9:36-38
Jesus saw the people, weary and burdened by many things– the cares of this world, sickness, works-based religion– and He was moved with compassion. He knew there was potential for a great harvest of souls amidst this multitude, but did He say to His disciples, “So, go! Get out there!”? No. They weren’t ready for that. The commission doesn’t come until Matthew 28:18-19. There is a step before the “going,” and it’s prayer.
What Jesus is saying here is huge, because He’s saying that prayer changes things. He is saying that the best thing we can do for our weary and lost world, is to lift it up in prayer. And as we pray according to the Father’s will, He stirs up His church! We can’t stir up sustainable desire, vision, or zeal for the nations in and of ourselves– it must come from the Lord. And we can pray that the Lord will give that compassion, that drive, to His sons and daughters so that they can tend to His harvest.
So, the Lord has put it on my heart to start a group on campus where we intentionally pray to the Lord of the harvest, to ask that He would send laborers into the world. Especially into the Unreached. My prayer is that the Lord would draw those whom He wills to the meeting, and that as we pray, our hearts would be conformed to that of our Father. That He would stir our hearts to pray for the nations regularly, and to get involved in sending the gospel to unreached areas.

I’m so excited to be back in Murrieta for school! It’s going to be different because of social distancing and COVID preventative measures, but I know the Lord has something special for us this season. I have the pleasure of serving as a “dorm steward” (a sort of resident assistant) this semester, so I am here a little early to help with preparation for the arriving students. I’m very excited to dive into God’s Word– I am taking some awesome classes this semester! Following graduation, I am praying about participating in a missions internship to continue in my training for long-term missions!
I cannot thank you enough for your prayers and financial giving! I look forward to connecting with you all when I am back home! This is my last newsletter from the Calvary School of Missions, but I plan to send a few updates while I am at school and as the Lord leads me in next steps! Thank you, again, and I pray that the Lord would bless you, continually remind you of His great grace, and enrich you in His Word!

Praise Reports:
- Everyone has been getting home safely from Mexico
- I have arrived at school (I AM SO EXCITED), and I will be graduating this semester!
- The Lord changed me in so many great ways at the school of missions!
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that the Lord would bring those He has to the prayer meeting and that we would learn to pray for the nations with singleness of heart.
- Please pray that the Lord would meet the students this semester as we study His Word.
Thanks and blessings,