Hello again,
I want to start off by thanking everyone who is partnering with me in what God is doing here in Mexico during the School of Missions. In the past two weeks, God has really been teaching me a lot through the classes and outreaches that we’ve participated in with local churches. He showed me the importance of relying on Him and giving Him our all for the purpose of spreading the gospel and giving Him the glory.

This past week we read the book Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray. It talked about how we are like branches on a vine, each one of us being a branch and God the vine. Branches, apart from the vine are worth nothing, so much so that they are simply burned. However, when they are connected to the vine they bear fruit. We need to be constantly connected to God in all that we do so that we can bear fruit. Ask yourself “What good is a branch that’s only connected to the vine for some time and then not?” Not much, because it isn’t always bearing good fruit. So we being the branches have to be constantly and continually in a relationship with Him, seeking Him in all that we do. Through this, we will bear good fruit for His glory.
One story I want to share is from an outreach we did in Colonia San Fernando. When we were walking down the streets inviting people to come to hear the gospel, I realized how blessed we are compared to how these people are living. They live in small houses that aren’t really houses at all, they are simply a big room with random things spread around. They walk on dirt roads that have trash, broken glass, and sharp rocks scattered everywhere and of course random stray malnourished dogs. Kids came streaming out of their houses to meet us in the open yard where we were hosting the outreach. There were about twenty-five kids, some of them without parents, and around ten adults. It was clear to see that these kids were so happy that we had come even though they have such hard lives. It was amazing to see the kids interact with us as we taught them the fruits of the Spirit and shared the gospel. They played with each other as if they were having the time of their lives. It just goes to show you that when we share the love of Jesus it brings joy to people when they could be so sad, BUT because of Him, they aren’t.

This has been such a blessing in so many ways, and I can’t believe that it has only been 2 weeks! Thank you again to everyone who is partnering with God in what He is doing through me as I reach those that need Jesus.
Click the link below to partner financially for tuition and future mission trips.
Prayer Request:
- For God to continue to do a work in the lives of people here in Mexico
- For all the students to retain the information from teachings and readings
- For me as God is doing a work within my life
Sienna Sedillos