Week 1: Calvary Chapel School of Missions

“For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more.” 1 Cor. 9:19
Recently, I received an invitation to join the leaders for the 2nd year of Calvary School of Missions (CSOM) 2020. While the request came from my church leaders, the call came from God. My first thought was that I get to serve with some of the most amazing God-fearing, missions-minded, and passionate Bible teaching leaders whose sole desire is to raise up, train, and disciple the next generation. I struggled at the thought of leaving my ministry work and family behind for six weeks, but God spoke to my heart as He asked me “How much are you willing to surrender?” Total surrender to God’s will was my response, for the sake of loving these Daughters of the King and walking by their side through the school of missions.

Being spent for the gospel is worth every sacrifice to me. Jesus humbled himself to the point of the cross. How much lower can I humble myself? It's an absolute privilege for me to leave behind the comforts of my home, and go out on outreach to the Calvary Chapel church plants and communities here in Mexico with this team. I come prepared and prayed up to lead from the front. This includes asking God to soften my heart to tend to the hearts of these students, carrying bandages and my Bible to care for their wounds and pray over them. Continuously praying for the Lord's protection as they step out in faith to provide COVID-19 relief in some of the most materially poor areas in and around Tijuana and Rosarito.

We’re on a radical journey with Jesus! These students are no longer satisfied with surfing on the surface of God’s word, but instead, they’re taking time to go deeper and further out of their comfort zone. The people here have lost so much due to the fire that blazed through their community and lack of work due to the pandemic. What do we have to offer? We offer them the hope that comes from a caring and loving God who hasn’t forgotten them. A smile, prayer, and the Word of God are paired with much-needed provisions thanks be to God and generous partners.
Praise Report:
So far the outreach material we brought has met the needs of our outreaches. We were able to prep individual kids activity bags for outreach in order to limit contact and sharing of materials. The students are stepping up and doing amazing things for God.
Prayer Request:
- For God to help me Love and Lead the students well
- Opportunities to share the gospel as we bring provisions (COVID Relief) to families
- That people we invite to the local church would come and get connected to the body of Christ
- Sienna’s tuition to be fully funded
- Health and protection over our team
- Safe travels for the leaders traveling
- Students and myself to absorb all that’s being taught in the classes
- Blessings over The Connections House staff and missionaries who are faithfully serving us