Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
Proverbs 30:5
Local Outreach
Every few weeks our local evangelism pastor takes a team of us to go to the Fullerton junior college to share the Gospel with students. We interview and ask them questions about the afterlife. I am always amazed at the answers I receive, many of them are so focused on the things of this world that many of them do not stop to even consider what life is after death. The fear of man is so apparent they would rather agree that all religions and beliefs are true rather than seeking after one truth. This makes the way for false religions to also preach, including Jehovah witnesses, atheists, agnostics, and even satanists. At one point, a group of students came up to our pastor saying that they were satanists, this was followed by a series of rituals they performed around campus.
Please pray for our team as we continue to plant seeds every month. Praise God that two people have accepted Jesus through these outreaches. May many more also seek the Lord. Please pray that they are seeds that become rooted.
Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.
John 14:17
Plans for the Upcoming Year
I plan to go to South Asia for 3-6 months to intern with a missionary family. This will be a great opportunity to learn under the guidance of a family in South Asia with their ministry and church. I will be meeting with the pastors and leaders in May about my potential vision tour. I do not have a current budget for this trip yet, but I hope to release that information soon. My reason for going on this trip is because I feel led to this region of the world. This would be my first step into the field before entering full-time cross-cultural missions. It is on my heart to be a part of a team that church plants in the 10/40 window and interning in this new country will prepare me. Please pray for the church in South Asia and for the many nationals that are putting their lives on the line to church plant and pastor churches in these persecuted places.
The Importance of Prayer
What does it mean to pray unceasingly? I wonder this, a lot. Personally, I fall in and out of seasons of prayer. I am thankful, however for prayer meetings, they stir me up once again to be constantly in the presence of the Lord. Fortunately, every Saturday there is a prayer meeting at our church. I hope many of you will join me in praying weekly on Saturdays. Please keep the work of the Lord in your prayers, remember His kingdom and that the Lord hears you. Send me your prayer requests and it would be an honor for me to intercede.
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints”
Ephesians 6:18

Prayer Requests
- Please pray for an opportunity to intern in South Asia in the fall of this year for 3-6 months
- Pray for a girl I’ve been discipling in the Word
- Please pray for my upcoming trip to Israel
- Since I have been strength training, my balance and other physical pains I’ve had over the years are improving, my health has been much better
- The Lord provides work for me every week
- A friend of mine is coming to California, he is a missionary from Malawi
- My mom just had her birthday, another year with my family