A Season of Great Joy and Happiness – Pastor Prakash Update February 2024

The end of every year becomes a season of great harvest and sending out workers. We have a lot of Christmas outreaches with great joy and happiness. 

Calvary Bible Institute Graduation 2023

Like we do every year, at the end of last year we had a great time of harvest. On November 15, 2023, ten students graduated from our Calvary Bible Institute. So much prayer, support, and hard work has been invested in the lives of those dear ones. For two years we equipped them for ministry for the kingdom of God. As we see them with their courses completed and ready to go, great joy and happiness fills our hearts.

Charis Bible Church Christmas Outreach 2023

The church members invited many of their neighbors and relatives on Christmas. It was a good time to share the love of God with a precious Gospel message.

Open Area Christmas Outreach

We had so many open-air outreaches throughout the month of December in the capital and two other areas. So many people heard the Gospel message. It was a great time to share the Lord Jesus with them. 

New Years Eve All Night Prayer Meeting

As we entered the New year, on the last night of the year, we gathered together at our church. We thanked God for His greatness and faithfulness in to our lives throughout the year. We also welcomed the new year in prayer. May we fall in love with God and His Word more than before and live it out!

Worship & Music Workshop (Jan 7-11. 2024) 

We organized a “Worship & Music Workshop” that lasted for five days. We expected 30-40 teens and young adults, but 53 people came. It was very exciting to teach them through God’s Word about worship, music theory, and different musical instruments. It was also a good time to share about the importance of studying God’s Word. We shared about our Bible College, Calvary Bible Institute, and invited them to study there.

I used to be a member of a worship team. We all know that everyone loves music, especially youth. It is always a good way to approach them through music. This is true in the Christian circle also. It is always most important that we teach them not only music, but also teach them how to worship God based on His Word.

We organized a “Worship & Music Workshop” that lasted for five days. We expected 30-40 teens and young adults, but 53 people came. It was very exciting to teach them through God’s Word about worship, music theory, and different musical instruments. It was also a good time to share about the importance of studying God’s Word. We shared about our Bible College, Calvary Bible Institute, and invited them to study there.

We did not have enough rooms to contain all of the guitar players, so we used an open area as well- music with nature

Praise God for every opportunity to serve Him! 


Prakash & Muna