Stirring Hearts

Before I left for Africa I felt alone. I felt I was meant to do this journey of following Christ by myself. That this was my calling and nobody else. Now I find myself surrounded by people who share the same purpose and I have support from family, friends, my team, love all around. This was my blessing and confirmation from God. But one thing was lacking, what are we working towards? I’ve discovered the answer, and to that I am grateful beyond measure.

Mark 16:15 (ESV) “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation”

I’ve heard these words before and have tried to apply them to my life, but never have I really pondered their deep meaning.

Our team did a full day of ministry. We helped serve a church within the community by holding an event at a park. We played games with the kids, prayed for men, women and youth, teaching the gospel message. One of the strongholds within the community was unfortunately drugs, so some of our encounters were with people held captive by addictions. We saw the Holy Spirit plant seeds into these peoples lives. We handed out food and clothing presenting them hope, and loving on people. My role in this outreach was to present a Bible lesson and present to the children about the fruit of the Spirit. As I was presenting, I noticed their participation and joy in their faces. They were hungry for the message I was sharing, and I was so happy to see these kids profess faith. Please pray for these children and that they remember the message of God’s love for them. May the seeds planted produce much fruit.

My team, James, Maria and I teaching the kids at outreach

Today I’m honored and privileged to be a part of God’s plan. No longer do I feel alone. Jesus didn’t just call me to do His work, He called everyone. As the body we are all meant to work together for His glory to love and share the Gospel amongst all people.

Playing with the kids at the park during outreach

We did street evangelism near a beach at the park and talked to many people who were willing to hear the Gospel. Our team was bold in approaching people with the message praying for others. We planted many seeds. And now we hope and pray that the Lord water them. May you pray for the people we encountered and that they would have a stirring of their hearts.

Before school and ministry, I am ashamed to say, I had little revelation of the word of God, but now my heart is stirred and I am hungry for knowing Him and to make Him known. These few days of outreach have encouraged our team to know more because we are living for more. Today I feel the necessity to be equipped. I want to know and live out every promise, every story, and every testimony of God’s goodness. I have struggled with the thought of leaving my home, my family behind to serve the Lord, but I’ve decided to give it my all. Jesus is worth every moment of my time and I live in great joy serving Him.

Thank you all so much for your partnership through prayers, support, and encouragement. I would love if you could prayerfully consider giving towards my tuition. Thank you for sharing with me in this experience of sharing God’s kingdom. I wouldn’t be here today, spreading the Gospel, without your support. I love you all so much and I am excited to continue sharing with you what God is doing. May you all be blessed.

Prayer Requests:

  • That our team may continue to grow hungry in knowing the word of God
  • For the health of our team
  • Unity within our team
  • Finances
My team during outreach