Little Do I Know

Rosarito, Mexico Calvary Chapel Team

Two years ago, I was on a plane for about 40 hours from California to Malawi, Africa. Today is an entirely different experience. A four hour drive with a stop to Starbucks (Thank you Lord for coffee) and a quick border crossing to Rosarito, Mexico. Missions in Mexico has already been challenging and exciting. I have so much joy being here listening to everyone tell their unique stories. We have long term missionaries from Nepal, Jordan, and Peru.. here to share their stories and testimonies. I’m humbled by all of my peers, fellow students, and staff for their diligence in serving the Lord for many years. An example of such admission are missionaries Aaron and Jen who have church planted with Calvary Chapel in Nepal for 8 years, with a long history of stories and experiences. And my team in attendance with the school have stories from all over the globe. I’m grateful for the connections I have with each and every one of them through our shared interests and experiences in surrender and servitude to the Lord.

Preparing food to Serve with Calvario Homex in Rosarito

These few days the Lord has opened my heart to complete surrender to Him. As I begin to learn what that really means, I notice the struggles I have had in the past to lay down my plans and ideas to God. This season, I want to be open to His plans over my life and to surrender everything at His feet. I’m challenged here to become like a blank canvas. As I pray and listen to the testimonies of others I realize what little knowledge I have about Missions. I’m learning in this season about what surrender really means. I had plans to be a long-term missionary in Malawi, but now I’m slowly looking at my home and my heart is growing with a fondness for the Church in America. I’m humbled yet fearful at times for the things that may lie ahead, however I know that I’m willing to take steps of obedience despite the trials of the unknown and the possibility of laying my life where I am.

Thank you everyone for partnering with me in prayer and support. I’m still in need of $1200 to finish my school, but I have full faith that God will provide. I’m beyond grateful to be here and that I’ve been given the opportunity to understand the word of God more deeply and intimately. I’m ready to surrender to serving my church and bring back the love and testimonies I’ve been privileged to receive here. Shout out to True Life, Mission San Antonio, Washing up Ministry. I love you all so much, your in my heart, thoughts, and prayers. I’m blessed to be serving you all. Little do I know the direction of my life, but ready I am to learn. God Bless you all. Much love from your sister in Christ.

Classroom in Rosarito Mexico.
  • Prayer Requests:
  • Health
  • Open hearts for those we minister to
  • Unification within our team