That I May Know Him

“For the LORD revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the Word of the LORD.”

-1 Samuel 3:21

I have been reading 1 Samuel. I am blessed by the verse mentioned above. It is my aim to know God, as Paul says of himself, “That I may know Him… being made conformable unto his death” (Philippians 3:10). The best way the Lord reveals himself is through His Word. As I am going through His Word, it is my prayer that the Lord would reveal himself more and more to me. I pray the same for you too.

We, as a family, are doing well by His grace. Even though my wife has to regularly take medication, the Lord is helping her to continue to stand with me in the ministry. She is used by the Lord to teach online Bible studies for women and Sunday school in our church. Thank you for your prayers for her health.

In spite of persecution in our area, we are able to continue to meet for Sunday services by God’s grace. Many house fellowships in our town and neighboring villages have been closed down by the police and Hindu fanatics. I have finished teaching Genesis. Now we are going through the book of Exodus. 

My mother went to be with the Lord on June 28th. She was a godly woman. She devoted herself to the reading of the Word and prayer. It is because of her prayers that I am saved and used by the Lord in ministry. Praise the Lord for such a godly mother. Thank you for your prayer support at this time of sorrow.

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of the Gospel.

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Pastor 15’s family is in need of monthly support.

If you feel led to become a monthly financial partner or increase your currently monthly support, please click the “Become A Financial Partner” button or mail a check to Saving Grace World Missions with a note designating the gift is for Pastor 15.

Your Labor Is Not in Vain in the Lord

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”

1 Corinthians 15:58.

After serving the Lord in the northern mountains for many years, we moved back to our home town in 2017. The Lord gave us the opportunity to revisit the northern mountains last month. We met with the believers and had fellowship with them that before we led to the Lord. It was such a blessed time to see them all and to see them walking in the Lord! We thank SGWM for sponsoring our trip to the North.

These three young men, Pastor 10*, Pastor 12*, and Pastor 13* (our first fruits in the North) are serving the Lord. They are being used by the Lord to save the lost. We were filled with joy to see how they are being used by the Lord to share the Gospel with young men and women. We worshiped the Lord with these believers and encouraged them from the Word to continue to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Some of the young men and women, whom we shared the Gospel with and led to the Lord, have moved to cities for jobs. Those who are working in a nearby city came to know that we were here and came to see us. They were children when we were sowing the seeds, but now they have grown up and are working in the city. More importantly, they are following the Lord.

These young women shared their past experiences with my wife. They said things like, “Auntie, you used shampoo our hair and comb our hair. You played with us and used to tell us Bible stories.” They are the girls from low caste families. In their society they are looked down on, but they felt love and acceptance by us. In the mountains, children do not regularly take baths. Because of that, they smell and have lice in their hair. The love and acceptance they received from us made the Gospel effective in their lives.

M* is another girl (now a woman) who together with her three sisters gave her life to the Lord while we were ministering in the mountains. Two of her sisters, who accepted the Lord, have now married unbelievers. One of them (right) was in the village when we visited this time. My wife talked to her and encouraged her from the life of Naomi who had left the house of bread and finally returned to the house of bread.

M* stood firm in her faith and is married to a man who is also a believer (above). She and her husband serve the Lord in a village that is about 40 kilometres from her parent’s village. She came with her family to see us in her parents’ village. What a joy to see them serving the Lord! 

We also visited a family where a young woman is believer in Jesus. She wants to marry a believer in the Lord. All the family members were there when we visited. We spent a few hours with the family and shared the Gospel with them.

After visiting the villages we went to the city where Pastor 12* serves the Lord. We spent a day and a night with him. While we were there, one young woman came with her two children to see us. We did not remember her. She told to us that when we would go to villages to share the Gospel she was 12 or 13 years old. At that time, she was looking after the goats for her family. She used to come to our camp site with her goats and listen to the Bible stories that my wife would tell all the children who came. She now lives in the city. She is working and she has two kids. She is following the Lord with her heart. Praise God! None of our labor is in vain in the Lord.

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. Please continue to uphold us in your prayers. We need more financial supporters as our monthly income has gone down.

God bless,

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Pastor 15’s family is in need of monthly support.
If you feel led to become a monthly financial partner or increase your currently monthly support, please click the “Become A Financial Partner” button or mail a check to Saving Grace World Missions with a note designating the gift is for Pastor 15.

Standing On God’s Promises

‘’ I (Jesus) will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’’

Matthew 16:18.

We have been experiencing the activities of forces of darkness to stop the growth of the church, but it is the promise of our Lord that they shall not prevail. Every Sunday, churches are attacked by the Hindu fanatics who are assisted by the local police and government officials. A few churches in our town have been closed down.

In such a situation, we planned a graduation service for our CBI graduating students on April 7th. We booked a venue owned by a mainline church, but they canceled the booking on Saturday the 6th at 9 pm. After having our booked avenue for our graduation program cancel, we immediately informed all the people who were invited about the cancellation of our program. On Sunday, April 7, we instead had a graduation ceremony with our local church members and students’ families at the same place were meet for Sunday worship after our church service.

The same day, Sunday, April 7th, the Hindu fanatical groups had planned to attack three more house churches. On the 6th, one police officer gave this information to the President of a district Christian group. Knowing this, one house church canceled their Sunday service. The Hindu fanatics went there to attack, but they found no one. They then went to the next church that was their target. There the worship service was going on. The fanatics started disrupting and shouting, but they could not enter the church because the police and other government officials had already come. But when the believers were sent home by the police, they were beaten up as they came out of the church. Vehicles, CCTV camera etc. were also damaged.

The news came to me through one of the local pastors that anytime the Hindu fanatics could reach to our church as well. Their third target was a church according to the police in our area. We finished our graduation program quickly, distributed snacks and dispersed. Instead of having lunch we had a graduation dinner secretly in one of our church member’s house.

The next day, two of our co-workers and I went to the head officer of the district along with district Christian leaders (from a united Christian group) to give a petition about the above matter. We also submitted the trust registration copy. By God’s grace, the collector permitted us and eighteen other house churches to continue our church services. He assured us that whoever is creating the problem will have action taken against them.

People are scared because of the persecution and church attendance in many churches has decreased. But praise the Lord! He added one more soul to our fellowship. This sister had been attending our fellowship. She has now decided to fully follow the Lord by being baptized (above). She is from a Hindu family. We praise God for He is on the throne. He is drawing people to himself and the devil can’t stop him.

Pastor 15’s family is in need of monthly support.

If you feel led to become a monthly financial partner or increase your currently monthly support, please click the “Become A Financial Partner” button or mail a check to Saving Grace World Missions with a note designating the gift is for Pastor 15.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support! We pray for you and your family.

God bless,

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.


No Matter What

Greetings to you in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank the Lord for you all and for your partnership in the ministry of the Gospel.

Here is a brief ministry report of the year 2023.

Despite growing persecution in our state, the Lord kept us safe and gave us opportunities to spread the Gospel. House fellowships and new churches are being attacked everywhere in our state, but the Lord helped us to start a house fellowship in a village 20 kilometers from our town. Two extended families (15 people) are now members in this house fellowship.

Praise the Lord! He added two new families from Hindu backgrounds to our church fellowship in the city. The church is divine institution. Jesus himself is the founder. It is His promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

One Catholic man, a retired banker, has also been attending our Sunday Service regularly. He attends Catholic church first in the morning. Then, at 10:00 A.M, he comes to our fellowship. Please pray that he would leave his Catholic faith.

A Catholic girl also started attending our Sunday Services and accepted Jesus as her personal Savior. Despite a lot of opposition from her family and relatives, she stopped attending the Catholic church and became a member of our fellowship. She got baptized in November 2023.

We have eight students in our Bible Institute. They are all from Hindu backgrounds. They are being prepared for the work of the Gospel. Please pray that they would be used by the Lord for the extension of his Kingdom on earth.

The government in our country and in our state is from the same party. This government is anti-Christian. It is the government’s agenda to make our country a Hindu nation by the end of 2024. The media is under the government’s control. The media is promoting Hindu sentiments. The political leaders are openly saying in the media that the Christians and Muslims of our country were originally Hindus and therefore, they must become Hindus or leave the country. Please pray that the Christians would be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and be bold witness of the Lord.

When a Hindu becomes a Christian, he is persecuted and excommunicated from the village and his tribe. Many Hindu families believe in Jesus, but they do not openly acknowledge their faith because of the fear that their children will not be married and their dead will not be buried. Now and then this problem is faced by new believers. They are not allowed to bury their dead. Sometimes, if they do bury the dead, the body is excavated even after many days. But praise God we were able to baptize a Hindu convert! He even got married to a girl who had also converted from Hinduism.

Thank you for your prayers and support for the ministry of the Gospel.

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all! May the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus be upon you and may His joy fill your heart. God bless you all. Have a blessed wonderful season of Christmas. It’s our prayer that the Lord would make you channels of His salvation to many lost souls during this season.

Many events took place last month. We know that it is a busy time for everyone, therefore we will share briefly about some of them. I was invited to share the Word in a three-day meeting in a big city church for their church anniversary. I preached for those three days on “The Purpose of the Church.” The people were challenged. Many made commitments to live their lives to bring glory to the Lord. 

I was also invited to share the Word in a school in the morning school assembly on “Thanksgiving Day.” Most of the teachers are non-Christians. The Gospel was preached to the teachers and students. Pray that the teachers and students would put their faith in Jesus. 

One of our church members who is from a Hindu background had a birthday celebration and house dedication ceremony. Their Hindu relatives and Hindu friends from the village were invited, so we had the opportunity to preach the Gospel. In our area, we are not allowed to openly preach the Gospel. Occasions like this give us opportunities to preach the Gospel. 

We had State elections in our state and in four other states as well. Previously we had a government in our state that favored democracy. Now the government that is anti-Christian has come in power. The same government is in power in the central government as well. This government wants to make our country a Hindu nation. They are making public statements on TV like this, “Muslims and Christians have to come back to Hinduism because they were originally Hindus. If they don’t become Hindus, they won’t be allowed to live in our country.”

We praise the Lord because He reigns in the kingdom of man. The church is established by the Lord and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Please keep us in your prayers that we will be His bold witnesses. Pray also that during this Christmas season, He will give us many opportunities to preach the Gospel to the lost souls around us.

Thank you for being a valuable partner in the ministry of the Gospel through your prayers and financial support.

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Thank you so much for partnering with us in the work of the Gospel through your prayers and financial support. 

We believe that you are aware of the persecution Christians are facing in our country. In one of the northeast states of our country, more than three hundred churches have been destroyed and burnt. More than one hundred people have been killed, and thousands of Christians have fled to neighboring states. Thousands others are living in forests to save their lives. The government in that state and the central government are anti-christian. For the last five months the violence has continued, but the government is doing nothing to stop it. Everywhere in our country Christians are organizing peaceful rallies in protest of the violence toward the Christians. We also had a peaceful rally organised in our town by all of the churches in support of our brothers and sisters in that state. Please pray for our brothers and sisters.

Sometimes we don’t understand why things happen the way they do. But we know that the Lord is in control and that all things work together for good to them that love God. H*, a 26 year old young man who stood with our son at the time of his persecution and arrest by the police, was serving the Lord faithfully when he went to be with the Lord last month due to cancer in his liver. This was heart breaking. He was not able to get better medical treatment due to financial problems. Please pray for his parents and family members.

We are going to finish the third semester of our Bible school this month. The students are doing well in their studies. The church ministry is also blessed by the Lord. God is adding new believes to the church. I will be finishing teaching the book of Genesis.

Last month we had a church picnic. This was the first time that we as a church went somewhere for a picnic. We had blessed time together.

We appreciate your prayers and financial support.

We appreciate your prayers and financial support.

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Men and Women After God’s Own Heart

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I thank God for your prayers and support!

It is Monsoon season, farmers wait for this to cultivate their field. It is supposed to be a joyful season, but it is very devastating in the North. There are floods and frequent land-slides in the mountains. Cities and villages in the plains are flooded, many people have died and so much economic loss has happened. 

We have started a new session of our Bible School. We have eight students; four students who started last year and four new students. This semester the students are being taught: Proverbs, Gospel of Mark, Prison Epistles, Pastoral Epistles, Hebrews, Attributes of God, Church History and Homiletics. I am teaching Hebrews and homiletics. On Sundays, I have been teaching from Genesis. Thus far I have covered chapter 41 of Genesis in Sunday Services. I am blessed by being taught by the Holy Spirit before teaching to His people in the classes or in church.

One of the former students of our Bible Institute in the North has been serving the Lord faithfully in spite of persecution. He is pastoring a small fellowship. Last month he had pain in his stomach and went to the doctor. He got some medical tests and found that he has a stone in his kidney and a cyst in his liver. He had to go to the capital for the further tests to diagnose the cyst. The doctor told him that he has cancer. He has to take chemotherapy for 1 ½ years. Please pray for him.

We thank the Lord for adding new souls to our fellowship. Two new families from Hindu backgrounds are coming regularly to our Sunday Service. One of the families is made up of only a husband and wife. They are newly married. Both of them have been forsaken by their families because of their faith in Jesus. They are going through tough times. We talked to a Christian sister who owns a house in the city where no one is living. She has agreed to let them live there for free. Praise God- Jehovah Jireh! 

Last month my wife and I were invited to preach the Word in a “Men and Women” conference. Two sessions were combined for men and women and one session was divided. My wife shared the Word to the women’s group in the divided session. I shared the Word in both combined sessions and also in the men’s group. My topic was “Men and Women after God’s Own Heart”.

My wife shared “Partaker of God’s blessing”. She shared from Ruth’s life. Praise God that the Lord used both of us and people were blessed.

Thank you so much for being partners in the ministry through your financial support and prayers. We do pray for you and your families. God bless you!

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Finding Grace In These Uncertain Times

Thank the Lord for His grace to finish the second semester of our Bible Institute. This semester the students were taught 1&2 Samuel, Ezra & Nehemaih, Luke, Acts, Romans and 1&2 Corinthians. All the classes went smoothly.

We did not face any opposition from the Hindu fanatical groups that are very active in our area. There is so much persecution in our state. There is especially persecution around our town, but it has not been in our town. However, two weeks ago, a church service was attacked in a town that is just about a mile away from our church. These fanatical groups put women in the front. The women attack with wooden rods. 

Last month, one man was baptized in our church. This man’s parents became Christians about 13 years ago. They are members of our church. Before, this man had not accepted Jesus, but he started coming to church for the last two years with his parents. Slowly, he grew in his knowledge of the Lord and put his faith in Jesus. He got baptized last month. The Lord blessed him with a wife who is also a new believer from the same tribe. 

A new family has started coming to our Sunday fellowship. This family moved to our town recently, since the husband and wife both got jobs in our town. 

Even though we are not able to preach Gospel openly, the Lord gives us opportunities to do personal evangelism. We are renovating our house and we hired some people to do the work. We are thankful to the Lord that we are able to share the Gospel with them. 

Pastor 3* (our co-worker in Christ) has started building a place of worship by faith (right). lease pray that God provides for its completion.

We are doing well by God’s grace. Our daughter (left) is in England working as a registered nurse.

Thank you for being partners in the ministry of the Gospel through your prayers and financial support. We remember you in our prayers.

Co-workers in Christ,

A Wedding at Our Church

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Sustained by God’s Goodness

Praise the Lord! Happy New Year to you all!

God’s goodness and faithfulness sustained us and gave us another year to do the work of the Gospel.  We pray that this year 2023 would be the year of God’s blessings for us all. May the Lord shower His love and grace on us all!  I would also like to thank you all for partnering with us in the work of the Gospel through your continued prayers and sacrificial financial gifts. We look forward for your continued partnership this year as well.     

We are doing well spiritually though sometimes not doing too good physically. Still, the Lord by His grace has been giving us strength to do the work He has called us to do. Not only He gives us strength to do the ministry, but He opens the doors for the ministry.

As I have shared with you, in our state persecution of Christians is severe.  In November and December it was even worse. Thousands of new believers in Jesus have been beaten very badly and driven from their villages. Their belongings have been looted. Their houses demolished and their agriculture fields have taken by the village people. In spite of this persecution and opposition, the Lord opens doors for us and gives us the boldness to preach the Gospel.

Sometimes the Lord brings individuals on our way and gives us the opportunity to share the Gospel with them. One evening, as I was coming back home on my scooter from a shopping center, a young man asked me for a ride.  He had to catch a bus and the bus stand was five minutes’ drive. I gave him a ride to the bus stop. While I was driving, I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel with him, but I thought, “How I can share the Gospel to him in just few minutes?”

I was trying to ignore the Spirit of God, but the man began to talk to me. He asked me about my work and I told him that I am a pastor.  He did not know what a pastor is. I told him that I am a Christian priest.

He said, “Oh, yes! On the 25th you have Christmas.” I asked him if he knew why we celebrate Christmas and he didn’t know that. So, I shared about the purpose of Christ coming, His death and resurrection in three minutes. I dropped him where he had to catch the bus and asked him if would like to know more about Jesus. With his consent, I gave him a copy of the New Testament (I always keep one or more copies rapped in gift pack with me).

We visited a government school with the head teacher’s permission to do an awareness program. We performed some skits to teach the students about personal hygiene. After the program, we distributed fruit to the students and then they were sent to their class rooms.  As the students were in their class rooms, we had tea with the teachers. While we were having tea with the teachers, some of us went to the class rooms and sang Gospel songs and shared the Gospel with them.

We had a Christmas out-reach program for the children, which was attended by more than 60 non-Christian children.  We shared the Gospel with them through a story, songs and skits. We played games with them and distributed snacks and gifts.

We also visited an nursing home with groceries and fruit. We were also given the opportunity to share the Gospel with them. We spent some time talking with the individuals and thus we could show the love of Christ to them. Many people visit them and give them groceries, but no one gives their time to them. When we spent time talking to them personally, they opened themselves to us. Some of them wept as they were touched by the love we showed them. The manager of the nursing home was so happy and asked us to revisit. He said, “Don’t bring any thing, but please visit us again.”

I had the privilege to be the chief guest in a Christmas program of a Christian hospital in the city. Many city officials and politicians were also invited. More than a thousand people were there. The Lord gave me this privilege to share the Gospel at this big gathering. I was given 15-20 minutes to share and I shared from Luke 19:10. I shared about the triple ‘S’ that is 1) Son of man, 2) Seeker and 3) Savior. Basically I shared two things: first “What is Christmas?” – God became the Son of man; secondly, the “What is the purpose of Christmas?” – 1) to the seek the lost and 2) to save the lost. The Lord helped me to finish my teaching in time. Please pray for those who heard the Gospel.   

Our daughter got a job in the UK. She left our country on December 20th. We were sad that she could not be with us for Christmas, but were happy that she got the job she wanted. Please pray for God’s protection on her life.

Thank you for your prayers for us and the ministry. We pray for you all. May the dear Lord bless you richly!

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Every Opportunity Is Precious

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness. It is by His goodness and faithfulness that we are still alive and doing the work of the Gospel. I would also like to thank you all for your continued prayers for us and for the ministry of the Gospel. Our special thanks to all of you who are sacrificially supporting us financially.

We are doing well spiritually, though sometimes not doing too good physically. But still the Lord, by His grace, is giving us strength to do the work He has called us to do. He not only gives us strength to do the ministry, but He opens up doors for the ministry. As I have shared with you, in our state persecution of Christians is severe. We are not allowed to bury new believers who die. Even if we bury the dead, when the Hindus come to know that Christians have buried a new believer’s dead body, they come and excavate the body. In spite of these persecutions and oppositions, the Lord opens doors for us to preach the Gospel.

One of our relatives bought a new car. The day he bought the car he took sweets and snacks for the workers at the car showroom. There are more than fifty workers and all of them gathered there by the car at the time of delivery. I was also invited to pray for the new car before it was taken out of the showroom. I had the opportunity to share the Gospel for fifteen minutes. None of the men and woman who works at the car showroom is a Christian. All of them listened to the Gospel silently and I prayed for the workers before I prayed for the car. In Ephesians 5:16 the Scripture says, “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” The Hindi translation says, “Consider every opportunity precious.” The Lord gives us each opportunity and we should not let it go. 

In our Calvary Bible Institute, the second semester has started. During this semester, the students are taught I and II Samuel, Ezra and Nehemiah, the Gospel of Luke, Acts, Romans, and I & II Corinthians. The men are doing well and enjoying their time in the Word. I am teaching my favorite book–the book of Romans. I am always blessed when I read this book. It is a great encouragement in our weaknesses and challenge to live Christian lives. It explains the Gospel that: “Christ died for the ungodly… God exhibited his love towards us while we were yet sinners… For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son… We are justified by His blood, we shall be saved.” 

“Who shall separate us from the Love of Christ?” What a great question! This is answered in Romans 8:38-39, “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 

Last month, we were able to attend a pastors conference in our neighboring country. It was a time of refreshment and encouragement. Each day, for three days, we had three sessions in which various pastors taught the Word. The theme for the conference was “Seeing Jesus.” We were encouraged to follow Jesus in our Christian walk and in our ministry. 

The believers in our fellowship have been protected by the Lord, meanwhile Christians are being persecuted everywhere in our state and also there are many car accidents. Though some of the Christians in our fellowship have had accidents, the Lord has saved them and kept them alive. Two young women had accidents twice in two weeks. One of them broke 2 of her teeth. A pastor from another church, who is our neighbor, lost both of his parents on the same day in an accident last week. His parents were in a scooter and a pickup truck hit them and both of them died at the scene. Every day people are losing their lives in accidents. Please continue to lift us up in your prayers.

Thank you for being a part of the ministry of the Gospel.

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.