Milan Pariyar

Author's posts

God Is Opening Doors

It is always exiting to tell you about what God is doing in our country. Last month, we got the chance to go to a restricted area of the mountainous region. It is on the border. They are a tribal people who follow the Buddhist religion. There is not any church in this area. One …

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Reaching this Generation

Youth Conference What a wonderful youth conference we had this past month! I would like to give thanks to God for His provision and His favor upon me as I lead our District Youth Community. This was the first time we invited our country’s Calvary Bible Institute Director, Pastor Anand. He taught verse-by-verse. Many of …

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Reaching the Unreached

Christian Youth Fellowship At our church, I hosted a 2 and 1/2 day youth program for all of the Christians in my district. We had a great time studying God’s Word and spending time in prayer and worship. About 150 youth leaders came and were refreshed by the fellowship and encouraged one another to be steadfast in …

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Serving the Lord Together

Fellowship in the Capital When I came to visit the capital, I was able to visit some of the Bible College students who were on semester break. We did house fellowship together and were able to have Bible studies in some of their homes. It was a great time of encouragement with them and they …

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Celebrating Christ

Thank you for your prayers! It has been a fruitful month. We had a great time with the church during Good Friday, Easter Sunday and also our Music Conference that we had for the youth in our community. Good Friday As a church family, we all fasted and prayed together and read the scriptures. We …

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Making Disciples

“And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have …

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500+ Youth Gather

I am thankful for your prayers and support as I serve and lead the fellowship at Calvary Chapel. I am going to be sending updates to keep you informed and ask that you continue to join me in praying for God’s work in my area.    Last month, I was part of the leadership committee. …

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