Not Our Ways

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.”

Isaiah 55:8 NKJV

Hello our friends and family,

It’s been a few months since our last update and we are very grateful for each of you who pray for us, encourage us or financially partner with us as we continue to be faithful and obedient to our Father! So many privilege’s and opportunities have been placed in our path and God continues to show us it’s not about our ways, but His ways! It’s definitely been a humbling experience but by God’s grace, we are blessed to be a part of His plan. His Will. 

Tim finished teaching the book of Matthew to the students at the Bible college in S. Asia. They spent several months going through this glorious gospel and mining out the beautiful and powerful truths that are there. It was a great time for Tim and the students. We are grateful that even when we can’t physically be there. Technology allows us to continue to pour into these young future church planters who are passionate for the furtherance of the gospel and the work of the ministry in some of the most persecuted and difficult places in the world.

In March, one of our dear friends Merry, went home to be with the Lord. Her husband of 46 years rejoices that she is present with the Lord, but still struggles through much grief as you could imagine. We are grateful to be here for him and with him. Tim was able to have a roll in the funeral and the celebration of life that meant so much to him and his dear friend John. Please be praying for John as he tries to figure out how to navigate life here without his bride by his side. We are fortunate to have had him at our house often and he has joined Tim in a men’s small group that meets every Friday.

Wedding Bells

Life certainly has its ups and downs, new beginnings and sudden endings but through it all it’s clear that God is in complete control. 100% sovereign. What a fun time we had at the wedding of a couple of our past students.  We are grateful, humbled and somewhat baffled that these youngsters not only want us in their lives, but consider us near and dear to them. It was such a privilege for us to walk them through this pivotal event in their lives and for Tim to be able to conduct their wedding. 

Carmelle & Adam, CSOM graduates

Jenn got to use her God given gift of hospitality and host a bridal shower for a MTS student moving to S. Asia who will be marrying one of the National Pastors serving with SGWM. She said “ I especially enjoyed cooking the Indian Dishes, Tikka Masala & Chaat dip I made from scratch, it turned out so yummy. Chaat dip is a layered dip. Tikka Masala is a yummy sauce with chicken. Typically it is very spicy but I didn’t make it spicy. Now I know how to make food for our nationals when they come on furlough”. If you would like to join us for dinner and eat National food together, please let us know.  I truly enjoy hosting, it’s such a blessing to bless others. 

There are definitely no shortages of care needed on the mission field. In these past months, Jenn’s counseled women struggling with many difficult things.  Spiritual depletion & warfare, deception, grief and loss, marriage counseling. Also, good stuff too, encouragement with the calling on the field, rejoicing with them for God’s faithfulness and provisions. Building them up through the Word of God and prayer. 

What an amazing opportunity to serve at the Voice of Refugees a Ministry here in Orange County. They host a yearly event to help women who have fled from persecuted and dangerous countries for safety. These women have been through a lot of trauma, at times fearing for their lives . VOR is the hands and feet of Jesus transforming lives through God’s love.  Assistance with many resources from English classes to housing and much more. 

Last month our church hosted a woman’s spring brunch where Jenn was asked to lead up this event along with an awesome opportunity to share her testimony along with the gospel to the Women at Saving Grace Spring Brunch.  The theme was “New Life” 🦋🦋🦋 We are a new creation in Christ. We played games and had crafts too!! The butterfly craft was a hit!! Over 80 women attended this event!! I truly love teaching and encouraging the women by the Word of God and by my testimony. It’s humbling and honoring to our Father! 

 Tim had a wonderful opportunity to teach the principles of biblical counseling in the missions training school . We believe Scripture is absolutely sufficient to guide us through all issues in our  life. While the world’s approach to counseling may aim to “fix” people from the outside, biblical counseling’s goal is to lead individuals into the Word, allowing the Holy Spirit to transform them from the inside out. The emphasis is on heart change, realignment with God’s will, and internal transformation. This is something that Jenn and I are passionate about and seek to pass on to the next generation.  

Calvary School of Missions coming up around the corner

It’s hard to believe that we get to do this for the sixth year in a row, and we are expecting God to do great things. Time fails us to tell you of all the wonderful things that he has done in the past five years of this school, but we have seen the fruit of this ministry grow beyond what we ever thought it could. We have seven graduated students serving full-time in the Middle East, two in Japan and two in South Asia. We’ve seen incredible spiritual, and personal growth in the students as well as ourselves. So far we have 15 students that will be attending with a few interviews still to conduct. There is much work left to do so we appreciate everyone’s prayers as we put the finishing touches on scheduling teachers, outreaches, transportation, housing etc. One of the incredible things that we get to do this year is a return visit to the unreached people group in the mountains of Mexico that we visited last year. In our next newsletter we will speak more of that and of the unreached. 

We love you all so much and thank you for being behind us. Through your generous, financial support you have made this ministry possible for us and we want to let you know that this is the fruit of your labor as well.  If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase you’re already generous support you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or mailing your support check to
Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 62886

*Note Pappas support in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas

“We’re Feeling Young Again!”

How great are His signs, and how mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And His dominion is from generation to generation.

Daniel 4:3

Last month we mentioned that we wanted to “Be Still” and wait upon the Lord. Well, we did that and heard Him saying to continue being faithful to what is in front of us. Jenn is itching to “GO,” however, we are to STAY for now.  There are many opportunities and privileges God has put in front of us. The sheep need us, MTS (Missions Training School) & CSOM (Calvary School of Missions) need us, the missionaries overseas need us…and of course we couldn’t do any of this without each and every one of you and most importantly our Father! We need Him! Amen?!  

We are in our Father’s Business!!

Here’s what we have been up to since our last newsletter, hold on to your seats:

We had an awesome time at the Church Planter’s Conference in Mazatlan.  We took one of the MTS students with us, Marcelo. Let us tell you about him. He is a Mexican national, who has graduated from CSOM and is now at our church training to go over seas to the Middle East to join 7 other missionaries that have been sent already in the last year. Marcelo has a huge serving heart and has a passion for the lost.  His uncle is the senior pastor at Calvary Culiacan.  We are so delighted to have him with us for the time being, he helped us in Mazatlan with promoting the school and helping us with translation.  He is an excellent interpreter.  

Marcelo interpreting for Tim

We heard from some GREAT bible teachers & pastors. Hugo Limon from Culiacan spoke on, “Creating a Sending Hub” to reach big cities. Wes Bentley founder of “Far Reaching Ministries” taught on “Planting Churches to reach the World.” Bruce Zachary, pastor and author of 17 books, taught on “Raising up Leaders.” Pastor Mike Vincent from CCR who has planted 39 churches and 20 church planting schools taught, “The Sending Hub,” an overview of Acts 1:8. “But you will receive the power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” And finally, Pastor Tony Carranza from Calvary Maranatha, a bilingual church that sent out 6 new church plants. Tony taught on, “Creating a Sending Hub through a Church Planting School.”  Tim also taught a workshop on serving as an assistant pastor and closed out the conference with communion. Jenn helped out in the children’s ministry, her wheel house.

Established church plants on the left, new church plant on the right

So many other workshops were taught by missionaries serving on the field, Pastors & Pastors wives Q & A.   Sooo encouraging and stirring for the Nations.  We are in awe that WE get to be a part of the Great Commission!! 

Romans 10:14 – how then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 

SGWM youngest missionary from Culiacan: “Sammy” (left bottom photo)! 

Here are some quotes that stayed with us when leaving the conference:

**Engage, equip, encourage, empower.

**The gospel is of the world, the world needs more gospel centered churches.

**Be relational.

**Learn the culture.

**Identify future disciples and church planters.

**Prepare yourself for the opposition.

**Continue to be faithful and count the cost.

**Make prayer a priority.

We were blessed by some divine appointments in getting to know some new sisters and brothers with a possibility to partner with them and helping them use their ministry for the Great Commission AND catching fireflies for CSOM. One of the things we love the most is meeting new people in Christ.  

New and old friends Calvary Cocoyoc & Maranatha (possible future CSOM too)

Tim and I continue to love on the students by training, debriefing, discipling, fellowshipping, and walking side-by-side with them on the road the Lord has for them to reach the unreached and fulfill the great commission. 

Jenn was able to attend the Calvary Curriculum Children’s Ministry Conference this past month along with one of our missionaries who is here on furlough. Thus was Jenn’s first time attending this conference, in prior years she was not able to attend because of work. Jenn was able to take away so many important ways to teach the kiddos about Jesus.  As she leads up the Nursery/ Toddlers Ministry, her main focus is to teach the kids how to pray, read the Bible, & worship.  Kids are smarter than we think at this age. Jenn truly enjoys ministering to the kiddos at Saving Grace and hopes to take this to the unreached God willing this year!  

Tim also had the opportunity to take/drive the high schoolers up to Big Bear for their annual retreat.  The theme of the retreat was God pursuing you. He was asked to teach so he shared on Psalm 139 bringing out the truths of how intimately God already knows you, how much He loves you, and how it doesn’t make sense to run from somebody you can’t get away from anyhow. 

Jenn also had the opportunity to teach an encouraging devotional to the group of wives in S. Asia over FaceTime. 5 wives showed up and it truly was a fruitful time praying and sharing. She taught a short lesson on, “It is Well With My Soul.” I’m sure you have heard of the song.  No matter the storms and/or persecution that come our way, our GOD is greater. No man can separate us from HIM. (Due to security, we are unable to post any photos) We continue to meet monthly. 

Tim and I are amazed by God’s grace and faithfulness to us.  We are truly blessed beyond measures that we get to be a part of the Great Commission at Saving Grace World Missions. We see so many times God confirming to us our calling since I quit my job. God continues to provide for us! This is our God! Loving, faithful, sovereign, compassionate.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the 2024 Calvary School of Missions and for us as we get to lead this wonderful work of God’s.
  2. Please pray for us, as we are implementing some personal disciplines that will enable us to serve the Lord in this capacity for many more years.
  3. Please pray for our son Andy as he is still wandering in his wilderness and desperately needs Jesus. Praise Jesus we are able to minister to him and see him frequently. We pray for our Father to renew his mind. 
  4. Please pray for wisdom as we navigate this new year in a way that honors God and brings much glory to Him.  This year’s calendar for missionary care and equipping is quite full and opportunities are not lacking.

We love you all so much and thank you for being behind us. You are also part of this ‘Great Commission’!! We are so dependent on and grateful for your prayers and want to say thank you to those who have already joined us in this area. We realize it’s by God’s grace and through your prayers that we are able to serve the Lord the way we do! But if the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, we are in need of additional monthly supporters, and if you desire to increase your already generous support, please know that it would be a huge help. You can do so by clicking on the link below to become a financial partner or mailing your support check to:

Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 62886

*Note Pappas support in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas

Did You Hear It?

Did you hear it?  Did you hear it? We heard it. The starting pistol…  it went off and the rat race begins. The first thing we’ve decided to do in 2024 is BE STILL !! The tendency is to hit the ground running, I’m sure we’re not alone but Jenn and I have decided to be still and know that He is God. We’re not going to try to catch up on any undone business of 2023. We’re not going to try to check off our to-do list or New Year’s resolutions of 2024 before we learn to practice the art of being still before our great God and king. We were grateful to be able to have a week of downtime between Christmas and New Year’s. 2024 started off with a short week in the office, followed by a weeklong time of prayer and fasting that our whole church engages in.

I heard somebody say the other day  “no one is as busy as I am” ! That saddened me, but I begin to wonder if the same could be said of us.  I think we are all the equal amount of busy, there are only 24 hours in a day, but just exactly what are we busy doing? That’s what Jenn and I have begun to pray about.  Ministry matters and affairs around the church have to be tended to but people matter more and being still before the Lord matters even more than that. 


We had the opportunity to serve at one of the church plants, Calvary Chapel Pedregales in Tijuana, Mexico. Taking Christmas shoeboxes and being part of an outreach for the community was such a blessing. SGWM missionary Deanna Juevez has been serving down there for 20+ years.  I love her testimony where she committed 1 year to serving at the church and now she doesn’t ever want to leave.  Deanna runs an afterschool program/soup kitchen with 40 children ages 6-12. She also oversees the Children’s Ministry at CC Pedregales, as well as correspondence for groups that come for short-term missions trips. She’s an amazing lady and friend and we were honored to be a part of blessing the families in the community.  The children there are very poor so several of them wanted to wait to open their gifts on Christmas because it is the only gift they will receive.  Please pray for these children and their families, that they would come to know Jesus and attend CC Pedragales. We love serving alongside each other, we provided the craft for the children ages 3-12yrs old.  The theme was the “birth of Jesus” in the manger.

Calvary Chapel Pedregales Outreach
Prepping the craft for the children

As you know we recently began to be able to serve together as a couple in this new season of our lives.  One of the things we love most is pouring into the missions training students, discipling and teaching them the ways of the Word.  We also get to provide housing, transportation, and a safe place for the students to pour their hearts out. One of the really cool and kind of unexpected things we love is discipling the students who are engaged and married. It’s crazy to sit back and look at how good our Father is by raising these like minded youngsters up to marry and be sent out to the mission field! AND they want to hang out with US!! Tim and I love every minute of it. 

We love these youngsters!

Another one of the blessings over the years has been to host and visit with missionaries around the world here on furlough. We had some great times in our home with Vincent and Melissa Aniku from Uganda. They are dear friends of ours, and we love to spend quality time. Before we closed out 2023 we had a wonderful opportunity to have dinner with some friends of ours from Uganda. They were at our home and shared the wonderful works that the Lord is doing there. We are hoping to go out and visit them and their ministry sometime before June. Another friend from a different area in Uganda was in the office for one day and Tim got to have great fellowship with him. 

Vincent and Melissa

We are thanking our Father for the many blessings He has brought us in 2023.  We are so grateful that we GET to serve the Lord in the capacity He allows us.  As we are reminded, our God is our Provider, Redeemer, our Salvation, and He saved a wretch like us!  We have had our challenges in 2023, but God is faithful and sovereign through it all!

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the 2024 Calvary School of Missions and for us as we get to lead this wonderful work of God’s.
  2. Please pray for us, as we are implementing some personal disciplines that will enable us to serve the Lord in this capacity for many more years.
  3. Please pray for our son Andy as he is still wandering in his wilderness and desperately needs Jesus. Praise Jesus we are able to minister to him and see him frequently. We pray for our Father to renew his mind. 
  4. Please pray for wisdom as we navigate this new year in a way that honors God and brings much glory to Him.  This year’s calendar for missionary care and equipping is quite full and opportunities are not lacking.

We love you all so much and thank you for being behind us. You are also part of this ‘Great Commission’!! We are so dependent on and grateful for your prayers and want to say thank you to those who have already joined us in this area. We realize it’s by God’s grace and through your prayers that we are able to serve the Lord the way we do! But if the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, we are in need of additional monthly supporters, and if you desire to increase your already generous support, please know that it would be a huge help. You can do so by clicking on the link below to to become a financial partner or mailing your support check to:

Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 62886
*Note Pappas support in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas

We Are Wrapping it Up ! !

To borrow a line from an old song…

 “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”

There are many wonderful things about this month. There is the heightened awareness and celebration of Jesus, the Messiah, and the indescribable gift of grace, and love that God has given us, the opportunity and openness of this time of year for the gospel to go forth, and gratitude and love, that seems to be more freely shared. Another one of the things that Jenn and I truly love around Christmas time is wrapping. I know that may sound strange, but the wrapping of gifts and the beauty of gifts wrapped and placed under the tree and the thoughtfulness that goes into it has a super special spot in our hearts. As we wrap up 2023 we hope to do a good job of wrapping up in this final update. 

We often tell you about ministry with Saving Grace World Missions, but you may ask yourself what do they do around Calvary Chapel Saving Grace. Well, let me assure you there’s never a dull moment there and the Lord has allowed Jenn and I to be used in many ways around the church. Our first and primary calling is to serve with Saving Grace World Missions in fulfilling the great commission. But we are acutely aware that Calvary Chapel Saving Grace is the home base of Saving Grace World Missions and our church family, so we invest a lot of time there as well.

I Tim get to serve as an assistant pastor here at the fellowship, providing pastoral oversight for the hospitality ministry, Deacons ministry, as well as the safety ministry. I get to have an active role in seeing to it that Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings services are safe, clean, functioning well and distraction free so people can come to learn the word of God, fellowship with the body and get recharged.

Jenn recently stepped out of her job @ Hoag Hospital and is now serving full time alongside Tim at Saving Grace World Missions (SGWM) & Calvary Chapel Saving Grace (CCSG) as his assistant by helping with CSOM & Missions Training School. There are 21 students right now at MTS. Part of what we get to do is train up & disciple the next generation for cross-cultural church planting. These are a few of the things we get to do.

We also are both involved in biblical counseling here at the fellowship, and are really grateful to walk-through life’s struggles with others, looking to the Lord and His Word for solution. 

As far as our primary ministry with Saving Grace World Missions, it’s been a wonderful year of missionary equipping, and missionary care. We have had many opportunities this year, to provide missionary care on the field in South Asia, the Middle East, Mexico, and South America. We are very careful as to what we put in writing as in many of these areas the missionaries are working amongst the unreached and have governments that are hostile to the gospel.  Along with caring for those on the field, we have had wonderful teaching opportunities as well. Jenn was able to hold a women’s conference and Tim taught at several Bible college campuses.

Here are a couple photos, faces have been blotted out for security reasons. 

Women’s Conference in S. Asia
Church Conference in S. Asia

For security purposes, please DO NOT forward this email, post, or share it with anyone else without our permission. Thank you.

Looking back at 2023 we are blown away with what the Lord has allowed us to be involved in, and the many partners he has brought alongside of us. For us to say to you you are very much part of this ministry and the fruit of the work we get to do is yours as much as ours and we couldn’t, and wouldn’t imagine doing this without you sound cliché, but it’s not. We mean it from the bottom of our hearts, we are so grateful for your love, encouragement, prayers, and financial support. The way you all have come along side of us and encourage us in the Lord is the best gift anyone could ask for. 

As we think of gifts that have been given to us throughout the year by all of you, we are so very grateful for you!  You are also part of this ‘Great Commission’ !! We are so dependent on and grateful for your prayers and want to say thank you to those who have already joined us in this area, we realize it’s by God’s grace and through your prayers that we are able to serve the Lord the way we do but if the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, we are in need of additional monthly supporters, if you desire to increase your already generous support, please know that it would be a huge help. Lastly, now that Jenn and I are full-time missionaries on support we would ask if you would consider a one time year-end tax deductible gift. It would be a huge blessing, and help launch us into 2024 on the right foot.

You can do so by clicking on the link below to become a financial partner or mailing your support check to Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 62886

*Note Pappas support in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas

Stick the Landing

You gotta stick the landing !! 

In gymnastics an event can be fierce, the workouts, the practices, not to mention the competitions themselves are highly emotional and physically challenging. One of the most important things is to stick the landing… What does this mean? At the end of your gymnastic event there’s one final move and how you land can make all the difference in the world. As we have had a few moments to reflect on the past eight weeks in Mexico with the 2023 CSOM, our heart is to stick the landing… Land well. That’s the moment that can make all the difference. `Well thanks to our Gods grace, mercy, and the prayers of friends like you that’s exactly what happened. We landed well, six weeks of training, stretching and growing for staff and students alike. And we were no exception. We were able to get back to America and have time to wrap up the administrative details of the school. Calvary School Of Missions as you know, is no small feet, it takes months and months and months of preparation for us which is including but not limited to interviewing students, securing lodging, food, transportation. Arranging Ministry outreach, organizing curriculum, securing teachers, I’m exhausted just writing this 🙂 

I could go on and on but I think you get the point. It’s a lot of work, but it’s so worth it, just like competing in the Olympics for that gold medal is .  A week after we got back, we were able to sneak away for some much-needed R&R. Tent camping in the mountains just Jenn and I with our Bibles a good book and a guitar. We worshipped & cooked by the campfire and yes even got to do a little stream fishing but mostly we got to be still and know that He is God. It was much needed because as we came back down the mountain there’s more work to be done. The Missions Training School (MTS for short) is an extension of the Calvary School of Missions where some of the students from CSOM enter into the training school with the long-term goal of being placed full-time on the mission field, where the Lord would have them to be. There’s too much to tell about in this letter, so more will have to be told at a later time because we wanted to save room to tell a little more about our time during CSOM.

I’ll let Jenn share about one of the most exciting things we got to be a part of this summer at CSOM, which was visiting an unreached people group in the mountains of Mexico.

The Kuaré Tribe

We  joined other Calvary Chapels from Sinaloa, and traveled a total of about 15 hours to the state of Nayarit. From there, we then journeyed up the mountains through the night on uneven roads with many pot holes and very little asphalt. We use the term “road” loosely, but finally we reached the Kuaré Tribe.  Needless to say, we had little to no sleep. Pastor Antonio and his wife from Calvary Aguaruto, one of Pastor Hugo ‘s church plants have been visiting this tribe for the past 5 -6 years, creating relationships, providing for their needs, and sharing about Jesus. 

Roads on the way to Kuare Tribe

We were truly grateful for all the prayers as we were concerned about the weather going up the mountain. If the rain came it could have completely stopped our mission. The roads were treacherous, and the drive was difficult, so we were so grateful to God that the rain did not come until we arrived to their Community. Tim and I pulled out our rain gear and did what we do, “serve”.  When we asked the students to pull out their ponchos, most of them said they left them in their backpack which was tied down on the top of the vans under a tarp. As we chuckled inside, as we faced yet again, another challenge in training up these future missionaries. AGAIN, God reminded us, this is WHY we do what we do! Training and raising up these future missionaries and leaders has been such a joy and we are tempted to tell you of the nine past students who are now living in the 10/40 window making steps to reach some of the hardest people to reach. There’s too much to tell about in this letter, so more will have to be told at a later time. Since this is the second time, we said that we might as well reveal that somewhere in the next few months we will be having an update, get together, sometimes called a dessert gathering where we invite people to gather and here in person. All the Lord has allowed us to be a part of. We will keep you posted as we’re not sure yet if it will be at our home our church or another facility but we would love to share with you all live. It’s way overdue.  

Back to the mountain…We got to spend 3 days with these beautiful people. Some of the things we got to be a part of was going from house to house in groups passing out clothes, shoes, medical supplies, and praying for each family; the students helped put together VBS style outreaches alongside of the other church plant teams from Sinaloa and ended our time with the tribe’s first ever church service in their language, translating from Spanish to English and then into Kuaré, the local language. The Kuaré, people know that there is a God because they see the evidence through the mountains, trees, and weather, yet they worship creation instead of the Creator because they did not know who He was. 

It was a very simple Gospel message, but It was incredible to watch them hear that the God who created nature, also created them and that His name is Jesus and He wants a relationship with each one of them. 

Home Visits
Tim with the Kuare Men
Pastor Antonio & his wife from Calvary Aguaruto

First ever church service in their language, translating from Spanish to English and then into Kuaré, the local language.
Calvary’s joined together to bring the gospel to the unreached

There was so much else we got to engage in this summer at the school of missions and we want to make sure you know that, even if our visit to the unreached people groups was by far the most powerful and exciting, it does not diminish in anyway the ministry outreaches the church planters conference, visiting church plants, and yes, much Missionary Care !!!  We were able to connect with 8 or more SGWM Missionary’s over our summer and although the training of future missionaries seems to be the main focus God has for our lives at the very moment He has in no way lessened the call to care for existing missionaries on the field as well as to continue in biblical counseling and discipleship. We love being able to serve our Lord in this way !!!

We are so dependent on and grateful for your prayers and want to say thank you to those who have already joined us in this area, we realize it’s by gods grace and through your prayers that we are able to serve the lord the way we do but If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase you’re already generous support it would be a huge help. 

You can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or mailing your support check to
Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 62886

If you would like to sign up to receive our newsletters, you can do so by clicking here.
*Note Pappas support in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas


We are so thankful for each and every one of you who are reading this newsletter and wish you could be here to witness the wonderful and great things the Lord is putting in our paths for His Glory, And we know you are rejoicing with us in what the Lord has been doing in our lives. We are at the 1/2 way mark of the Calvary School of Missions.  IT’S TRULY BEEN AN AMAZING TIME ! !

Each and every year has been unique and this is no exception. We have a blend of students from 18 years old to 62 years old who are all in love with Jesus and are passionate about the great need for the gospel to go to all nations. It’s been a joy watching these students serve the Lord in different capacities. These students are proving to be on fire for the Lord. We have heard students talking about how the Lord has spoke to them about going to Japan, India, Indonesia, even Saudi Arabia.  The students have heard from many missionaries on the field, the R Family from N. Africa, Sam & Amy Baby from S Asia, Paul Billings from Jorden, Heather Gaona, Director of 10/40 National Missionaries, Kurt Kula from Georgia (the country) Pastor Nadeem M. from Pakistan. Our friends from Pakistan & S. Asia were not able to join us, but through the aide of modern technology, we felt as if they were right here with us.  We are grateful for technology.  I’ve heard nothing but positive comments from the students on how helpful the classes have been and how they are learning so much.  They are stirred up for the nations!!

As we wrap up our last week here at the Connections House in Rosarito, we are going to attend one of our favorite conferences in the whole world. Calvary Chapel Rosarito’s church planting conference. We are passionate about Evangelism, discipleship and church planting. We are excited to be able to attend this conference reuniting with the many church planters who know and love us. It is a great joy to hear of the wonderful works God has been doing in all of their church plants. We are also looking forward to the impact it will have upon our students. We will tell you more about that in our next newsletter. 

Tim with his good friend & mentor Pastor Mike Vincent from CC Rosarito. Excited about his new book on church planting.

Next week,  Tim and I will be taking the students to the state of Sinaloa, where we will visit church plants in the cities of Culiacan, Mazatlan as well as go to the mountains to take the love of Jesus to an unreached Tribe the “Kuare” . We will be hiking to get there and camping at night, it will be cold and rainy and the students will definitely be stretched and we hope that the Lord will teach them through this new experience that going to any lengths to bring the gospel is worth the cost no matter what it may be.

Please pray for us in these next upcoming weeks for traveling mercies and what ever else the Lord places on your heart.

There are so many more blessings we look forward to telling you about in our time here at CSOM. We do want to share we were able to connect with some SGWM missionaries although it wasn’t the focus of this trip, the Lord had other plans and continues to open doors in our calling of missionary care.

Deanna Jevas serving in Tijuana
Paul & Claudia Boubion serving in Rosarito
Ryan, Karen & Mackenzie Gause serving in Playas.

We announced in our last newsletter we have a big announcement we want to tell you.  Drum roll please.. After many many months of prayer & counsel, the Lord has lead us to make a decision for Jenn (I) to resign from Hoag Addiction Treatment Center to serve full time in ministry alongside my hubby Pastor Tim in missionary care and equipping at SGWM (Saving Grace World Missions). In these past few weeks the Lord has already confirmed our decision through conversations with others and things said, as well as financially and through His word.  We strongly believe this is from the Lord.  As we take this step of faith, being led by the Holy Spirit, we are so excited for these next steps in our lives.  Please join us in prayer and rejoicing to our Lord for His continual guidance in our calling.  

2 Timothy 1:9

9 who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.

We want to close by thanking you all so much for your faithful friendship, love, and prayers throughout the years. 

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the 2023 Calvary School of Missions and for us as we travel to Sinaloa with the students.
  2. Please pray for Tim as he leads a team to Perú late September/early October to help host the 2nd annual Calvary Chapel Missions Conference in South America
  3. Please pray for our son Andy as he is still missing and desperately needs Jesus
  4. Please pray for wisdom as we navigate the rest of this year. The calendar for missionary care and equipping is quite full and opportunities are not lacking.  

We love you all so much and thank you for being behind us. Through your generous financial support, you have made this ministry possible for us and we want to let you know that this is the fruit of your labor as well. If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase your already generous support, you can do so by clicking on the financial button below or mailing your support check to:

Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 

Yorba Linda, CA 62886

*Note “Pappas support” in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas

A Beautiful Display!! Pappas Update

We hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. 

This year has been a beautiful display of God’s grace and power. Jenn and I continue to be amazed at God’s grace and how through His power He allows us to participate in His plan for the gospel to go out to the whole world. (Mark 16:15)

As the director of missionary equipping here at Saving Grace World Missions, Tim’s role has many facets. Missionary care has been one of the main thrusts of the last six years, the way it looks changes frequently and has expanded into much more than we ever imagined. 

Jenn has been able to join Tim in partnering in the ministry of missionary care more and more each month. Lately we have been able to be involved in field care for missionaries. We both got to go to a country we shall call South Asia for security reasons. This is a “closed country” but God does not believe in “closed countries”!! We were able to be there to assist in establishing one of our CSOM graduates to her new home and life as a full-time missionary.

– TJ in S. Asia –

A few months later, Tim got to travel with a team of pastors to relocate and establish four other missionaries in their new home in a Muslim country we shall not name for security reasons as well. This trip had a double blessing in it, one was that Tim got to see exactly where our team is planted. To be able to walk the streets they walk, smell the smells they smell, taste the food they eat, and yes, hear the sounds they hear. One of which is the demonic Islamic call to worship which echoes throughout the country several times a day.

This is of great benefit as we continue to minister to them having at least a little bit of a picture of where they are. 

Local Mosque – 11 million lost in Islamic Worship

We have poured into these Calvary School of Missions graduates over the last four years. They shared how meaningful and valuable it was to them for us to be by their side as they permanently moved to other countries in the heart of the 10/40 window, leaving all of the comforts of America behind to further the gospel.


  • Connecting with and caring for missionaries through technology.
  • Counseling opportunities. 
  • Jenn has been consistently discipling the intern girls along with overseas counseling to some women on the field. 
  • Housing missionaries on furlough or preparing to go to the field. 
  • Providing transportation (rides and the use of our vehicle).
  • Inviting them in our home for meals.
  • Hosting events for them at our home. 
  • Ongoing intern care and discipleship.

We love Missionary Care & Hospitality, Jenn describes it as a “heartfelt blessing”! We love blessing the missionaries when they pass through on furlough, providing housing, fellowship, and encouragement while they are are being refreshed.

“Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality” – Romans 12:10-13

The sacrifices our sisters and brothers make for the furtherance of the gospel is very humbling. While we bless them with fellowship, shelter, and encouragement, they ultimately bless us more! Jenn said she gets so fired up each time she meets with them to hear what God has been doing on the mission field in 🇵🇪 🇺🇬 🇲🇽 🇷🇴 and beyond! 


As we are only a few days away from launching the fifth Calvary School of Missions, there has been much to do. We will share more on that with you in our next newsletter, along with some very exciting news of ministry opportunities for Jenn and I. 

We want to close by thanking you all so much for your faithful friendship, love, and prayers throughout the years. 

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the 2023 Calvary School of Missions and for us as we get to lead this wonderful work of God
  2. Please pray for Tim as he leads a team to Perú late September/early October to help host the 2nd annual Calvary Chapel Missions Conference in South America
  3. Please pray for our son Andy as he is still missing and desperately needs Jesus
  4. Please pray for wisdom as we navigate the rest of this year. The calendar for missionary care and equipping is quite full and opportunities are not lacking. 

We love you all so much and thank you for being behind us. Through your generous financial support, you have made this ministry possible for us and we want to let you know that this is the fruit of your labor as well. If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase your already generous support, you can do so by clicking on the financial button below or mailing your support check to:

Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 

Yorba Linda, CA 62886

*Note “Pappas support” in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas

Together Again

Jenn and I were separated for a couple of weeks but are now glad to be back hand-in-hand serving the Lord together in Mexico. It’s hard to believe but for the fourth year I find myself in Mexico directing the Calvary School of Missions. We are down here with 18 incredibly focused young men and women who feel the call of God on their lives for church planting and missions work. 

  Jenn had some challenges while we were apart, she fell while at work (Praise God she was not seriously injured) also a co worker of hers passed away from a stroke. Despite challenges by God’s grace we both continue to be faithful in what He has put in front of us and lay our lives down for the gospel. 

“As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.”

John 10:15

As the Director of the Calvary School of Missions It was not preferred but necessary that I leave California two weeks earlier than Jenn to launch CSOM 2022. Surrounded by a great team of intern leaders who had previously graduated CSOM we got off to an incredible start. The Lord’s hand is clearly upon us as we begin to dig into scriptures highlighting the purpose of the church and outlining the biblical model of missions as found in the book of Acts. The students are hungry for the word of God and passionate for our Lord Jesus. 

 Part of what we do here is modeling ministry with local church plans from Calvary Chapel Rosorito (CCR). We took the students on two outreaches to the Rosorito dump where Pastor Eddie from Calvary Part of what we do here is modeling ministry with local church plants from Calvary Chapel Rosarito (CCR). We took the students on two outreaches to the Rosarito dump where Pastor Eddie from Calvary Chapel Homex, a church plant from CCR ministers to those living in the dump plaged with poverty, drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution and many other unmentionable sins bringing the hope of Jesus to the Homex community. We were also able to do a park outreach and Sunday church with him. Tim was able to connect with Gallo, a friend he made on our first years CSOM dump outreach. Gallo has been living in the dump for a long time, but came to faith in Christ four years ago and has been faithfully attending Calvary Chapel Homex. He walks 1 1/2 miles every Sunday. Although he still lives in the landfill, he is a new creation in Christ, loves the Lord and loves people. He greets Tim every year with a big hug and a loving welcome.

We have also had nights of testimony from veteran missionaries such as Mike Vincent who has spent over 20 years here in Mexico and Pastor Aaron Garcia who lived with his bride for seven years in Nepal. As great as these two weeks has been there was a big hole, avoid in my life… My bride by my side. We will be together for the remainder of the school and are looking forward to what the Lord is going to do in and through us as we minister to and with these incredible youngsters. We are grateful for the call that God has on our life in Mexico and are excited to see what he reveals to us in these next few weeks. We will keep you updated as best we can. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to read our newsletter, it really means a lot to us. God has been moving here in Mexico! People in the communities are receiving Jesus, and the students are really being stretched, serving in ways that are out of their comfort zone. We cant tell you how excited we are for these future world changers! Jenn has truly been blessed by being a part of the School of Missions! We definitely hear the Lord speaking to us more to plant a church or partner alongside a team. We are surrendering and seeking God to know when? SEND US ! Until that time comes, we are committed to being faithful to what God has called us to right now.

Over the past few weeks we have had several privileges and opportunities to share the love of Jesus in the communities. You may be thinking to yourself what does the above picture have to do with saved lives? Well when we went to Calvary Homex, Pastor Eddie’s church he took us to a community he called “Beirut”, while we were scoping out the community and praying for where God could use us, this cactus on the top of this small dirt hill caught Jenn’s eye because purple is her favorite color. Jenn walked up on the hill to look closer at the cactus, (we wish we knew the name of it.) While Jenn was stooped down taking a picture, a thought came to Jenn’s heart & mind, “here is this cactus on this hill with weeds, debris & dirt and it has bloomed a beautiful color” in the middle of no where. God put it upon Jenn’s heart that even in the middle of a run down dysfunctional community, He can make all things new by changing their lives to know Jesus.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new – 1 Corinthians 5:17

The team worked hard creating a more secure area for the children to play. We provided paints for the children to paint on the tires. This was such a fun time watching the families and kids with huge smiles on their faces. After we completed arranging the tires around the playground we hosted an outreach with games, crafts, worship & testimonies.

The day was very productive, we blessed the community and shared the gospel with many souls.

We wish we had more time to come back to this community. Jenn already scoped out a slab to plant a church to help this community. Pastor Mike @ CCR has always said to dream big.

Please keep this community in your prayers.

Many lost souls and broken, dysfunctional families are there.

The community received bags of food, a hot meal & Bibles. The smiles on their faces were priceless. We only asked that they read the Bible every day and pray. We are going to keep this community in our prayers, there are a lot of lost souls and dysfunction within the families.

We both have spoken to several families and they tell us there is a lot of dysfunction with marriages & their children not respecting their parents. They need Jesus..Amen?

We have left out some things but want you to know lives are being reborn through the blood of Jesus! I Jenn have really been able to get my feet wet with so many outreaches, getting equipped for our church plant, being lead by a wonderful husband who loves Jesus. In the above picture Jenn is speaking to the women about how the Lord rescued her 13 years ago and sharing the gospel. Asking the ladies in particular how to pray for them. Lily is translating. I’m truly grateful for her. Lily is a returning student from Acapulco. I really enjoy serving with her and talking with the women. The Lord used my time working in the Women’s Rehab the past 10 years to prepare me for serving at this capacity. My heart is so heavy for these lost women! 


Pray for the next phase of our life & marriage, but most importantly that we continue to strengthen our trust & faith in God and stay faithful to the calling He has for us right now! Pray for God to provide financially as we take this step of faith. Jenn’s job ended enabling her to join me this summer. But that means we won’t get a paycheck during this summer. Please pray that all our needs are met and that we can raise the finances needed to sustain us. Pray for Jenn’s physical condition as she is still recovering from her surgery. 


We have witnessed close to 20 people giving their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ so far. Great relationships are being built with church planters here in Mexico. There has been great unity amongst the school

Thanks again for taking the time to read our updates on how the Lord is using us for His Glory. We wouldn’t be able to pursue the call that God has placed on our life without the body of Christ coming alongside us and partnering with us in spreading the gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth. If you would like to partner with us financially, please click on the “Become a Financial Partner ” button below or by mailing your support check to:

Saving Grace World Missions 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 92886
*Note Pappas support in the memo

Blessings,Tim & Jenn Pappas

“Sending Out The Twelve”

These twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them, saying: “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.  – Matt 10: 5-7

So much to tell you about what God has been doing in and through the students here at CSOM (Calvary School of Missions). It has only been 2 weeks and we have already been able to pour into the hearts of these young men & women.  One way I (Jenn) have been able to build up rapport with a few students is by taking early morning walks before devotionals.  Talking to these young ladies and building a relationship and trust by pouring Jesus upon them. One of the students mentioned how she has realized the way she had been living at home was a lie.  Another student expressed her concerns when she returned home, how she would be judged by her faith.  Listening to theses students hearts and pouring into them, has been edifying to them and myself.  These students are truly pumped up for reaching the nations.  We are so excited to see what the Lord has in store for all these students as they continue to open their heart to the teachings of His Word by the SGWM (Saving Grace World Missions) pastors.  

This past week we have had the opportunity to visit a dump ministry where Pastor Eddie Mijares from CCHomex began ministry several years ago.  This dump has a variety of men & women living at this dump in exchange for work.  Most of the men and women living at this dump are addicted to drugs & alcohol and have debts to pay. They work in exchange to paying their debts and cannot leave until these debts are paid off.  As we were walking around the dump, I saw small shacks that were made out of cardboard and scrap wood.  We prayed as we approached their living arrangements for divine appointments to preach the gospel into their hearts.  There were a few women and men that received the gospel and one woman received Jesus into her heart and had the desire to leave the dump and receive help for her addiction.  Pastor Eddie had to pay her debt off which was not a lot and was taken to the women’s rehab.  A few days later we heard a man decided he wanted out of that life and was able to leave the dump as well.  

Sharing the gospel and praying for the people in the community.

And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation, but as it is written – Romans 15:20-21


The woman sitting down near the burning fire is the woman who gave her life to Christ and was willing to go to rehab for her addiction disorder.

It has been such an awesome week, We are speechless at the work of our King. We were able to pour into the people at the dump, pray for them and encourage them. Most of the people at the dump have been there for awhile and know other way to live. CC Homex will continue to minister to this community with the hope of Jesus. We are also very frustrated and challenged with the many lost souls who are denying Jesus. We continue to walk by faith and not by sight, praying for the lost. We have faith that the people at the dump will be saved!

We also had the privilege of visiting Pastor Jose Luis & Cindy Pesina’s church “Gracia del Calvario” Vista del Valle, Tijuana.  We began setting up for an outreach at a near by dirt park with games, food, a teaching from the Word, pouring into the community with the love of Jesus.  We handed out food bags for the community with Bibles, hot dogs, testimonies, a Teaching from the Word of God. We also had the opportunity to evangelize on the street, pray for the community.

The students are being stretched and used in mighty ways. We have seen such growth in all of them by stepping out in faith doing the uncomfortable things such as face painting, crafts, teaching in front of a large crowd. God is transforming these students into future disciples right before our eyes. How cool is this! We get to be a part of this amazing school.

It was a huge blessing to serve at Gracia del Calvario. Tim and a student witnessed to a young man in the park off to the side sitting alone with a pipe in his hand, barely surviving. Tim shared his testimony, prayed for him, and gave him a Bible. Later, we saw the man riding off on his skateboard with the Bible in his hand. Our first thought was “he kept the Bible” – we pray he will read it and receive Jesus! Another opportunity came up where a woman wanted prayer, a few of the students along with Pastor Jose Luis prayed with the woman and she began vomitting. It was evident she had a demon inside of her. They continued to pray for her through this and she wanted to live a life with Jesus.

A little girl came up to me (Jenn) before we left the park and asked when were we coming back. I gave her a hug and shared how much Jesus loves her and to go home and invite her family to church.

We ended the day by spending time with the youth at Gracia del Calvario by playing worship, one of the CSOM students shared their testimony and the ladies at church provided enchiladas for dinner. They were so yummy! We were all blessed by good fellowship & food. Cindy & Pastor Jose Luis shared their testimony on how they were called to the mission field.

We (Tim and I) are ecstatic to be here in Mexico together leading, training & pouring into these students. We are so blessed. We love these young future disciples and can’t wait to see what the Lord will do inside of their hearts during these next few weeks.

We love to end the day with worship and praying for our nation!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this update, and I want to thank you once again for both your financial support and your support in prayer. I wouldn’t be able to pursue the call that God has placed on our life without the body of Christ coming alongside us and partnering with us in spreading the gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth, if you would like to partner with us financially, please click on the “Become a Financial Partner ” button below or by mailing your support check to:

Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 92886

*Note Pappas support in memo


Tim & Jenn Pappas