To borrow a line from an old song…
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”
There are many wonderful things about this month. There is the heightened awareness and celebration of Jesus, the Messiah, and the indescribable gift of grace, and love that God has given us, the opportunity and openness of this time of year for the gospel to go forth, and gratitude and love, that seems to be more freely shared. Another one of the things that Jenn and I truly love around Christmas time is wrapping. I know that may sound strange, but the wrapping of gifts and the beauty of gifts wrapped and placed under the tree and the thoughtfulness that goes into it has a super special spot in our hearts. As we wrap up 2023 we hope to do a good job of wrapping up in this final update.

We often tell you about ministry with Saving Grace World Missions, but you may ask yourself what do they do around Calvary Chapel Saving Grace. Well, let me assure you there’s never a dull moment there and the Lord has allowed Jenn and I to be used in many ways around the church. Our first and primary calling is to serve with Saving Grace World Missions in fulfilling the great commission. But we are acutely aware that Calvary Chapel Saving Grace is the home base of Saving Grace World Missions and our church family, so we invest a lot of time there as well.
I Tim get to serve as an assistant pastor here at the fellowship, providing pastoral oversight for the hospitality ministry, Deacons ministry, as well as the safety ministry. I get to have an active role in seeing to it that Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings services are safe, clean, functioning well and distraction free so people can come to learn the word of God, fellowship with the body and get recharged.
Jenn recently stepped out of her job @ Hoag Hospital and is now serving full time alongside Tim at Saving Grace World Missions (SGWM) & Calvary Chapel Saving Grace (CCSG) as his assistant by helping with CSOM & Missions Training School. There are 21 students right now at MTS. Part of what we get to do is train up & disciple the next generation for cross-cultural church planting. These are a few of the things we get to do.
We also are both involved in biblical counseling here at the fellowship, and are really grateful to walk-through life’s struggles with others, looking to the Lord and His Word for solution.
As far as our primary ministry with Saving Grace World Missions, it’s been a wonderful year of missionary equipping, and missionary care. We have had many opportunities this year, to provide missionary care on the field in South Asia, the Middle East, Mexico, and South America. We are very careful as to what we put in writing as in many of these areas the missionaries are working amongst the unreached and have governments that are hostile to the gospel. Along with caring for those on the field, we have had wonderful teaching opportunities as well. Jenn was able to hold a women’s conference and Tim taught at several Bible college campuses.
Here are a couple photos, faces have been blotted out for security reasons.

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Looking back at 2023 we are blown away with what the Lord has allowed us to be involved in, and the many partners he has brought alongside of us. For us to say to you you are very much part of this ministry and the fruit of the work we get to do is yours as much as ours and we couldn’t, and wouldn’t imagine doing this without you sound cliché, but it’s not. We mean it from the bottom of our hearts, we are so grateful for your love, encouragement, prayers, and financial support. The way you all have come along side of us and encourage us in the Lord is the best gift anyone could ask for.
As we think of gifts that have been given to us throughout the year by all of you, we are so very grateful for you! You are also part of this ‘Great Commission’ !! We are so dependent on and grateful for your prayers and want to say thank you to those who have already joined us in this area, we realize it’s by God’s grace and through your prayers that we are able to serve the Lord the way we do but if the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, we are in need of additional monthly supporters, if you desire to increase your already generous support, please know that it would be a huge help. Lastly, now that Jenn and I are full-time missionaries on support we would ask if you would consider a one time year-end tax deductible gift. It would be a huge blessing, and help launch us into 2024 on the right foot.
You can do so by clicking on the link below to become a financial partner or mailing your support check to Saving Grace World Missions
17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 62886
*Note Pappas support in memo
All for His Glory,
Tim and Jenn Pappas