January 2009 update

Feliz Ano Nuevo!  (Happy New Year)!!

We are looking into 2009 with anticipation of what God is going to do here in Tijuana in and through us.

I like the words of C.H. Spurgeon and I pray this prayer for me for 2009:
“…Pray that this year you may be holy, humble, zealous, and patient; have closer communion with Christ, and enter more often into the banqueting-house of His love. Pray that you may be an example and a blessing to others, and that you may live more to the glory of your Master. The motto for this year must be, “Continue . . . in prayer.”

We had a great celebration of our Lord and Savior Jesus’ birth on Dec. 25th! It rained all day off and on, but that didn’t stop the saints from coming to church!!  The church was packed!  The kids presented a Christmas Musical that lasted 45 minutes!  They worked so very hard, sometimes practicing for up to four hours without a break! After seeing these kids work so hard, I feel the need to start a drama club. They did an excellent job memorizing their lines, singing, and even dancing!  Many of the kids’ parents and grandparents came to see them, so it was a great ministry opportunity. Then, we all ate turkey and ham with all the trimmings!  Chris’ brother, Don, provides all of the food for this event every year!

I enjoyed spending a week with family and friends in Orange County. I was blessed to see everyone, and it was a wonderful time of rest and relaxation. It was especially nice to have heat and hot water!

The Lord has blessed me this past year in the Children’s Ministry here at CC Pedregales.  The kids are learning so much and growing in the Lord, and hungering for God’s Word. They come, rain or shine, in freezing cold temperatures on their own to study God’s Word. It just amazes me to see this. Also, many of their parents have come to the Lord as a result of them.  One parent, Alejandra, was convicted seeing her two children praying for her in their home. She thought how wrong it was that they were being an example for her, and not the other way around.  She and her husband gave their lives to the Lord and are now involved in the church.  I’m excited for 2009 and know that if I’m willing, God will continue to use me all for His glory.

As many of you know, I lost my dad last year to Leukemia, (it will be one year on Jan. 11th), and I just recently lost my dog, Sandy of 12 years.  She has been with me the whole time I’ve been here in Tijuana! It’s been difficult at times—I miss them both so much!,  but like Job say’s, “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.”  I know that nothing on this earth is forever, and so I hold onto them lightly.

Wisdom and anointing as I will be sharing at a Purity Seminar at CC Mexicali Jan. 24th and 25th.

For all of the people in this community during the cold winter. There is no heat, and no insulation in most of the homes, so it gets very cold!  Especially for the babies and elderly!

Provisions for my health insurance that ends this month, and for all of my
needs in these difficult economic times.