Summer is drawing to a close, and school has started for the kids in Tijuana! Some schools are in session, and some are still online. Here is a summary of the latest happenings at Calvary Chapel Pedregales:
“Destination Dig” was the theme of this year’s VBS. There were 60 kids in attendance due to Covid Precautions. It was great fun for all, servants and kids! We dug into God’s Word and experienced God’s great love through His servants. It is the highlight of the year and always an all-church event. Those who cannot help physically gave food for the meal each day. This was our first year doing this work on our own as a church with no help from the U.S.

We said goodbye to 10 of our kids that graduated and are going off to Jr. High. They have grown up in our after school program, and they will truly be missed! They each received a backpack filled with school supplies. I pray that they all continue to seek God as they grow.

Our summer theme in our afterschool program was “Learning can be Fun!” We focused on math (fractions) and reading. It was lots of fun and the purpose of course was to prepare these kids for school, giving them a jump start! We are thankful and blessed with the youth of our church who volunteered their time this summer helping the kids.

Our older single gals group has not met in over a year, but has recently started up again! We meet at my house every other Saturday to study God’s Word together. It is a small group but very intimate. I love pouring into these girls, they are dear to my heart and we have such sweet fellowship!

I am still receiving physical therapy for my right knee. I had total knee replacement on April 21st. It is a slow healing process but it gets better each day.

for volunteers to help in our after school program. We have 36 kids and the youth have gone back to school so can no longer help!
for more teachers to be raised up for our Sunday School.
for my knee to heal. I have problems with my extension.
Thanks for praying for me and for reading this post! With love from Mexico.
“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”–Jeremiah 33:3