It Was Wonderful!

God is so good!

As you know, August 25th Ashley was married. It was at the Woodenbridge Hotel and Lodge in Vale of Avoca Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. It really is amazing how many details there are in putting together a wedding; invitations, reservations, menu planning, just to name a few. And the logistics of it all can be overwhelming by itself. Having a wedding in a country other than the one you live in, just adds to the stress. But God met us in such wonderful ways. It was a beautiful wedding.

I wanted to share a few pictures with you.

Ashley and Elijah

Ashley and Elijah

Rehearsal, I had to practice giving Ashley away.

Rehearsal at Calvary Chapel Cork, Ireland. I had to practice giving Ashley away.

Walking Ashley down the aisle. Thank God for the rehearsal. It was one of the great blessing in my life.

Walking Ashley down the aisle. Thank God for the rehearsal. It was one of the greatest moments of my life.

I was blessed to do half of their ceremony.

I was blessed to do half of their ceremony.

Elijah's father is pastor of Calvary Chapel Carrigaline in Ireland. He did the other half of the ceremony.

Elijah’s father, Duke, is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Carrigaline in Ireland. He also did half of the ceremony.

Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Knepper

Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Knepper

Our kids. Bryan, Elijah, Ashley and Austin.

Our kids. Bryan, Elijah, Ashley and Austin. Thank God, we didn’t loose a daughter, we gained a son.

Cutting the cake.

Cutting the cake.

Ashley and Elijah honeymooned in Spain. They returned to Ireland on the 10th of September and are preparing to return to Jordan where they will be working. Please keep them in prayer. Pray God’s blessings upon their marriage as they settle into their new lives and the work they will be engaged in.


This Friday, September 13th, I will be leaving for the states. Open DoorsGod is opening new doors for us to walk through, and it’s very exciting what He is doing. I will be going to share with a number of churches in Arizona, California, Oregon and perhaps even Washington. I’m going to try to meet and share with as many of our friends and supporters during my time in the states as I can. Please pray for my trip, that God will bring about divine appointments. As soon as we have a chance to share with our church in Corvallis and all our supporters, then we will be able update everyone what lays ahead of us. We can’t wait to tell you what we sense God is doing.


I also wanted to ask you for prayer for a dear friend of our family and long time supporter. Her name is Linda and she is a beautiful saint who was just diagnosis with cancer. It sounds pretty bad. Please pray for her, that God will give her comfort and strength, that He will hold her in His arms and she would know His presence. We are trusting God to be glorified through all of this and do what only He can do. Thank you.

God bless,

Gary and Tina

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