Our Vision
Our vision is a simple one; Win souls for Christ, Make disciples, Equip the saints for the work of the ministry, and Magnify His name.
We’re asking the Lord to allow us to raise up national pastors and missionaries that will take the Gospel places that would be impossible for western missionaries to go to.
Our prayers and plans include overseeing the current CBI’s, established by Saving Grace World Missions, in the 10/40 window, discipling local national pastors, while also equip men to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to areas of the world where Christ has never been preached before.
Our desire is to travel between the CBI’s that Calvary Chapel Saving Grace has already established in the 10/40 window, Asia and Africa and bring in depth Bible teaching and discipleship training to a group of new pastors, to train them up to reach unreached people in their areas.
Between these visits abroad, Gary and Tina are seeking to pour into and disciple a new generation of missionaries right here in southern California while helping the missionary care team at Calvary Chapel Saving Grace reach out and care for close to 65 current missionaries and missionary families.
Finally, our heart is to serve in whatever capacity the Lord has for us to serve in, to meet the needs and stir the body of Calvary Chapel Saving Grace and support the leadership team.
“The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38.
Please pray with us to that end.
by Mike Thiemann