News, Gracious Reminders and Upcoming Events

My mom wrote me recently and reminded me that April was the last time I wrote an update. Where does the time go? There is so much going on here, I feel at times I’m just able to hang on at best.

New DoveCalvary Chapel Ansbach continues to goes forward and as a fellowship we’re drawing closer to the Lord. We are about to finish the book of Genesis on Wednesday nights. It’s been a wonderful time of seeing Jesus in the first book of the Bible.

Sunday Mornings we continue to study through the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ in chronological order. It has been such a rich study. We find ourselves in every gospel and looking at every thing Jesus said and did. It’s been terrific to see how the four gospels fit together to reveal our Lord in full. I can’t tell you how precious a time it has been to be in the word with those the Lord has brought to us. To see them stirred and challenged by the word to go deeper with the Lord has been sweet. What a privilege it has been to be part of the lives of these saints.

Recently we had a soldier find our web page and he has started to attend our Sunday Morning study. He’s a recent graduate of West Point, he is new to the Army and new to Germany. He wrote me and told me he attended a Calvary in the states and was eager to plug into a church here. He is stationed about two hours away from us and since we are the closest Calvary, he’s making the drive every week. The Lord reminded me of the vision He gave me before coming to Germany. We’re to be a home, a familiar place, and a family to those young believers who are are serving our country and are away from their home church, while at the same time He uses us to reach out to Europe.

For the last few months the Lord has been speaking to my heart regarding two very important aspects of the Christian life.

First, He has reiterated to me “That the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Plentiful HarvestThere are so many people here in Europe who do not know the Lord. It’s truly heartbreaking how many people don’t even know they are lost, and there are those who have no desire to know and openly reject Jesus. I believe Europe has overtaken Africa as the “Dark Continent,” but the Lord loves the people of Europe and wants them to hear about His love and willingness to receive them into His family if they would just humble themselves, repent of their sins and turn and follow after Him. The harvest is plentiful. We desire to be affective laborers in the harvest. It’s our heart to be bold witnesses, pointing the way to our Savior who has poured out HIs love and came “to seek and save the lost.”

The road aheadThe second thing the Lord has been speaking to my heart is that “We walk by faith, not by sight.” He keeps showing me that in spite of our inability to adequately address the need, He has a plan to use us for His glory. We are to walk by faith and to walk through the doors He opens up for us. He has spoken unmistakably to me that I don’t need to know the outcome before I start moving forward, I don’t need to know what’s around the bend, He knows, I’m just to take the steps that He leads me to take and He’ll do the rest, resulting in something we could not imagine or predict. How easy it is for us as Christians to ease into a life that requires no faith at all, even while we are serving Him?

As you know, Ashley and Elijah are getting married next month in Ireland. Ashley and ElijahTheir wedding date is August 25th. We’re looking forward to traveling to Ireland to see God’s blessing on their marriage ceremony along with seeing friends and family for the wedding. A day of two after we return to Germany we’ll be sending Austin and Matt, a young man from our fellowship, to Bible College in York England. We’re excited to see what the Lord will do in their hearts and lives. Bryan is exploring the possibility and thinking through going to college in Canada. Tina and I are equally excited to see the Lord open doors of opportunity for Bryan to pursue his dream.

Shortly after returning from the wedding, I will be headed to the states to meet with our supporters, reconnect with old friends, speak in churches and share in home fellowships what the Lord has been doing and the doors He is opening to us in greater detail. I’ll be in Arizona, California, Oregon and Washington October 13 through September 16.


1. Please continue to pray for Calvary Chapel Ansbach. Pray for my study times and the grace and annointing to teach God’s word simply and powerfully. Pray for wisdom, vision, direction and the Lord’s heart for us as we serve the American military and the German people.

2. Pray for the Lord’s provision for our family as we labor in the harvest. Pray for effectiveness and fruit from our labors.

3. Pray for faith as we attempt to walk through the doors the Lord opens.

4. Pray for Ashley and Elijah’s wedding. Pray for safety for them as Ashley joins Elijah in the work ahead of them in Jordan. Pray for Austin and Matt in Bible college, that the Lord would reveal Himself to them in a way that would spoil them for ordinary life. Pray for Bryan as he seeks the Lord’s heart and direction for him.

5. Pray for my trip to the states. Pray for safe travel and Devine appointments. Please pray that the Lord would anoint me to share the vision the Lord has given us going forward. Pray that people would hear from the Lord as He calls them to join us in the work through prayer and financial support.

As always, Tina and I are thankful for your prayers. Honestly, the work the Lord has entrusted to us would not be possible without your continued faithful prayers.

If there is anything you need prayer for, we’d be happy to stand with you. Please just drop us a note and we’ll take it to the throne of grace with you.

God bless,

Gary and Tina

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