Meet our Staff and Students for 2024!

We are proud to launch our sixth annual Calvary School of Missions summer program! This six-week intensive program includes teaching and training on cross-cultural ministry, cultural immersion, church planting, God’s heart for the nations, and the current state of the unreached.

CSOM Staff

Tim and Jenn Pappas

Pastor Tim is our on-the-ground Director of Students, providing pastoral oversight and wisdom to the students as they experience the ups and downs of life on the mission field.
Jenn will be supporting her husband and leadership with the students who come to CSOM with her gift of love and hospitality.

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Trent and Debbie Douglass

Trent and Debbie Douglass have had a heart for international church planting for over 25 years. In 2018, the Lord gave them a new vision to mobilize and train up young people to be full time cross-cultural church planters. In 2019 they started the Calvary School of Missions and have been blessed to be a part of sending several of those students to be full-time workers oversees. Trent’s roll at CSOM is teaching and training and Debbie is helping to lead and love on all the students, especially the girls. 


Macey was a student at the Calvary School of Missions in 2021 and got to serve as one of the children’s ministry outreach directors in 2022. This year, she is blessed with the opportunity to join the team again as the financial director. She will also be there to come alongside the students as she has a heart for the unreached, just as they do, as well as an understanding of what they will be experiencing as a former student herself.

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CSOM Students

Alyson Beattie

Alyson grew up exposed to Christianity and biblical truth most of her life. This drew her to be a believer in Christ but not necessarily a follower of Him. It wasn’t until September of 2020 that the Lord blessed her with the understanding of His grace and mercy specifically for her. Alyson has been attending Calvary Chapel Saving Grace for over 8 months and is serving in the children’s ministry, as well as doing campus ministry at California Baptist University as she prepares to graduate this spring. The Lord has been speaking to Alyson and drawing her towards missions for the last 3 years but it wasn’t until this past year that she began to seek His will rather than seeking to honor Him in her dreams. As she has been preparing for post grad life, the Lord has blessed her with clarity and confidence in walking forward into one thing which is the Calvary School of Missions.

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Christian Brown

Christian Brown grew up in southern California his whole life except for two years in England. Throughout his life he has always been surrounded by solid friends and family pushing him towards Christ. One Summer Camp, after listening to a gospel message and feeling the weight of sinning against a Holy God, he repented and put his faith in Jesus Christ. With a new heart to serve the Lord and learn more about his Glory, another desire grew: an interest in missionary work. Now he is going to attend Calvary School of Missions to fulfill that desire.

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Serena Keeler

Serena has been saved since Dec. 15th, 2019 from a life of rebellion and selfish living. Serena now serves at Calvary Chapel Saving Grace with the Youth & Young Adult ministry and desires to disciple them in the most crucial times of their lives with finding purpose for their life. Serena has a compassion for the young people all around the world who may not feel they have purpose or have never heard the name Jesus Christ. Serena feels the calling on her life to reach the unreached. Serena feels led by God to go to CSOM, she will be learning more in depth about Missions, equipping, training, hands on experience visiting other Church Plants. She is ready to surrender to whatever God has called on her life.

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Judah Douglass

Growing up as a missionary’s/pastor’s kid, I knew that Christianity was true, but became hardhearted and wanted to try to figure life out on my own. Through my years of struggles and hardships the Lord softened my heart, and was revealed to me, and He opened my eyes to the truth when I was 15. I know the Lord commands us to go and make disciples, so through this step in my life I am praying about wherever the Lord wants to send me. I want to serve Jesus with my life and school of missions will help open my eyes to the need of the Gospel throughout the nations.

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Olivia Kula

Olivia is a missionary kid who grew up in Poland, Hungary, and Cambodia. She is now living in the United States and is graduating from college with a degree in intercultural studies with a focus on global missions. She was saved at a young age and has felt the desire and call to go back to the mission field after college. She is currently attending Calvary Chapel Saving Grace and serving in the nursery and young adults ministries. She has a strong desire to reach the unreached with the gospel and serve the Lord wherever He may call her. 

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