How did you celebrate Christmas?

Christmas day 2022

The Boubions have been in Mexico for only 1.5.yr and we just celebrated our 2nd Christmas in Tijuana. This year we got to open up our home to a group of friends from our church community. The US-Mexico border is unique. While people come here from all over the world hoping to cross, there are also many other folks who find themselves in this area without family, without plans. Our local church, Calvary Rosarito, has always been ready with open arms to receive people into our community and church family. Our Christmas celebration was like the church! People from every background and social class, enjoying the Lord together as family.

This season is a great time to show  friends and family the true meaning of Christmas!

God sent His son Jesus to planet earth, to save us lost sheep.

Some of our friends enjoying a fun time on Christmas day in Tijuana!

Do you celebrate Christmas with a tree, a manger, Bible reading?

In Mexico, like everywhere else in the world, there is confusion about this great holiday. We’ve had conversations with people who believe Christmas is a pagan holiday or that the tree is a symbol of idolatry. Here are the verses quoted to me by a friend:

3 For the customs of the peoples [are] futile; For [one] cuts a tree from the forest, The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. 4 They decorate it with silver and gold; They fasten it with nails and hammers So that it will not topple.”

Jeremiah 10:3-4

This friend of mine said he learned this on YouTube! We talked about the context being about idols and statues people used to bow down to. We had a great conversation about how powerful reading through the whole Bible is and studying it verse by verse, and be like the Bereans (Acts 18:10-11).

After all these great conversations, We’ve been able to end with the great blessing and encouragement to make our homes Christ-centered every day of the year, especially Christmas!

And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

Luke 2:7
One team game we played was to create a nativity scene in under 10 minutes.

I hope you had a great time this Christmas with your loved ones!

Jesus is the reason for the season!

Praise Reports

  • All our family celebrated Christmas together!
  • We’ve been able to teach a Bible study in a rehab clinic every week since the Summer!
  • Paul gets to lead our English staff prayer meeting every Monday.
  • Claudia finished the Church planting class.
  • My son Ben loves the church community & has made friends
  • Our daughter Lydia will be returning to Orange County to intern with SGWM and Calvary Chapel Saving Grace.

Prayer Requests

  • The Recently deported and the families affected
  • Time and energy for Claudia to continue to disciple and counsel women
  • The patients at Clinica Newlife (rehab)
  • Family care and unity
  • Calvary Connections Mexico, our newest church plant
  • For Pastor Mike Vincent to finish his church planting book “the sending hub” and for Lydia and Paul to continue to help effectively
  • To reach the lost, troubled, lonely and suffering in this city with Christ’s love.
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