Great Is the Lord

Dear pastors and ministry partners, Greetings to you all in Jesus name!
We praise God because He is worthy of praise. As King David said, “I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name forever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name forever and ever. Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom.” (Psalm 145:1-3).
Thank you so much for your partnership in the ministry. We remember you and your family in our daily thoughts and prayers. May God bless you all in every aspect of your lives.

Experts point out that lock-downs will once again destroy livelihoods and squeeze the economy. Because Covid-19 cases have been on the rise, on March 21 the central government reported approximately 47,000 cases. In other words, our country’s confirmed cases have risen 4.5 times since the low point of February. For this reason, public gatherings have been prohibited in our state. Because of this, once again we have started having our church service online.

Last month, a relative of one of the believers from our church came for prayer. She was from a village. I got a chance to share the Gospel of Christ before I prayed for her.

Covid Testing

Also, one day I went to the store to purchase some items. While I was there, the store owner asked me the importance of Easter and Good Friday. It was a joy to share the Gospel with him. It’s my prayer that someday he and his family may come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

My daughter’s results on her final exams have been released. She has been promoted to 8th grade. By God’s grace, we all are doing fine. We appreciate your prayers.

Our Daughter Was Promoted to 8th Grade

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for the woman who came for prayer. For the past two years she has been suffering from headaches and body pain. 
  • Please pray for the salvation of the grocery store owner, since he has now heard the Gospel of Christ.  
  • Do continue to pray for the growth of our local Church.  
  • Please pray for our house plans to receive approval from the municipal office and for the construction of a house.  

Thank you very much for your prayers and support!

In Him,

Pastor 3* and Family

* Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.