Dear Ministry Partners,
Greetings to you all in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
We are grateful to the Lord for His protection and provision in my family. We appreciate each one of you for your valuable prayers and financial aid for the expansion of God’s ministry. Because of your financial help, we could move forward with the Gospel of Christ Jesus to the unreached. As a family we have been praying for you, for your family, ministry, jobs and businesses. May the good God bless you with all good resources and good health.
In our family devotions we have been learning from Word of God and trying to follow the footsteps of Jesus in our daily walk.

For the past several months, we had been facing a lot of opposition from Hindu fanatical groups. Many churches had been shutdown. By God’s grace we got permission from the government to conduct our Sunday worship services. However, fanatical groups are still causing problems. It has become hard to go to the villages and share the Gospel. However, God is opening the door for us to go to individual houses and make friends and do personal evangelism. As a family, we visit families to testify about Lord and pray for them (above).

Last month, visitors came to our home. It was wonderful time to encourage each other and pray. They asked us to pray for their son, B*. He is married but he and his wife are not happy to stay together.

In the month of March we completed our fourth semester. Five of our CBI students graduated. Before the students left to their homes, we had a wonderful time of fellowship with them at our home.

And we had wonderful staff outing as well (above).
Prayer Requests:
- Kindly pray that God will open the eyes of the fanatical Hindu groups, that they may see God’s love and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
- Please pray that God will stop such persecution.
- Kindly pray for the growth of our Church.
- Kindly pray for our graduates. May God use them effectively.
- Do pray for B* and his wife to understand each other.
Thank you very much for your prayers and support!!
In Him,
Pastor 3* and Family
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.