Praise the Lord! Thank you for remembering me in your prayers. I thank God that He has kept us safe! I also thank Him for all of you who always keep me in your prayers. God bless you all!

Prayer requests:

1) Pray for the new believers who are coming to our church. Pray that they will grow in faith and give their lives completely to God.

2) Pray for one brother who is from another city. He came to my house this week, and I was able to share the Good News with him! Pray that God will work in His heart.

3) There is a new temple being built in my village, and now there is so much idol worship going on in my village. Pray that the new believers of our church will not participate in any of this.

4) I have shared the Gospel with some youth in another town nearby. Pray that those who heard will believe.

5) Pray for me, that God will use me mightily and open new doors.

6) Pray that God will provide for all of our financial needs.

7) Pray for my family, as they are going through a difficult time. My sister-in-law and my brother are physically ill. Pray that God will heal them.

Thank you!

God bless you,

Pastor 10