Praise the Lord! I would like to thank God; Who is great, and is full of grace, and is a present help in times of trouble! I would like to thank Him, that He has kept me and my family safe, and has blessed me last month, and has fulfilled all my needs. I also thank God, that He has given me a good church fellowship in my village, including young people whom I am able to share the Word with.

New Growth In My Village Church Fellowship!

Village Church Fellowship

   Currently, I am teaching through the Gospel of John in my village church fellowship. I have been teaching that God is mighty and is able to do anything! He heals the sick and listens to all our prayers. I thank God that some of the youth, who were not coming earlier, are now coming to the fellowship! And, also, my family members did not used to come to the fellowship, but now God is working in their hearts and now they are coming to the fellowship! I am really encouraged that more people are being added in the Kingdom of God! The people at the fellowship ask me many different questions about salvation and about different religions. I am glad that the youth are asking many questions about God, because this shows that they are showing interest. I also thank God that He enables me to answer all the different questions that they ask me. The believers were also asking about baptism, so I have also been teaching them about baptism.

A Special Opportunity to Share the Gospel

   About three weeks ago, I went to my brother’s home in the city. There, I met two more men who work with my brother. One is from another near country and another from my village. The one who is from my village, earlier when I told him about God, he did not want to hear and used to be devoted to his gods. The day I was visiting, this friend shared his problems. He told me that he always thinks about these problems and he does not have peace. He told me that he always sees me happy and at peace. I told him that I am happy in the Lord, because all my troubles and my cares I give to God, and He listens to my prayers! Then, I also shared my testimony with him and then talked about salvation. There were two other men with him who were listening. They were also interested. We talked about many things and they asked many questions about my God compared to other gods. Then, they told me that they would like to come to my church. I was really encouraged that God used me there!

Teaching At A Conference

   God also gave me the opportunity to visit another village, which is about a 12 hour drive from where I live. I visited a brother who went to the School of Ministry with me and graduated with me. That brother had arranged a conference for his group of believers. He invited me and three other pastors to teach. I was blessed to teach about the work of God in creation. Since all these believers are new Christians, they do not know much about God. Therefore, they were very encouraged to hear about the works of our God. I told them that we need to know that the God we worship is all powerful and is in control of all things. Since it was my second time visiting these believers, it was really good to see them continuing to standing strong in their faith!

Prayer Requests:

1. Please pray for my family, as they are having many problems. They have taken a loan and the people from whom they have taken the loan are creating problems. Please pray that God may give us wisdom in making the payment for the debt.
2. Please pray that God may open new doors for me to share the Gospel.
3. Please pray for my village people, as they have heard the Gospel. Please pray that they may accept it also.
4. Please pray that all the believers in my church will grow strong in their faith. Please pray that they will not get involved in the evil practices that are practiced in the village by their family members.
5. Please pray for the three men from my village, whom I shared the Gospel with, that God will change their hearts and that they may accept Him as their Savior!
God bless you!
Pastor 10