My Fellowship

Praise the Lord! I thank God that He has kept me safe and has chosen me for His work. I also thank Him that he has healed me because for the last few days I was not doing well.

Thank God–He is using me among children, teenagers, and school teachers. Currently, in my church I am teaching from the book of Acts. Now, both young people and a few old people are coming to church and are blessed by the Word of God. Thank you all who pray for me and support me financially.

There was a wedding in my village. Many young people came to attend. I thank God that He used me there. I got to meet many new people. While I was thinking that I should share the Gospel with them, by God’s grace one of the believers from my fellowship said “Our pastor has come.”

Then the new people asked me, “Are you a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ?”

Then first of all I thanked God and told them that “Yes, I do believe in Jesus Christ.” Then I shared my testimony with them. I also shared the Gospel: how Christ came into this world and died for our sins and then on the third day rose again. I got to clearly present Jesus Christ to them. Then they told me that they would think about it.

One day, I went to my sister’s place to celebrate my nephew’s birthday. I met all my friends there that day. A friend of one of my friend’s had come from the city. After the birthday celebration my friend introduced me to his friend as, “a guy who works for Jesus”. I also asked him about how he is and what he does. That night in that room there were 6-7 people. This same friend started asking me, “What benefit did you get by accepting Jesus and changing your religion?”

I told him, “I accepted the truth. Before accepting Christ, I went after many different gods but I only found peace in Jesus Christ.”

He just kept on agreeing with me and did not really get my point. He said, “It’s good that you are happy there and I am happy here.” But, I thank God that he and all the other friends heard the Gospel that day.

Prayer requests:

For me: that God may open new doors for me and use me for His work.

For my village: that God would change the hearts of all the people who have heard the Gospel.

For all the believers in my village: that they may grow in the Lord.

Pray for my support. It is getting hard to manage to live in the town because everything is getting expensive everyday.

For all the people I shared the Gospel with: that they may know the Truth.

God bless you,

Pastor 10