The Kanyike Update–Sept. 2015


Kanyike Family Sept 2015Arise Logo

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails  much.                                – James 5:16 

Dear Friends and Family,

This has been a very fun and busy month for the ministry. Arise Christian Fellowship had ts first Afterglow service, our first baby dedication as well as hosting many visitors coming through the guest house.

Brian PreachingFor quite sometime we had been praying about having an extended time of worship and prayer (afterglow) at Arise. Most of our congregation are new believers and come from difficult backgrounds. We have been teaching them the word of God as well as the basics of the faith. We want them to have a true personal relationship with the Lord, to know how to communicate to Him and hear from Him. We decided that an afterglow that had worship, prayer and teaching / instruction through out would be a great way to get them immersed in God presence and learn how to better have a relationship with Him.

…we had been praying about having an extended time of worship and prayer…

Evelyn, our worship leader put together a whole worship team for this day. They led the church in over 30 songs of worship in a variety of different languages to allow the many different tribes to worship in the native heart language. Communion was available for believers to partake of as the worshipped and reflected on Christ and what he has done for us. You could see and hear people really connecting personally with the Lord.

Worship 1Worship 2  Worship 3

Brian, his assistant Mukasa and one of our mature believers sat at the front so that people could come forward for prayer and to be anointed with oil if they were sick.  Knowing many people needed prayer they began with those who wanted to get saved and then the sick, those in need, for family members and then anything else people might need prayer for.  As the shifted from one topic to the next Brian would first share more about prayer and prayer in relation to the topic.  I would say by the end of the service every one had received prayer for something and 2 people gave their lives to Christ. Praise God for inhabiting the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3).

…by the end of the service everyone had received prayer…



Guest House VisitorsMany of you know that our family runs the FRM guest house in Kampala. Our busiest time of year is during the summer. We have had many teams coming through as they travel for a missions trip to S Sudan. It is fun to meet people from all over the states. This year we even had a team of 6 pastors from Russia.

…one of the teams decided to go to the market ministry with Brian.

When the teams have extra time in Kampala, they like to serve with Arise. This year one of

Marketplace witnessingthe most fruitful times was when one of the teams decided to go to the market ministry with Brian. We were a little unsure as the normal team is made up of solely Africans, this was the first time white people went. Pastor Joe McCormick, from Utah, shared with a group of about 30 men. He had grown up with a background not dissimilar to many of these guys. His message was well received. An older gentlemen was there who had been seeking answers about Christianity. He said Joe answered half of them. The following Sunday he showed up at church. He said his plan was to Marketplace witnessing 2wait till after church to ask Brian the rest of his questions but that by the time the message was over all his questions were answered. After church he prayed with Brian and is now faithfully attending services. Joe and his team had a unique experience when after they had finished sharing with the men they were invited to come and share at the market women’s Bible study as well.Womens Study

An older gentlemen was there who had been seeking answers about Christianity…he …is now faithfully attending services. 

The month ended with another first for Arise Christian      Fellowship.  We had our first baby Baby dedication 1dedication.  Besides our nephew, Ezekiel’s birth this was the first birth from one our church members.  We prayed for the family all the way through the pregnancy and when the baby was born the mother and father gave us the privilege of naming her.  We named her Hannah and then dedicated her to the Lord much like Hannah of the Bible dedicated her child to the Lord.  We pray she will grow to know and follow Jesus in all she does.

Baby dedication 2


Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.


                                                    In Him,

Brian, Jill,Kanyike Kids Luke,  Laylee   and Liana






  • Praise the Lord for all who have given their lives to the Lord during the market outreach and the afterglow.

  • Pray for the new believers to continue to come to church and to grow in the Lord.

  • Pray for baby Hannah’s parents to raise her to follow the Lord. Pray for health and provision for all of them.

  • Continue to Pray that we would truly “Arise and Shine” the light of Christ in this dark place.

  • Pray for Jill as she is hosting a one day women’s conference on how to biblically raise children. They will cover topics that are both spiritual and health related.

  • Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads our ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship. Pray for all the ministries and leaders.

  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.

Brian and Jill Kanyike
Po Box 27658
Kampala, Uganda
East Africa
Calvary Chapel Saving Grace
17451 Bastanchury Rd  Suite 203
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
NOTE: Make checks payable to Saving Grace World Missions and specify gift is for Kanyike’s.
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Click the Become a Financial Partner button.
All gifts are tax deductible.



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