God’s Reigns Even in Chaos

Even in the midst of chaos in the world, disease that doesn’t seem to want to leave and uncertainty of what the future may bring, the Lord maintains His position on the throne with everything under control.  Knowing that truth, the believer has such confidence that our mission on this planet, to lead people to Christ and train them for the work of ministry, will never change.  That being said, I would like to share some of the things that God is doing in the local body of Christ here at Calvary Chapel Playas de Tijuana.  

The Lord has been doing some exciting things as we have begun the second semester of our church planting course.  This semester we will focus on practical ministry.  Our hope is to prepare our future church planters with the ability to minister in areas of listening, biblical counseling, facilitating marriages and funerals, evangelizing and discipling.  We have 17 people in the class this semester which is an incredible blessing and responsibility. 

Last summer we began to do outreach and evangelizing in a local community called Granjas.  It is an area with a lot of crime, drugs and not much hope.  One week ago we officially opened the doors for Calvary Chapel Esperanza there in Granjas.  It is our first church plant and God has blown our minds.  We have been blessed with a building and children’s ministry area for 100 dollars a month.  Pastor Juan has a great team of brothers and sisters helping him as they minister to the community.  Along with Sunday services, they have an inductive bible study and teach a class on the Calvary Distinctives.

Seven months ago we were blessed to be able to rent a very large building to begin a School of Ministry.  It has been a slow process of renovating the building but we have five men living in the ministry home.  Their daily activities include bible studies in the morning, serving in church planting, teaching at rehab centers and serving in the local community.  It is a great place for men to grow and to understand their calling in ministry.

We want to praise the Lord that he has provided for us to serve Him in Mexico for 9 years now. How time flies!  It has been such a blessing and an incredible adventure.  We could not have done this without your faithful support, both financially and spiritually.  Thank you for your continued support as we serve the Lord in Mexico.

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