Patience & Perseverance

Hey family, hope everyone is well as we are in the thick of winter here in Iquitos, Peru. Of course, being south of the equator and in the Amazonian jungle, winter is quite different for us than we are accustomed to. The evenings are mild, the rain is sporadic, but it is still the jungle and there will be no snow anytime soon. We are acclimating to the culture and the climate, thank you Jesus! Here is a quick update on life and ministry.

It has been a very slow month for us. We are very excited to be completing our residency process here in Peru, but there have been some complications that have prevented us from going to Cochiquinas, where we will be living and starting the ministry. Please pray for our patience and perseverance through this process. It has been slow and frustrating, but let us not grow weary in doing good, for in the right time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  

Ryan has had the opportunity to share at local churches and it is a blessing to fellowship with the body of Christ. This month he shared at Calvary Chapel Iquitos on Father’s Day.

We are blessed to be in our ninth week of Inductive Bible Study training. There are a group of 10 people who are really starting to understand the value of observation, interpretation and application, in a Bible study context. As a teacher, it is always so exciting to see the light go on when the student really begins to understand the subject. This study has been eye opening for all of the students, we are all excited. Praise God for His provision to provide glasses to one of the local pastors in the class.

As we are preparing to move down river to Cochiquinas, we have been very interested in learning how to grow fruit and vegetables in the jungle. The soil is terrible, too much rain, not enough sun, because of cloud cover, etc, etc. It is not the garden of Eden. The Lord connected us with an ecologist, horticulturist, named Dennis. He is a Peruvian native who has spent years in the Peruvian Amazon, as well as Africa and other countries. He is a wealth of knowledge for us.  We have learned about pigweed, yucca leaves and many more leafy greens that are high in protein and vitamins, in spite of the bad soil. He has committed to come to Cochiquinas to help us get started on a garden and further educate us in the nutritional and medicinal values of natural plants here in this great region.

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works! Glory in His holy name; Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord! Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face evermore!” (Psalms 105:1-4)

Thank you for partnering with us!


Ryan & Karen Gause

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Looking Forward

Hola Familia, we are heading into our fourth month here in Iquitos, Peru. It seems like we have been here for a year, but time is a strange master. This last month was a difficult one as we were all sick for about two weeks. The whole city was fighting something with flu like symptoms, but we are back on our feet and running.  

     We visited two local churches whose pastors are in the Friday night Inductive study class. At one of the churches, Ebenezer, Ryan taught a message and they sang a special song in their native tongue for us. It was a sweet little fellowship in the outskirts of town. The second church, Iglesia Cristiana Gloria de Christo, is a new church plant and they had a two day conference to celebrate their one year anniversary. Victor and Ryan both shared messages to encourage the congregation. It was a great time of sharing the Word and breaking bread with the body of Christ.

Victor and I have also had the opportunity to teach at Calvary Chapel Iquitos for the last 3 weeks while the senior pastor is on furlough. I have been teaching in Spanish only and it has been tough! The people have been very gracious with helping me find the correct words to say when they evade me. I have found myself playing charades sometimes to come up with the right words or phrases. It works well, the people are forced to stay attentive, praise the Lord. We will teach two more times and finish up the book of Colossians. On Thursday nights we are also doing guitar lessons for some of the youth at CCIquitos. It has been a blessing to get to know the people at this sweet fellowship. 

     Our Friday night, the inductive study is going great! We are in our sixth week and people are starting to catch on. It is fun watching them get excited about interpreting scripture within its context. The people are so excited to learn and we have great hope for their future as Bible students as well as teachers.  

     Karen and I recently took a trip to Cusco for our visas. We are in the process of getting our residency visas so we don’t have to leave the country every six months. The process promotes patience in the inner man, but we are topping the hill and should be starting the downhill run this Monday when our last document should be filed. We went to Cusco for the last steps of the Interpol process and now everything is in the hands of the Lord. While we were there, we did some sightseeing and we went to a mid week service at Iglesia Calvary La Semilla. It was a great time of prayer, worship, and fellowship!

     Please pray for us as we are heading out to a river community called Oran. We are going to be able to teach and fellowship with them as they celebrate their 50th anniversary.  We have done studies there before and they have been such a great church and very much on fire for the Lord.  

   We will be moving out to Cochequinas in August. Everything is still on course. We have a jungle home ready for us, a multipurpose church building and a couple other properties we will use for ministry. Jim and Chrystal Boothe, who run 414 Missions, are letting us use all of the property and they notified us we can use their big boat as well. Praise the Lord, we are set! What a miracle.  

     The plan is to teach a two week pastoral training course to the surrounding jungle communities throughout the year. As well as start a Bible College in the jungle where local river pastors can send men who would like to be trained for ministry. It will be an eight month course with an optional extra year for pastoral training. Please continue to keep that in prayer. We would like to make it free, so we are praying for the Lord to provide!  

If anybody has any connections with organizations who do water filtrations systems in the mission field or reading glasses distributions please contact us. There is a great need for both in the jungle river communities. 

We continue to be overwhelmed by the Lord’s guidance and provision in our lives. 

“And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.”” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Thank you for your love and support! 

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Answered Prayers

     Our Heavenly Father is on the move in our hearts and in our lives. It is so amazing to see the hand of the Lord at work when He wants to get things done. Philippians 4:6 comes to mind. Prayer, supplication, thanksgiving and asking, according to His will. We serve a miraculous God.

     As you may know we have been in Iquitos, Peru for a little over a month and a half. Our heart has been to get on the river and train pastors in remote places on the Amazon.  What we have found is the great need and desire the river pastors have for biblical training. The question is, Lord, how do we do this? No boat, no base of operations, no knowledge of the river, no connections. The Lord delivers!  

     We were invited on a trip to a place called Cushillo Cocha. We were traveling with 414 Missions which is led by Jim and Chrystal Boothe. They have the same heart and vision as we do for river pastors and we went to Cushillo Cocha to help train about 12 pastors and 13 leaders from various river communities. It was an incredible trip and our hearts were knit together to labor in this ministry.

     As our trip was coming to a close, Jim asked us if we would be interested in running a base of operations for pastoral training out of a small river community 4 hours upriver called, Cochiquinas. This was an area we had been praying about since Ryan and a group of guys took a trip to the Amazon last June/July. Jim had already taken us to Cochiquinas on the way up to Cushillo Cocha and kind of planted the seed in our mind of doing ministry from this location. So, by the end of the trip, when he offered it, we were confident this was the Lord’s plan, so we agreed.

     One of the amazing aspects of this whole project is that Jim and Chrystal spent the last year building a beautiful jungle home, with solar, water filtration, and a garden.  They tore down a bar and built a training center/church with a kitchen and bathrooms. They drilled a well on another piece of property and they have a piece of property for agriculture, some of the property donated to them by the leaders of the community. Jim told us, it is yours to use, we have freedom to use it all for ministry. We were blown away. We had been praying for all these things and it was an impossibility, from the perspective of our feeble human minds. Our plan is to move to Cochiquinas in July. What is impossible for Yahweh, the Lord of all creation?  Now that this reality has set in, Lord what would you have us to do?

Our priority will be to the local pastors, training and equipping them. There are at least 20 communities within an hour and a half boat ride from Coachiquinas, better than L.A traffic. We don’t have a boat and that is a major form of transportation.  Jim told me that he has a 30 foot outboard that he will co-op with us, so we are going to be talking about what that looks like financially, but that will be such a blessing!  There is also a 40hp small aluminum boat for ministry in Cochiquinas that we will be able to use as well. Truly, God has gone before us.

     This is where the plot thickens. After this crazy trip, we went back to the river the following week to a community called Oran. Pastor Victor and I went to meet and teach 7 pastors and leaders from local communities. It was a blessed time.  God began to stir my heart to question these pastors about who they are discipling to take their place if the Lord called them home, half the pastors were 55 or older. They all said they have no one. I asked them if we had a base where they could send us some of their young men for discipleship, would they be interested? By the end of our time there we already had them signing up for something we were not prepared for. We prayed for a couple weeks.

     I called Jim of 414 missions, and asked him what he thought about the idea. He got excited and said that we can use the training center to house them and train them. Our prayer right now is using the training center for a Bible college to train future pastors and home Bible study leaders through an 8 month program. The river communities do not have the finances to send their students, so we will have to provide financially for their transportation and basic living necessities. We are planning to start next March with 5-10 students. So grateful for what the Lord does through His will, through His saints! 

During our remaining time in Iquitos we have been able to share at several local churches, train pastors once a week from the local river communities and churches, share the Word on a local Christian radio station and we are praying about a young adult study on Mondays. Please also keep in prayer the people who we share the gospel with, that they would trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Well if you stayed to the end, you are a trooper.  Please keep us in prayer.  

Con mucho amor,

Ryan and Karen

Prayer Requests:

  1. People and churches to partner with us financially and physically 
  2. Pastors and Teachers who would like to come and teach block classes
  3. Someone who would like to teach English, they all want to learn
  4. Patience and perseverance, this is going to be an investment of time and resources 

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We Have Arrived

     We have arrived!  We landed down in Iquitos, Peru on March 17th.  It has been a wild 3 week ride for us here serving in the Amazon basin.  We are very excited to see what the Lord has in store as He has already given us great opportunities to minister in Iquitos and on the Amazon river.

     Two days after we arrived in Iquitos, a Calvary Chapel from Colorado held a conference for over 200 pastors from the river communities.  Some of these pastors spent days on small boats to get to the conference, it was amazing.  The conference was a great encouragement for the pastors and we were able to share briefly about the “Rios de Refugio” ministry the Lord has given us for the river communities.  We had over 150 pastors sign up from 40 different regions, asking us to come and teach the inductive Bible study method, identity in Christ and teach through 1 Timothy.  Very overwhelming and we know to temper expectations, but praise God, it’s a start.

     During the conference week we went to a local store to do some shopping.  We ran into an American missionary who started sharing with us about his ministry and the 9 years he has been serving in Iquitos.  His ministry is feeding kids from the local river communities.  After talking with him, we were invited to go with a group of Peruvian missionaries to Colombia and Brazil to teach the word in some indigenous areas.  It would be a ten day trip and their pastor was sick with dengue fever, so they needed someone to teach.  On the spot we committed and the next day at the end of the conference we were on our way with a group of strangers to some foreign countries to share God’s word, exciting!

     On our way up river on an 18 hour ferry ride, we met Cam Anderson whose parents had recently finished translating the Ticuna Bible after 70 years. He shared it with us and we were able to share with the pastors we ministered to in the river communities. It was a great blessing because the pastors only had the complete New Testament. Talk about God’s providence. We also met a tourist from France who was atheist and Ryan was able to share the gospel with him. Praise God for opportunities to share the love of Christ! 

     Our first stop was in Brazil where we took a small boat, a “peke peke”, about an hour down a small tributary to a village that was called “Tierra de Paz”. It was a small village of indigenous people who are called the Ticunas. They have their own tribal language but some spoke Portuguese as well. After spending 2 days in that area we went to another place called Philadelphia, this was another small town of Ticunas as well. We had a conference, were able to teach on multiple occasions, and did some programs for the kids. It was probably the toughest 10 days of our lives, everything in the jungle wants to eat you.  

We returned to Iquitos and have made many great contacts.  Pastor Manaces and Pastor Julio have been a great blessing.  We are currently scheduled to start the inductive Bible study training with 2 separate groups of 15 pastors and leaders.  We are starting on May 5th and are hoping by then we will have more pastors scheduled as well.  We are going to be teaching at a couple churches this week and sharing on a local radio station. I don’t know how the Lord does it, but He does. We have started a website called “Rios de Refugio”, “Rivers of Refuge”.  You can check out some of the pictures and stories we will be posting in the future. It is new, so there is not much there yet, but it will be a place you can stay updated throughout the month.  

Please pray for:

  1. Future purchase of property. We would like to purchase a small piece of ground to start a base for a school of ministry and for missionaries who would come down to minister.
  2. A vehicle for ministry.  A ministry truck will probably be in our future, as well as a boat.
  3. Missionaries who would like to come down and help in the labor.
  4. For the Lord to magnify himself through the ministry and teaching of His word.

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A Time of Waiting

Hey friends and family in Christ, we wanted to share a quick update about our whereabouts and goings on.  As you know we are waiting to leave from the states to Peru on March 16th.  So in the meantime we have been visiting different churches and our family as well.  

      We were blessed to be able to share at Calvary Chapel Rosedale in Bakersfield and got to catch up with my good friend Pastor Gil Garcia.  What a sweet fellowship and neat work the Lord is doing there.  Jaime Jimenez and his family always house us and definitely have the gift of hospitality.  From Bakersfield we flew up to our home church in Idaho, Calvary Chapel Hagerman.  Pastor Dion Douville and His wife Cindy have been such a great support for us over the years as well as many of our friends who are in fellowship there.  We love our church family and it was a great time to catch up.  

     We are currently in Folsom, California, visiting my brother and his family.  This Sunday we will be in L.A at Calvary Chapel Burbank sharing about our vision for ministry in Peru, as well as on the Amazon river as we prepare to disciple pastors and leaders.  We are so excited for this next step we are taking and we know the Lord has gone before us and is preparing the way.  Deut 1:29-31

Thank you so much for praying with us and supporting us through this venture of faith!

Ryan and Karen Gause

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New Adventures

Hola familia, hope this update finds you well and seeking the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  Our family has been blessed to be serving here in Mexico for the last 11 years.  The last 8 of those years we have enjoyed fellowship with our brothers and sisters here at Calvary Chapel Playas de Tijuana.  We have been blessed to see people come to Christ, transformed by Grace and walking in the Spirit. 

With all of that said, it breaks my heart, and warms my soul, to inform you that we have been called to go and train up pastors and leaders in Peru.  We are heading to the Amazon Basin.

Yes you heard that right, on March 16th we will be moving to Iquitos, Peru.   We have had Iquitos on our radar for about 2 years now and after going to visit, we realized why.  There is a great need for discipleship and training in the city and throughout the tributaries of the Amazon river. The city of Iquitos has a population of 500,000 people and it is the largest city in the world that cant be accessed by road.  It is also a point of access to a vast system of rivers on the mighty Amazon. This is where great opportunities await.

During our trip to Iquitos we were blessed to connect with a couple of pastors from Iquitos, Pastor Julio and Pastor Manaces.  As we spent time with them we began to share our vision for discipleship and training, of course this is their heart for the people as well.  One of the pastors said he had been praying for over 30 years for missionaries to come and disciple the tribal communities along the river. There has been a lot of evangelism along the river communities but it is difficult for people to stay and disciple the new believers. It is our heart to start a “School of Ministry” to train up local pastors and leaders so they can go back to their communities and disciple the people in their communities. During our time in the Peruvian Amazon we were able to meet local pastors and find out the needs of the people. The Lord has some wonderful servants doing the work of ministry!

Please pray for us as we will have the opportunity to share at a Calvary Conference in Iquitos.  The conference will be March 20-22.  We will be sharing about the School of Ministry and the classes that we will be giving.  We are hoping that God will open the hearts of the locals to be trained and strengthened in their faith. 

We are so thankful for your prayers and support. You are a blessing to us and to so many people. If you would like to partner with us financially click the link, or mail a check made out to SGWM with “Ryan Gause” in the memo line to 17451 Bastanchury Rd, Ste 203, Yorba Linda, CA, 92886.

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Eyes on the Prize

We have been very blessed over the years to serve our Savior here in Mexico. It is you who support us to whom much of the gratitude goes for the opportunities God has afforded us here in this great country we call our home.  As world events continue to darken the horizon, we know that our King is coming and His bride is waiting for the ultimate redemption. These things do not shake us, so we continue forward to the finish line. With these things in mind, we want to give you a quick update on ministry in Mexico and some things you can be praying for. 

     Our school of ministry, “Exodus”, has been progressing slowly.  In the last year we have had 3 men complete the program. Our hope is that we would have up to 12 men living at the school and working through the discipleship program.  We offer room and board, 3 college level bible studies during the week and an opportunity to learn a trade.  We have a missionary family that is currently teaching the men how to become mechanics, through their ministry, Manos 1855. They are also leading our marriage group for Calvary Playas. Our desire is to train the men spiritually and then give them a trade that might free them up to have a better income while increasing their freedom to serve the Lord or go plant a church.  Please pray for more students!

     Our fellowship at Calvary Playas continues to grow and we have been praying for a new building. Our children’s ministry has grown to the point where we have our youth outside on Sundays and need to build a divider in a classroom to accommodate the kids and their ages. The area we are living in has become expensive so we are praying for His provision as we possibly take a big step of faith in the coming year to relocate the church. Please pray for a location.

     We have a youth outreach March 25th, we will have about 50-70 kids coming and we are praying for these kids to commit their lives to Christ. From April 17-21st our fellowship will be heading out to Hermosillo on a mission trip to minister to the community and to the body of believers there as well. We have a women’s retreat coming up and a youth retreat. Please also keep church plant, Calvary Esperanza in prayer, as they just celebrated their first year anniversary. We are excited to see our brothers and sisters serve the Lord faithfully and by the power of His grace. Thank you for your love and continued support.

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God’s Faithfulness

Hello friends and family in Christ, hope you are well as we close in on the finish of another year of serving our Savior. What a blessed year it has been watching the Lord grow His bride and participating in her sanctification. We would like to share a recap on the things the Lord has been doing in our midst and some of the things we are looking forward to in the future.  

     This year Calvary Playas was blessed to plant a church in a local colonia here in Tijuana. Calvary Chapel Esperanza was born in an area called Granjas Familiares. It is an old farming area where families have been farming for decades.  It is very poor and not much of a farming community any more but was very much in need of a bible teaching church. We started out in a local park as Pastor Juan Quiroz organized events with Calvary Chapel Living Water out of Corona California. We started with bible study in the park, which grew into bible study in a local community center. Now they have their own place which is a renovated garage they are using for fellowship, with future plans for expansion. Thank you to Calvary Chapel Hagerman and all of the faithful men and women who have helped with the construction of this church plant. The Lord is so faithful.

     We have some exciting plans starting January 5, 2023.  A missionary family, John and Kimberly Kelley, have moved down to serve the Lord in training our men to do mechanical work on vehicles. The vision is that John will be teaching the men that come through the discipleship home basic skills in vehicle repair and restoration. It will be part of the year long discipleship commitment the men make.  Our hope is to train these men up spiritually as well as giving them a trade that they can use to support their families as they graduate from the program. John has rented a large piece of property and is preparing to build a shop.  We are super excited to see what the Lord is going to do through this wonderful ministry.

     Over the course of the last year Calvary Chapel Playas began a Men’s Discipleship Home in an area called Flores Magon. We began to rent a building with the hope of making it a place where men could come and grow in their faith and realize their calling.  Through much trial and patience, we have six men in the home and things are really starting to take shape. The men have bible studies in the morning, ministry duties during the day and service at night as well as during the week within the various ministries that take place. It is still a work in progress and we look forward to what the Lord will do through this ministry.

In November, Calvary Chapel Playas was blessed to help out with the children’s program for the Awaken Tijuana crusade put on by Awaken Las Vegas and Awaken Discipleship and Training Center in Tijuana. The first day of the event, medical and dental services were offered, clothes and food were handed out, haircuts and manicures were given and a children’s game and ministry center was offered. The second day was a concert and Gospel presentation. Praise God, many people were ministered to and heard the Gospel message.

     This past year our fellowship went on our first week-long mission trip to Calvary Viscaino.  There were 20 people who went on the 12 hour trip south down the Baja Peninsula.  What an incredible bunch of saints.  We were able to minister to the body of believers there at the fellowship. We helped do some construction on the property and were able to minister to 100 kids who were the children of migrant farmers. We played games with them, crafts, and had a gospel presentation. It was so wonderful as the kids loved and appreciated it very much. We were able to bless the women’s ministry with dinner and study, we helped at a feeding kitchen and served the men at a local christian rehabilitation center.  It was a great time to serve others outside the community and a great time to grow in our fellowship with one another.  Looking forward to the next mission trip.    

Thank you so much for your physical and spiritual support.  So much of what we are able to do is credited to your account for your faithfulness in our support on the mission field. We are looking forward to what the Lord is going to do over the course of the next year. Great things on the horizon. If you want to help out financially with the men’s home or want to plan a trip to come down to do ministry, our contact information is below.  Please keep our next outreach on December 3, in prayer, as we make meals to pass out and share the love of Jesus with the lost.  

“For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;”‭‭(Col. 1:9)‬ ‭

Blessings in His name,

Ryan and Karen

Click the link to find out how you can partner with us.


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Joy, Never Ending Joy

     In the presence of the Lord is the fullness of joy. Serving the saints at Calvary Playas continues to be a wonderful calling. The fellowship is growing in God’s grace, the Word continues to be the focus and the fruit is the faithfulness of the Body of Christ. Sundays we have two services at 9 and 11. The men and women continue to meet on Mondays for prayer as well as a marriage ministry. On Tuesdays a group of people share the gospel at a men’s and women’s rehab. We have a mid week study on Wednesdays. Church planting class on Thursdays and Youth group and Young adult study on Fridays. Once a month the ladies are doing a women’s breakfast and starting in July they will start a new Bible study for women. There are a lot of exciting things the Lord is preparing for the last half of the year.   

     It was a great blessing to go to Mexicali on a short two day mission trip with our brothers and sisters from Calvary Playas. There were about 20 of us in total and we went to serve at Calvary Oasis, about 4 hours from our home. It was a great time as we celebrated “Day of the Kid” by cooking up some food and inviting families to bring their kids for the festivities. Our group did games with the kids and focused on the Gospel of our great King! We are also looking forward to going down on a mission trip to Calvary Viscaino this October where we will be able to help reach out to the local community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

     We are looking forward to the Lord blessing the School of Ministry, Exodus Ministries, as we have been working out some of the details. We currently have 3 guys in the program and are praying for a maximum of 12. This June a family from Idaho will be coming down to join us by starting a mechanic training program and possibly some other job training programs in the future. John and Kimberley Kelley have a heart to disciple and train men and women. The plan is to have the men in the home be discipled through biblical teaching, physical training and spiritual service. Those that live in the school of ministry will have daily study, will serve in the local church plants and be trained with a life skill to earn a wage or possibly own their own business in the future.  

     Please keep Pastor Juan in prayer as he leads Calvary Chapel Esperanza, a local church plant and a growing body of believers. He has been blessed with an awesome building, but he has many needs. Praying for some sound equipment, chairs, and an electric acoustic guitar. The Lord is doing a neat work as they have new believers’ classes, a Calvary Distinctives class and are teaching some of the local children how to read.

As always, thank you for your continued support!  

“Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains, that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.” (‬Colossians 4:2-4‬)

With love,

Ryan and Karen Gause 

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God’s Reigns Even in Chaos

Even in the midst of chaos in the world, disease that doesn’t seem to want to leave and uncertainty of what the future may bring, the Lord maintains His position on the throne with everything under control.  Knowing that truth, the believer has such confidence that our mission on this planet, to lead people to Christ and train them for the work of ministry, will never change.  That being said, I would like to share some of the things that God is doing in the local body of Christ here at Calvary Chapel Playas de Tijuana.  

The Lord has been doing some exciting things as we have begun the second semester of our church planting course.  This semester we will focus on practical ministry.  Our hope is to prepare our future church planters with the ability to minister in areas of listening, biblical counseling, facilitating marriages and funerals, evangelizing and discipling.  We have 17 people in the class this semester which is an incredible blessing and responsibility. 

Last summer we began to do outreach and evangelizing in a local community called Granjas.  It is an area with a lot of crime, drugs and not much hope.  One week ago we officially opened the doors for Calvary Chapel Esperanza there in Granjas.  It is our first church plant and God has blown our minds.  We have been blessed with a building and children’s ministry area for 100 dollars a month.  Pastor Juan has a great team of brothers and sisters helping him as they minister to the community.  Along with Sunday services, they have an inductive bible study and teach a class on the Calvary Distinctives.

Seven months ago we were blessed to be able to rent a very large building to begin a School of Ministry.  It has been a slow process of renovating the building but we have five men living in the ministry home.  Their daily activities include bible studies in the morning, serving in church planting, teaching at rehab centers and serving in the local community.  It is a great place for men to grow and to understand their calling in ministry.

We want to praise the Lord that he has provided for us to serve Him in Mexico for 9 years now. How time flies!  It has been such a blessing and an incredible adventure.  We could not have done this without your faithful support, both financially and spiritually.  Thank you for your continued support as we serve the Lord in Mexico.

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