“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times”, as the infamous quote of Charles Dickens continues to contrast situations we face, within the reality we face them. For the born again saint, we face the darkness with light, we exercise faith in the midst of unbelievable situations. Dickens knew all too well the struggle and strife every believer faces, as he was a brother in Christ.
Although it has been a difficult year for all of us, to say the least, we have all seen the work that our Saviour is doing in our midst. As our family continues to be blessed to serve Jesus at Calvary Chapel Playas, Tijuana, we have seen just that, God at work in our midst. By the grace of God we only shut down having service for about 2 months, which allowed us to begin to post our bible teachings online. In turn, God used that as an opportunity to reach people we never would have reached. When we returned to in person services, we had families come that had been watching online, but we had never met. God is faithful!
We are blessed to have so many brothers and sisters in Christ who have obeyed the calling to faithfully serve. This past month Juanito and Rocio were called to lead the church outreach ministry and Karolina will be leading the children’s ministry.
There are many things you can be praying for as you support the ministry. Our evangelism team is going to begin having outdoor bible fellowship in a local community. Granjas Familiares is the colonia. Our hope is that we will be able to begin a home bible study and that eventually God would raise up a group of believers that will result in us renting a building to hold service. We are hoping to purchase some folding chairs, portable tents and tables. One of our greatest desires is to start a men’s and women’s discipleship home. We have been praying for a building to begin this ministry. We are praying that God will provide our physical and spiritual needs in the areas where He is leading us, as we know He will.
It has been a blessing to watch our fellowship minister to the homeless here in Tijuana. We have a great team of about 20 people who go out every Saturday to evangelize to the homeless. As a result, we have been privileged to assist men and women to get off the street and into discipleship homes where they can seek God. Every month, Calvary Chapel Living Water has been coming down to bless our fellowship with a day in the park. In June they came and we had an outreach to the homeless. We set up at a place called “las cuevas”, where many homeless live, and we worshipped the Lord in song, prayer and the Word. We ate and fellowshipped with the homeless as a few of them surrendered their hearts to the Lord
For our family it has been especially difficult to see our kids begin to leave the home and make their own life decisions. We are praying that God will have His way in their lives and lead them according to His will. Please continue to pray for our family as we are going through some very difficult times right now. Love hopes all things, believes all things! We thank you for your continued support and may God cause His light to shine upon you as you seek Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.