“…Who will go for Us?”

IsaiahIn Isaiah we have one of the most beautiful descriptions of the heavenly scene in scripture. We get a glimpse of God’s throne room and Isaiah’s heart.

Isaiah sees the Lord high and lifted up, the train of His robe filling the temple. He see and describes the seraphim as they are flying about the throne, covering their eyes, so as not to look upon the Lord, and covering their feet in the presence of the Lord, all the time crying “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord… the whole earth is filled with His glory.”

In the Lord’s presence Isaiah is confronted with who and what he really is, a man of unclean lips, an undone man, a sinner. But the Lord…how gracious is our Lord?…He allows a seraphim to take a coal from the alter to touch Isaiah’s mouth, which purges him of his sin.

Then Isaiah hears the voice of the Lord saying what I strongly believe was the imageslonging of his heart. “Whom shall I send, who will go for Us? I’m certain that Isaiah didn’t even think about it, he blurts out, “Here I am! Send me.” I believe because it had been Isaiah’s heart’s desire for many years before those words ever fell upon his ears, he didn’t have to give it a second thought. It was a dream come true for him, and as the fulfillment of the deepest longing of his being he responded from his heart, “Send me!”

As you know the Lord has opened a door of opportunity for our family. We have been invited to be part of the work in Exeter England. We will be working with college students, teaching and discipling them, leading out reaches, assisting Pastor Bob Claycamp with the work at Calvary Chapel Exeter. But that’s not all. There is a plan to start a new School of Ministry, which I will also be assisting with, geared towards raising up British men for positions of leadership with in churches across the south west of England. The school is slated to open this January.

The invitation to be part of the work in Exeter, to work with and disciple college aged adults is our hearts desire, and I strongly believe, our gifting.

We have applied for and have received our UK sponsorship number from the government, and now we are applying for our visas. We need $3500 for our visa application fee.

$20I would ask you to be part of sending us. If everyone who receives this update would donate just $20 towards our visa, we would have the money for it. That’s all it would take, twenty dollars. In fact, if everyone who receives this update would commit $20 a month, we would be fully funded for living in England and would not have to deal with the constant distraction of raising support, we could focus totally, without interruption, on sharing Christ’s love with those who need to hear it.

When we came to Europe to be part of the work the Lord told me He was going to do a something radical and asked if I wanted to be part of it. I feel like that is what He would say to you. He’s going to do a work in Exeter, a radical work that none us us could ever imagine, and I think He would ask you, do you want to be a part of it? I know if you had the chance to go, you’d get on a plane so fast it would make your hear spin. But since you’re not in that place, would you prayerfully consider sending us in your place?

If you know Tina and I at all, you know we’re not all about money, Tina and Gary 8/13we’re not living off others, we’re not raising money so we can live lavishly, but we need your help. Would you click the button that says, “Become a Financial Partner” and set up a regular monthly contribution of $10, $20 or $50? Join us in the work of bringing Christ and solid Bible teaching to the people of Exeter and south west of England. Be part of raising up men who can teach the Bible in churches which desperately need Bible teachers. And, be part of sharing with us in the joy of serving the Lord and in His rewards.

Finally, would you please share this update or repost it on your Facebook page? It will be a great help to us, or go to our web page and click on the “Like” button in the upper right of the post. It will allow that many more people to see what the Lord is doing and they go to the Lord and pray for us and the work ahead.

We always would love to hear from you. So let us know how you’re doing, and  how we can pray for you. It is a blessing for us to hear from you.

Thank you again for your continued faithful prayers. Your prayers are paving our way.

God bless,

Gary and Tina

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